4 🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰Danish combinations ready for Lövsta TOP 10 in Stockholm

When the prestigious 5* Swedish competition comes up next weekend it is with full house from Denmark, as Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour is placed 2nd at FEI World Ranking, Carina Cassøe Krüth is no 5, Daniel Bachmann Andersen is no 9 and Nanna Merrald is no 10.

Nanna will not participate as she already planned holiday next weekend, instead Andreas Helgstrand will be at start.


Saturday 26 November at 11 am - Grand Prix - total price money 100.000 SEK (about 9.100 euro)

Sunday 27 November at 10.30 am - Grand Prix freestyle - total price money 2.400.000 SEK (about 218.000 euro)

Live stream

There will be full live stream via this link, with a price of about 23 euro a day.

Updated entries for Lövsta TOP 10

  • 🇩🇪Jessica von Bredow-Werndl, GER

  • 🇩🇰Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour, DEN

  • 🇳🇱Dinja van Liere, NED

  • 🇩🇪Isabell Werth, GER

  • 🇩🇰Carina Cassöe Krüth, DEN

  • 🇩🇰Daniel Bachmann Andersen, DEN

  • 🇩🇰Andreas Helgstrand, DEN

  • 🇩🇪Benjamin Werndl, GER

  • 🇸🇪Patrik Kittel, SWE

  • 🇸🇪Therese Nilshagen, SWE


3 Trakehner top stallions for the upcoming licensing and auction 1 - 3 December

1 - 3 December with licensing and auction

Holsten Halle in Neumünster will again this year be the place to be to watch the best Trakehner horses.

Stallion licensing, crowning of the best mare, auction of riding horses, broodmares and stallions, final of riding championships, show and much more during the three days.

It will be possible to follow the event LIVE at Clipmyhorse.

H2R top prices for the auction:

No 11 - TSF Dalera BB look a like

No 26 - Supple, modern, uphill with interesting sport horses from the same dam line.

No 38 - Impressive and supple mover with very nice angle from behind.

Here you find the entire collection.


KWPN stallion pre-selection comes up 29 November to 3 December

Double World Champion KWPN stallion Kjento is represented with 13 sons for KWPN pre-selection - photo credit: Timo Martis

250 young stallions ready for KWPN pre-selection

The ultimate possibilities to check out the quaities from some of the most used stallions in Europe.

Le Formidable at top of the list of the young stallion with 26 sons, 20 son by Jameson RS2 and 13 sons by Kjento.

Among the older stallions Glock´s Toto Jr. is at top of the list with 15 sons.

The entire pre-selection will be available to follow via Clipmyhorse.

Here you find detailed schedule for the pre-selection days.


VIDEOS - Spanish PRE young horse champions 2022

Rondo de Indalo and Alejandro Sanchez del Barco - photo: Maria Aspron/SICAB

Top 3 by 4 year old

Verso de Susaeta overall winner (full brother of Poeta de Susaeta), but Rondo de Indalo, son of Poeta de Susaeta (bronze position) clear winner of the final as he showed a lot of tensions in the preliminary test.

5 year old winner (winner of both preliminary and final)

6 year old winner (winner of both preliminary and final)

7 year old winner (both preliminary and final)


Pura Raza Espanol World Championships has started today with preliminary young horse classes

Spanish Young Horse Championships

Bloodlines are kind of a religion for the Spanish Pura Raza Espanol horses, and you really need not to make any conclusions as it could easily be a step into “very deep water”. Said that with kind of experience from watching the Warmblood breeding for many years, you just want to see the best moving horses with the best potential.

4 year old

The preliminary class for the 4 year old showed a significant improvement of the walk. The walk has for many years been the weakest basic gait for the PRE horses, but this class looked very different. In general the trot is expressive with lot of activity in the front legs and from the best here also with a nice angle and push from behind. Canter is the overall weak point, but again from the top, shared first place and two of the three placed next as no 3 (without Primero de Mesa from H2R point of view) the basic gaits were really good.

Interesting to watch two offsprings by the stallion Timbal YET, both modern type and very well moving by the 4 year old.Likewise one of the participants for 6 year old qualifier Brandy YET by Timbal YET, also modern and well moving. Remember the name Rondo de Indalo with World Championship rider Alejandro Sanchez del Barco - a super expressive top mover, unfortunately today with to much tension.

The stallion Timbal YET is by the very famous Utrerano VII which is the sire of over 150 stallions among them former international top dressage stallion Fuego de Cardenas with Juan Manuel Muñoz Diaz.

