Personal Best with 83,369%
Personal best on the scoreboard is of course fantastic, but getting into the details today´s performance was more than a Personal best, it was hours and hours of work and refinement of details that all came together today.
Before today 16 yr old super mare Mount St. John Freestyle and Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour already made headllines with super performances. The tack tick from Cathrine and Kyra could have been a kind of easy start for today´s Grand Prix, but from first step it definitely looked like a very determined Cathrine. 100% focus and sharpness from both rider and horse, nothing was left and at the same time still room for small improvements, but scoring massive 83,369% with 10 x 10 means exercises to perfection. From the harmony perspective this was a clear 10, lovely outline all the way, suppleness, soft contact, balanced, close mouth, steady tail, attentive and at the same time powerful.
Asking Cathrine after her performance how to improve like today: “Since Top 10 in Stockholm we´ve been working on the small details in order to try to improve, and as I already had the best freeling from the warm up I was smiling all the way. I think we all love when things really succeed and this was definitely my feeling today. Free is really starting to let go in there and dancing with me all the way in a supple obidident and smooth way which makes my job clearly much more like supporting and not asking for the next exercise.”
From the “sideline” this performance showed how a partnership between horse and rider can get into one unit.
When your passion and love goes in direcction dressage Cathrine and Free are definitely dressage hero´s.