450 hestefolk samlet til fælles spisning inden Følauktion Jylland

Stemningen var god og der var udsolgt til fælles spisning i den store hal på Vestbirk Ridecenter inden aftenens følauktion. Det hele var jo stablet på benene via en stor flok frivillige hjælpere, sammen med elever fra Vestbirk Efterskole.

Eftermiddagens præsentation forløb rigtig godt, og selvom det blot er 2 omgange til hvert føl, får man mulighed for at danne sig et ret godt indtryk, og jo i særdeleshed også værdifuldt idet der ikke var videoklip på alle føl i kollektionen. Generelt præsenterede alle føllene sig bedre LIVE end på video præsentationen, hvilket jo var yderst positivt. Faktisk var det kun et par stykker af føllene som var lidt præget af vækst på nuværende tidspunkt.

Det var en meget stor kollektion var klar til det købelystne publikum, og generelt var der rigtig god aktivitet og bud fra forskellige aktører i hallen.

Kvaliteten af føllene var generelt rigtig god, og DV avlerne i de tre regioner 4, 5 og 6 kan bestemt godt være stolte over deres avlsarbejde.

Aftenens dyreste føl blev ikke uventet solgt til Helgstrand Dressage, som var repræsenteret via Esben Møller som sikrede sig sidste bud på hingsteføllet Borgbjergs Victory e. Valverde - Tailormade Temptation - Michellino avlet af Jørn Dahl, Holstebro. Et føl med god størrelse, og som samtidig også viste rigtig god bevægelse i god balance. Det endelige bud blev kr. 225.000.

FEI Dressage World Ranking List Rules

FEI Dressage World Ranking List Rules

The FEI has been made aware of the social media posts published by Jessica von Bredow-Werndl (GER) on Thursday, regarding her return to competition from maternity leave.

While we fully understand her desire to compete, Ms von Bredow-Werndl clearly expressed her decision to avail of the maternity leave provisions set out in Article 2.2 of the FEI Dressage World Ranking List Rules in April 2022 and it was explained to Ms von Bredow-Werndl at the time that the minimum period of the maternity leave would be six months.

The FEI also informed the German Equestrian Federation at the time that, further to Ms von Bredow-Werndl’s decision, a note had been added to her profile confirming that she would not be competing during the six month period of her maternity leave.

Once an Athlete has chosen to apply for medical/maternity leave under Article 2.2 of the FEI Dressage World Ranking List Rules, and has benefited from the provision allowing for the retention of 50% of the ranking points from the corresponding six months of the previous year, it is not possible for the Athlete to subsequently change their mind.

The procedures currently in place for Athletes applying for medical/maternity leave are to protect the fairness and integrity of the sport. Any recalculation of the Dressage Rankings could have a significant impact on other Athletes.  

The FEI will undertake a review of the medical/maternity leave Rules for the future, and will liaise with the riders’ clubs (IJRC, IDRC) and the wider equestrian stakeholder groups.

Klar til lørdagens auktion på Vestbrik Ridecenter

Der er lagt op til den store avlerfest når Vestbirk Ridecenter åbner dørene for efterårets følauktion imorgen lørdag. Hvis ikke du allerede har tjekket kollektionen ud, så er rigtig mange af føllene nu opdateret med videoklip.

Se hele kollektionen her.


Link til streaming finder du her.

Some thoughts about the 6 year old World Championships

Time for bringing in the technical scores for the 6 year old horses

It´s a huge jump from doing the 5 year old test stepping up to 6 year old level, and when watching the finals the top of the 6 year old final were pure light and easy riding.

Is it time for bringing the technical scores like for the 7 year old horses, I think so. Because when following the judging for the 6 year old final, there were more times where the technical part was taken much to much into consideration for the marks of each gait, and included in both submission and perspective marks.


There are of course many aspects taken into consideration when judging the World Championships for Young Horses, and from H2R point of view the PERSPECTIVE mark is actually where you should be able to see which horses are for the future of our sport.

At the World Championships the perspective mark deserves to be the place where the judges gives their comments and marks for the future Grand Prix horse and therefore judged with at least coefficient 2.