Winner of 5 year old qualifier was international top rider José Antonio Garcia Mena with Lclunon de Trujillo. The big bay stallion was well moving in all three gaits with a surplus for the canter with good balance and quality, the walk was ground covering and in a good rhythm, the trot was with good expression the collected trot was lacking bit more strength and carriage while the extensions were good and well balanced.

The top of the 6 year old class was showing good qualities with a clear winner Pampero FS ridden by former PRE World Champion Alberto GARCÍA-BRIÑÓN MARTÍN. Well balanced performance and common for the top of the 6 year old class was very nice canter quality og good quality of the flying changes.

Here you find the link for start lists and results.


14 young 2,5 year old geldings ready for next Van Olst Sales Online

In the new collection of horses in the Van Olst Sales Online auction you'll find a group of 14 geldings who are all 2,5 years old. Here's an opportunity to buy a special young horse out of the Van Olst Horses breeding program.

All the horses have been handled for a few weeks, but other then that are still completely green.

If you like to know more about them please check www.vanolstsales.online


VIDEOS - Blue Hors Don Olymbrio with Nanna Merrald with strong comeback performances on home soil

Winner of both CDI3 Grand Prix and Grand Prix freestyle

Enjoy both tests here below.

It is actually 1 year since they´ve been showing together, and Nanna also told after her Grand Prix that there were many nice things and still a lot to improve.

For the freestyle it was brand new music with a nice choreography, but for more moments Don O looked a bit overexcited for the piaffe tours.


VIDEO - Vayron & Daniel Bachmann Andersen with their CDI3 75,532% Grand Prix Special debut at Blue Hors

Next top horse for Daniel Bachmann Andersen

This weekend Danish team World Champion Daniel Bachmann Andersen made his international debut together with 11 year old stallion Vayron by Vitalis / Gloster, owned by Sandra and Rudolf Spiekermann.

It was definitely something special from watching the training Thursday evening. Friday´s international Grand Prix debut became with some really highlights, but also a lot of extras with kind of mixed up excitements.

The plan for the Grand Prix Special was clear from trainer Nathalie zu Sayn-Wittgenstein and rider Daniel Bachmann Andersen, a very relaxed warm up and keeping the big Vayron in a kind of “low gear” in order to try to performe without mistakes - missing completed. “We have lots of extraordinary qualities to show, but for now this was our plan”, Daniel told after the victory.

From the sideline it was mostly like the 77,5% test from Danish judge at M Kurt Christensen - judge for yourself here below.

Link here or below.


VIDEO - Når tingene går op i en højere enhed

Vinder af national Grand Prix på Blue Hors fredag UNO Day Sun og Kenneth Damgaard

Berider Kenneth Damgaard har lavet hele arbejdet siden han overtog den smukke sorte guldmedaljehoppe UNO Day Sun e. UNO Don Diego / Blue Hors Rosoff som 4 års.

Den nu 9-årige Grand Prix hoppe som i daglig tale hedder Dolly, har haft en uddannelsesmæssig historie som kan give de fleste ryttere grå hår, under vejs med udfordringer som har krævet ekstra kreativitet. Kenneth har hele tiden haft troen på den laksorte hoppe, som jo har vist høj kvalitet gennem hele sin uddannelse, og da Kenneth samtidig har haft fuld opbakning under vejs fra avler og ejer Joan Andreasen, var glæden naturligvis ekstra stor efter lørdagens første nationale Grand Prix sejr.

Ekvipagen har været med fremme i championaterne og har haft en imponerende karriere i lille tur, hvor parret sluttede værdigt af med dobbelt sejr til det internationale stævne i Kristianssand i Norge tilbage i april måned i år. Derefter stod træningen på Grand Prix, hvor den største udfordring har været at kunne få lov at hjælpe Dolly når Kenneth var i sadlen, da hun har været rigtig fin til at piaffere ved hånd, fortæller Kenneth. Det var blot parrets 4. start i Grand Prix.

Nyd ekvipagens flotte Grand Prix sejr herunder.

Link til video her.


Klimke clinches spectacular victory in Stuttgart

German riders simply swamped the opposition on home ground at the third leg of the FEI Dressage World Cup™ 2022/2023 Western European League in Stuttgart today led by horsewoman extraordinaire, Ingrid Klimke.

The daughter of Dressage legend Reiner Klimke is best known as a five-time Olympian and multiple championship medallist in the sport of Eventing. But the 54-year-old athlete who competes in all three equestrian Olympic disciplines demonstrated her exceptional talent when pinning her compatriot and five-time FEI Dressage World Cup™ champion, Isabell Werth, into second place while the remainder of the German contingent lined up behind them.

Having dominated in yesterday’s Grand Prix, the last five starters in today’s Freestyle were all from the host nation and Frederic Wandres went into the lead when putting 81.580 on the board with a lovely performance from the 12-year-old Bluetooth OLD when fifth-last to go. But Klimke immediately demoted him when next in with the fabulous Franziskus FRH.

On fire

The 14-year-old stallion was on fire from the outset, his entrance already racking up big scores, and the pair who competed on Germany’s bronze-medal-winning team at this summer’s ECCO FEI World Championships at Herning in Denmark put 83.440 on the board to go way out in front.

“Franziskus is 14 years old now but is still improving. Since Herning he seems to be enjoying himself even more and making more progress. He was so calm and listening to me today and his two-tempi changes on the centreline were amazing as well as the last piaffe on the turn and the extended trot at the very end”, Klimke said.

That extended trot was executed with just one hand on the reins and the crowd loved every moment of it.

"I’m so happy and the spectators were fantastic! They were cheering like we won before we even went in!"

Ingrid Klimke (GER)

she said with a laugh afterwards.

She was followed by Tokyo 2020 team gold medallist Dorothee Schneider riding the 14-year-old gelding Faustus who put 80.290 on the board, and then compatriot Benjamin Werndl partnering Daily Mirror whose minor error in the two-tempis was followed by wonderful one-tempi changes for the second-best score to date of 81.885.


But the crowd were in a frenzy of excitement as the last pair took their turn. Isabell Werth is such a showgirl and is adored by dressage fans wherever she goes. At home that adoration reaches a whole new level, and the atmosphere in the packed Stuttgart stadium as she began her test with DSP Quantaz was electrifying. 

To the sound of Bonnie Tyler the 53-year-old superstar threw down a great performance despite a blip in a canter pirouette and the two-tempi changes. The tension as her score was being calculated was palpable, and although 82.030 would leave her behind Klimke in pole position she was quite happy.

“My horse was electric tonight but was still very much focused and gave his best. The music makes me happy and I think it works for the public as well".

"Ingrid rode a beautiful mistake-free test tonight and I did not. This makes the difference and I am not disappointed at all. I should have ridden better with no mistakes to win. This is the sport"

Isabell Werth (GER)

said the lady who looks well set to chase down her sixth title at the FEI Dressage World Cup™ Final in Omaha (USA) next April and who has qualifying legs in Basel (SUI) and Amsterdam (NED) in January in her sights. 

The top nine finishers in the Western European League will make the cut to the 2023 Final.

No expectations
Delighted with her result, Klimke said this evening, “I drove here with no expectations, I would have been happy being fifth!” With additional points for a win at the qualifier in Zakrzow in Poland two weeks ago she has now rocketed up to second place on the Western European League leaderboard, just ahead of Werth who is just three points behind in third but 10 points adrift of Benjamin Werndl at the head of affairs.

Klimke now plans to compete at the qualifying legs in London (GBR) in December and then Amsterdam (NED), Neumunster (GER) and possibly ’s-Hertogenbosch (NED) in the new year. 

Asked how tonight’s victory compares to the many successes she has enjoyed in the sport of Eventing she said “of course if you win at Aachen (GER) or Luhmuehlen (GER) it’s also very, very exciting. I finished fifth in Burghley (GBR) and have done lots of other wonderful things but competing indoors is different and I like it a lot. When I was younger I watched my father doing it and tonight brought memories of him back for me. This was very special night…..”, she said.




Michael Søgaard med Jukebox vinder af Bundgaard x Trolle Cup (Inter I)

Michael Søgaard og Jukebox igen øverst på podiet

Den 11-årige vallak Jukebox e. Jazz / Rubinstein I, avlet af Jytte Kolster tog igen i dag en sejr til stævnet på Blue Hors.

Fredag morgen vandt Michael Søgaard og Jukebox den nationale Prix St. Georg klasse med 72,193%. Den succes kunne parret bringe med til dagens Intermediaire I med endnu en sejr på 73,333%. Parret levede en teknisk fejlfri tur med god power hele turen, under vejs kunne man godt ønske sig lidt mere tydelig selvbæring. Placeret som nr. 2 blev Jan Møller Christsensen med HANN hingsten Romeo, mens Anita Duus og Atterupgaards Kingston slutter som nr. 2

Desværre blev det med frafald af Eternity og Anne-Mette Strandby Hansen, da hun opgav i den første øgning hvor Eternity var tydelig urent gående.