The marks did not follow the comments

Lightning Star by Ferguson / De Niro ridden by Kirsten Brouwer, lots of power with fire of the ground movements. For the technical part it was just three steps for the half pass left where the mare gets a bit tense and becomes a bit too high in the neck. But the swinging, self carriage, eager to go forward, balance for the turns and natural uphill tendency look like the exact way you would like it for the future, and said that the transition to walk is back on the hindlegs catching the clear active walk rhythm from the first step with good walk pirouettes and good quality of the canter. The first flying change is a bit hind the aides, 2nd good, in the counter canter left the mare see the cameraman and stops, but Kirsten manage to continue and show the next flying change without any issues. This top mare finished 8th in the ranking for the final.

Some of the judges comments were: “The trot was like a clock work very bouncy, when you think of going further you can already guess a little of passage (and here the judges takes a minor technical issues into consideration which is negatively reflected by the trot score of just 8,8!) The walk was good in the over track with good reach of the shoulders and could have been a little clearer when you bought him (it´s a her) back for the walk pirouettes 7,9 (is it really for such a huge deduction in the walk mark? not really!) the canter has a lot of spring and elasticity, looked easy to collect, really quick bouncing of the ground as well, you prepared all the lateral work very well, the transitions were nice, “he” was frighten for one little moment, we didn´t want to kill him for that (but they definitely did with just and 8,0! for submission), the perspective for this horse willing to work for you and with you is an 8,8.”

Before the 5 year old finals today with a look back into top 3 at the preliminary round

World Championships for Young Horses must be the “window” for the future of dressage

You just feel the enthusiasm and excitement at the event in Ermelo. Everyone participating has been selected to represent their country or/and breeding society.

When you go to your local regional young horse qualifiers, it has always been the place where you get the chance to show the good moving well balanced youngster and win. But going to the World Championships must be a clear step up towards the biggest goals in our sport, the Grand Prix.

As a rider, a breeder, and an owner this is THE PLACE where the qualities from all three gaits, abilities and PERSPECTIVE should crown the new young horse World Champions.

The highlights among the 5 year old horses

The preliminary round was counting 44 horses. Focusing on top 3 for a start with 3 top riders, the winner Frederic Wandres one of Germanys absolute most successful riders at the moment in the sport. Wandres showed an enormous stallion by Fürst Romancier and the judges loved what they saw - a big mover very professional presented. Did the judges actually find the next World Champion?

H2R is definitely not a highly trained judges or a top rider, but where was the lightness, the ability and not least the potential? Maybe it’s time for bringing in the test rider as a part of the finals?

Placed second Vitalos with top young horse rider Leonie Richter. A young horse is always in development and for this stallion Vitalos he is at the moment (might just be for a short period - time will show) weak in his left canter, but nevertheless for a clear 9,0!

Placed 3rd Victoria Vallentin with the black mare Lyngbjergs St Paris. When the harmony, lightness and PERSPECTIVE comes together. It was written all over THIS IS A POTENTIAL GRAND PRIX HORSE and correct scored for the gaits, but the score for the perspective was 8,8!

Bring on the finals today!

52 føl er klar til DV auktionen den 17. september på Vestbirk Ridecenter

Katalog nr. 46 - hoppeføl e. Asgard´s Ibiza / Gribaldi / Temple Wind XX

Stor opbakning fra avlerne til den kommende følauktion

Region 4, 5 og 6 står bag auktion Følauktion Nord-Syd, og med 52 tilmeldte føl er der lagt op til en stor auktion, hvor rigtig mange føl formegentlig vil finde nye ejere.

Det er ved at være sidst på sæsonen, nogle af føllene har været på DV´s følskue, og ellers nydt en lang tør sommer på græs.

Kollektionen tæller spændende afstamninger. Der er allerede en del videoer på føllene, og flere vil komme til løbende, så hold øje med kollektionen.

Auktionen vil blive livestreamet via Zibrasport, så man også kan afgive bud hjemme fra sofaen, hvis ikke man sidder i hallen på Vestbirk Ridecenter.