Placerede ekvipager:


Uddannelse af de næste verdensmestre


Hvordan uddanner VM 2022 guldvinderne i dressur deres næste verdensmester?

Få et indblik i hvordan de fire danske ryttere; Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour, Nanna Skodborg Merald, Carina Cassøe Krüth og Daniel Bachmann Andersen arbejder med deres heste på vejen mod nye store mål. 

Hverdagen kalder igen selv efter en VM guldmedalje. Dansk Varmblod er både stolte af og meget glade for at kunne præsentere guldvinderne fra VM 2022 til en spændende aften med clinic, hvor de fire ryttere hver især medbringer en hest under aftenens tema “Uddannelse af de næste verdensmestre”.

Hver rytter har sit eget system i uddannelsen af den næste Grand Prix hest, og når man som de fire verdensmestre allerede har lavet en verdensmester, er det naturligtv at man forsøger at følge den vej igen. Et hurtigt kig på toppen af verdensranglisten viser også, at de bedste ryttere selv producerer deres topheste. 

Til onsdagens clinic vil de fire ryttere tage os med på en mini rejse ud i uddannelsen af deres næste tophest, som jo også omhandler de bump på vejen, som alle ryttere møder, uanset hvilket niveau man rider på, og ikke mindst den dag, hvor man knækker koden, og udfordringen bliver til en wow-fornemmelse.

Det handler i sidste ende om at bygge et helt særligt partnerskab op, hvor rytteren formår at udnyttet hestens potentiale optimalt og i rigtig mange situationer også at være i stand til at flytte grænser og ydeevne hos både sig selv og hesten. 
Verdensmestrene vil fremvise hestene i Jyske Bank Boxen, hvor de undervejs vil fortælle om deres vej med den næste Grand Prix hest; Udfordringerne, delmålene, timingen, og hvornår man kan mærke, at det her bliver stort.

Aftenens moderator Charlotte Mogensen fra Horse2rider vil være klar med spørgsmål under vejs, ligesom også publikum får mulighed for at stille spørgsmål og få direkte svar hos verdensmestrene. 

Direktør for Dansk Varmblod Casper Cassøe Krüth glæder sig naturligvis over, at det danske VM guld team er klar til en aften, hvor de fire ryttere vil tage os alle sammen med på rejsen mod nye store mål. “Det er jo enestående at kunne præsentere det danske guld team fra sommerens VM i Herning til en aften, hvor vi får lov at stifte bekendtskab med ”måske” de næste verdensmester-heste, og hvor rytterne vil give os et indblik i den lange rejse omkring UDDANNELSEN AF DE NÆSTE VERDENSMESTRE”, udtaler Casper.


Førstedagen til Blue Hors Dressurfestival

Anne Marie Hosbond og Scarlett placeret som nr. 2 i Intermediaire II klassen

En stille og grå torsdag eftermiddag med starten på Blue Hors Dressurfestival 2022, hvor der jo er ideelle betingelser for både heste og ryttere på det smukke Blue Hors.

Dagen var startet med en stor MB2 klasse med 29 startende ekvipager, hvor man jo fra første ekvipage havde mulighed for at følge med via livestreaming på Zibrasport Equest, og hvor man iøvrigt kan følge med fra alle weekendens klasser.


MA1 klassen var med 17 startende og set fra sidelinien med klar sejr til Desperada og Jane Serup Jensen. En flot og harmonisk ekvipage som leverede en teknisk fejlfri tur. Under vejs kunne man dog godt have ønsket sig lidt mere go i travturen, da tempoet var blevet skruet lidt for langt ned i den samlede trav.

Placeret som nr. 2 bliver den rutinerede ekvipage Elisabeth Cecilie Bonefeld-Dahl med Don Furioso. Cecilie rider som en af de få ryttere i klassen på trense. (Som iøvrigt set med H2R øjne giver meget mere mening end at ride på kandar på det her niveau). Parret viser en solid tur, men savner highlights og mere udtryk under vejs.