Hvis du ønsker at afgive telefonbud, skal du kontakte Mette Hansen på mail metteulf@live.dk eller telefon 60461377 for registering inden auktionen.

Se kollektionen her.

VIDEOS - Bundeschampion 3 year old stallions Vogue and 3 year old mares & geldings Elvissa

Winner 3 year old stallions Vogue by Vitalis / Fidertanz - rider Leonie Richter

Some comments from the judges:

Big framed, lot of look, spacious trot in good tact, for today´s turns not fully balanced, nice energy from hind over the back, the canter was big and spacious for a 10, nice transitions, walk lack bit activity need bit more search for the hand, 2-3 breaks into canter maybe not 100% into the riders hands today, not fully balanced.

Click here to watch the test.

Winner 3 year old mares & geldings - Elvissa by Escamillo / Wolkentanz I - rider Jessica Lynn Thomas

Some comments from the judges:

This is fun to get the chance to judge a horse like her. The trot with tact and swinging through the body no matter what tempo, dynamic of the ground, well balanced, as we don´t see that often, a clear 10, canter well balanced no matter if straight og curved track, unfortunately not possible with 12, but it´s a 10, walk clear in the rhythm, could show more out through the shoulder,

Click here to watch the test.

VIDEO - Bundeschampions Sunday 6 year old Maxi Kraft´s Barcelo OLD bred by 🇩🇰Danish Stutteri Atterupgaard

Bundeschampion Maxi Kraft´s Barcelo OLD by Bon Coeur / Caprimond, bred by 🇩🇰Stutteri Atterupgaard - rider Tessa Frank

Earlier this year Tessa and Barcelo were qualified for the Bundeschampionate with a super score of 8,6, and they also took part in the German Young Horse selection for World Championships, but were not selected. Yesterday they won the very prestigious Bundeschampion Title for the 6 year old horses.

They came from the qualifier Thursday with at 4th place in the second part with a total score of 8,2.

Barcelo is out of one of Denmark´s most successful dam lines, as the dam Atterupgaards Dicte is full sister of international top horse Atterupgaards Cassidy, and Dicte is dam of no less than 4 licensed stallions and many medal mares.

Some of the comments from Dr. Dietrich Plewa:

Dynamic horse with lots of elasticity for the trot, the working trot could be presented a bit more fresh and forward, very spacious, powerful of the ground from behind, keeping the same cadence at turned lines, walk with super 4-beat, tiny trend of marching in front, very good through the body with clear active hind legs, 100% clear beat between the walk pirouettes, highlight was the big spacious canter with huge potential for collection and uphill. Very good at the riders aides, lovely well balanced, high basic qualities and educated correct according to the scale of education.

Click here to watch the test.

Michael Søgaard til Hulbækgaard

Nyhed på Hulbækgaard Facebook

Familien og teamet her på Hulbækgaard byder Michael hjertelig velkommen!

Det er et glædeligt gensyn som vi har set meget frem til 😊

Michael blev tilbage i 2003 ansat på Hulbækgaard, og har sammenlagt været ansat i 11 år. I disse år uddannede Michael Sofie Fortuin Jeppesen, hvor de sammen opnåede adskillige sejre nationalt som internationalt.

Guld til DM i 2002-2004-2006 og 2012 for pony, junior, Young-Rider og U25-Grand Prix. Sølv og Bronze medaljer til NM og EM individuelt samt for hold. Vinder af U25-Grand Prix i München samt guld for hold i Aachen sammen med Nanna Merrald.

Michael blev og er en god ven af familien, og vi har bevaret det gode samarbejde igennem alle årene.

Til daglig vil Michael bidrage med udvikling af ryttere og heste, hvilke vi glæder os rigtig meget til.

VIDEOS - New bundeschampions 4 year old stallions, 5 year old and 7 year old

Winner 4 year old San To Alati by Secret / Belissimo M - rider Marieke Mimberg

Some of the comments from the judges:

In trot good swinging active from behind, nice uphill, secure extension well balanced transitions, canter nice closed from hind alway uphill, well balanced, the walk in clear rhythm, nice freedom from the shoulders with good over track, nice search to the rider hand.