Nr. 3 med Lea Dyre Jespersen og Lykkesholm Duel e. Blue Hors Don Olymbrio / Liberty Dane, avlet af Helle S. Merrald, ud af samme hoppestamme som Nanna Merralds første Grand Prix hest Millibar. En hest som medbringer en fantastisk galop med stærke aktive bagben, som giver highlights i galopturen med flotte serier og super pirouetter. Desværre savner man mere smidighed i ganascherne og blødhed i siderne under vejs.

Dagens nr. 4 Donnerhall´s Son II med Camilla Lunderskov lignede bestemt en klar placering som nr. 2 da det er klart en tur med hesten på bagparten og med god kontakt hele vejen. Et kig på pointgivningen bliver dog alene 6,5 - 7,0 niveauet hele vejen.

Lige udenfor placeringerne finder vi Cristian Tudela Ruiz med Blue Hors Dillon. En imponerende og velgående hest, hvor travturen fungere godt men hvor der opstår noget miskommunikation i galopturen.

Alexandra Buchreitz har hænderne fulde med den udtrykfulde og velgående hoppe China Skovvang. Skønt at se der er go og vilje til at arbejde med, men på dagen bliver der desværre for mange spændinger.

Intermediaire II

Rutinerede Sanne Henningsen og Atterupgaards Berlucchi tog sejren, hvor Sanne får vist en teknisk rigtig solid tur, og frem for alt får præsenteret Berlucchi i en let og konstant kontakt, som også giver hende mulighed for at kunne lægge til og trække fra under vejs uden modstand.

Upcomings med 2 x UNO

Blandt de “nye” finder man dagens næste 4 ekvipager. Anne-Marie Hosbond og Scarlett viser at de kan være med helt fremme når styrken også kommer på plads. Det der fanger øjet her er kvalitet i alle øvelser, og frem for alt regelmæssigheden, specielt når man stiller skarpt på passage og piaffe med tilhørende overgange.

Anna Zibrandtsen og UNO Don Olympic entrerede Inter II niveauet med en stærk tur. WOW de passer så flot sammen. Super flot i kontakten, selvom man momentvis kunne man godt ønsker sig lidt mere tryk på tøjlen, for på den måde at have ham 100% foran hjælpen hele vejen. Masser udtryk og power med kvalitet, desværre tre dyre fejl i overgang første piaffe og fejl i begge serier.

Kenneth Damgaard og guldmedaljehoppe UNO Day Sun indtager også arenaen med mange flotte momenter og masser af takt og udtryk under vejs, men bliver også med lidt usikkerhedsmomenter. Igen en hest med HELE PAKKEN hvor rutinen og tiden helt sikkert vil bringe dem helt frem.

Flittige Michala Damm-Frydenberg får vist Laissez-Faire E i en solid tur, stærk i passage og piaffe, men med lidt ubalanceret momenter, skridten mangler lidt mere klar rytme. Det overordnet billede mangler lidt mere afspændthed og smidighed men et par som også er på rette vej.

Alle 4 ekvipager som bestemt har noget spændende at byde på i fremtiden.


33 Youngster & Broodmares ready for ONLINE auction starting tomorrow

Two attractive young horses

From H2R point of view both no 1 by Vaderland and no 11 by Viva Gold look like very interesting prospects for further education.

No 1 - Three very good paces, very active and quick of the ground, with good suppleness and power. Still quite narrow body wise.

No 11 - super attractive young mare with very interesting pedigree for breeding, but for sure also showing a lot of quality as a sport horse. Supple well balanced in all three gaits without tension - the walk is something extra!

Here you find the entire collection.


Wednesday, Thursday and Friday next week with OLD stallion pre-selection

More than 160 young stallions ready for next week OLD pre-selection

Vechta will next week be the place to be when watching stallion pre-selection days.

A lot of different sires are represented. KWPN stallion Le Formidable will be represented through 7 sons, while Bon Courage, Escamillo and Vitalis have 6 sons each.

World Champion Glamourdale will have 4 sons for the selection while Jameson RS2 will have 3 sons and Vivino also with 3 sons.

The main OLD licensing takes place 14 January 2023.

Here you find the entire catalog.


Successful CDI3* Copa El Camino, Mexico

Judging team at CDI3* Mexico

Winner of CDI3 Grand Prix Special Danish Warmblood mare Bogha (former name Fergie) by Blue Hors Don Romantic / Milan, bred by Frank Nyboe Andersen, rider Santiago Ortiz - photo credit: Marion P. Cox.