Winner 5 year old Final Dream by Franziskus / Weltmeyer - rider Kira Ripphoff

Some of the comments from Dr. Dietrich Plewa:

In the trot with swing and elasticity not really possible to imagine any better trot, natural uphill with good shoulder freedom and expression, the walk is with secure beat and rhythm, clean and very practical, canter is uphill and secure with good three beat rhythm, extensions are without being hurried, with good abilities to take weight with very active hind legs, super in the contact with nice quiet mouth, very supple.

Click here to watch the test.

Winner 7 year old Dos Amigos OLD by Dimaggio x Sir Donnerhall I - rider Leonie Richter

Some of the comments from Dr. Dietrich Plewa:

A horse with super elasticity and swinging through the body, very nice suppleness, at the beginning the walk was very impressive through the body, just between the walk pirouettes you could ask for a bit more clear beat, canter clear in three beat, uphill, and here by the 7 year old test you can really see if the horse is able to sit and take weight on the hind quarters, both canter pirouettes very nicely on the hind quarters with good carriage.

Technical score 75,897%

Trot 9,0 - walk 7,5 - canter 9,0 - submission 8,5 - overall impression 9,0 - total 8.6

Total score 80,949%

Click here to watch the test.

VIDEO - Sissel Bille Jakobsen med Duné Nec er klar til UVM debut

Klar til træning - Gunilla, Sissel og Duné Nec

En flot sensommer formiddag på sidelinien med Sissel Bille Jakobsen og den 6-årige DV vallak Duné Nec inden de tager hul på en spændende UVM uge. (e. Hesselhøj Donkey Boy / De Noir, avlet af Nana Eckardt og ejet af Sissel Bille Jakobsen).

Hvem er Sissel Bille Jakobsen?

32 år, fuldtidsrytter, mor til to drenge på 4 og 5 år og gift på 8. år med Michael som tækkemand.

Parret bor på ejendommen Enghavegård i Hoptrup ved Haderslev, hvor Bille Dressage hører hjemme. En ejendom som parret er i fuld gang med at bygge op fra bunden, hvor ridehus og stald allerede er fuldt fungerende, men hvor stuehuset pt. er en campingvogn hvor den lille familie bor. Stedet huser 25 heste hvoraf størsteparten er Sissels egne, som hun oftest køber ind som føl, ligesom det også var tilfældet med Duné Nec. I flokken af heste finder man også Duné´s helbror som er 3 år. Ridningen af hestene klarer Sissel sammen med en ansat, og derudover har de 3 medhjælpere.

Klar til UVM debut med flot sæson

Dagens træningspas var henlagt til Vøjstrup på Fyn, nærmere bestemt hos Sissels træner gennem de sidste 2 år Gunilla Nyman. Samarbejdet mellem de to kom i stand efter et kursus hvor Gunilla havde undervist og Sissel redet med. Sissel var efterfølgende kommet til Gunilla, og havde spurgt hende om hun ikke ville lære hende at ride RIGTIGT. Ikke at Sissel ikke kunne ride, for hun har tidligere været succesfuld både som ponyrytter og juniorrytter, men altid som en slags autodidakt, og følte at nu var tiden inden til at få rystet posen og få lært grundridningen rigtig fra bunden. Et samarbejde som begge parter er super glade for, og hvor Gunilla ofte også tager turen til Haderslev, da stalden hos Sissel jo har mere end to heste, som der jo kun er plads til i traileren når turen går til Fyn.

Egentlig var ekvipagen også klar til 5 års iagttagelse sidste år, men både Sissel og Gunilla var enige om, at de godt kunne have gavn af lidt mere erfaring inden evt. UVM udtagelse.

Rejsen sammen med Duné Nec har foreløbig budt på masser gode og succesfulde oplevelser, i år med bl.a. sejr i championatskvalifikationen i Billund, sejr i den indledende klasse til Falsterbo Horse Show, og nu venter karrierens absolutte højdepunkt med UVM i Ermelo i næste uge.

Hvis ikke du kan se videoen herunder findes linket også her.