CDI event returns to Mexico after 4 years

As part of Mexico´s preparation for selection trials for Central American Games and Pan American Games, this weekends CDI3 was successfully held at Cuadra El Camino owned by Toni Camil, a great promoter of the sport in Mexico. The organisation was done by Toni Camil and Omar Zayrik.

Next up are the National Championships at the beginning of December.

Here you find more photo and informations about the event.


HANN PRESS RELEASE - Vintage with a broad top

Deputy President Carsten Leopold congratulates breeder Kai Ehlers, exhibitor Thomas Berger and handler Pascal Kandziora on the premium stallion by Rock Springs/San Remo.

Photo: Hannoveraner Verband

Hannoveraner licensing of dressage stallions

Verden. Three eventful days of the Verden licensing of dressage stallions ended with the exciting stallion sales. In the packed Niedersachsenhalle, 31 of the 55 young stallions were licensed. Nine of them were awarded premium stallions for their outstanding quality. The top price of 300,000 Euros was achieved by a bay by Rock Springs/San Remo. The statistics report an average price of 101,826 Euros for the licensed stallions. 


"It was a licensing year with a broad top. The atmosphere was very special from the very first moment," said breeding director Ulrich Hahne. Six of the nine premium stallions were for sale and found a new owner via the stallion sales. The highest price of 300,000 Euros was achieved by a Rock Springs/San Remo son (breeder: Kai Ehlers, Freiburg, exhibitor: IB Berger Reit- und Turnierpferde GmbH, Sulzbach-Rosenberg). The last bid for the powerful bay, whose granddam is the Champion  mare St.Pr.St. Waitaki, was placed by Helgstrand Dressage. He is accompanied on his journey to Denmark by a beautiful Secret/Don Darius son (breeder: Johann and Dorothea Schröder, Kirchlinteln, exhibitor: Schachtmann GbR, Nürtingen) out of the valuable dam line of the century stallion Weltmeyer. He cost 120,000 Euros. The State Stud Celle and the North Rhine-Westphalian Hengststation Hoffrogge joined forces for a premium stallion by Valdiviani/Belissimo M (breeder and exhibitor: Ulla Katzorke, Essen). At 266,000 Euros, auctioneer Frederik De Backer accepted the bid for the bay stallion with great dynamic in his movements. Furthermore, head number 1, a Bon Courage/Compliment son (breeder and exhibitor: Heiko Bormann, Winsen) will move into the State Stud Celle. The State Stud Manager, Dr. Axel Brockmann, spent 191,000 Euros for the typy and strong moving chestnut out of the Nolita line. A Bon Courage/Lauries Crusador xx son (breeder: Leon Meier, Diepenau, exhibitor: Heinrich Ötting, Diepenau) was sold to a young British dressage rider for 135,000 Euros. A customer from Baden-Württemberg paid 161,000 Euros for the sixth premium stallion, a Le Formidable/Destano son (breeder: Johann Martens, Uplengen, exhibitor: Willem Klausing GbR, Diepholz). Besides his outstanding basic gaits, his concentration and his inner calmness distinguished him on the three licensing days. Premium stallions by Bonds/Dante Weltino (breeder: Marietta Kappelhoff-Doernkamp, Beckum, exhibitor: Blue Hors ApS, Randbol/DEN) and by For Romance/Franziskus (breeder: Berthold Schoemaker, Emlichheim, exhibitor: Helgstrand Dressage, Vodskov/DEN) were not for sale. As well as a Bonds/For Romance son (breeder: Friederike Pelzer, Steinhorst, exhibitor: Allerhop Stud, Hambühren), who will move into a box at the State Stud Celle.


An average of 28,783 Euros had to be paid for the 23 unlicensed dressage stallions. The most popular unlicensed two and a half year old was a Floriscount/Ampere son (breeder and exhibitor: Frank Moormann, Wettrup). For 86,500 Euros he was sold to a new customer from North Rhine-Westphalia.


HANN stallion licensing - the picture change when watching the stallions by today´s lunging

No 47 by Rock Springs / San Remo

Today HANN licensing has started

This morning with presentation by hand at the triangle which gives a very good impression of each stallion, their attitude and format, like you also get the chance to watch their conformation, even from the camera view you get at pretty good impression.

Lunging part makes the difference

Making a first hand impression from the video presentation is one thing, but the “real deal” is from H2R point of view when watching the stallions at the lunging.

Best stallions after lunging:

No 1 - Bon Courage / Compliment - nice supple off the ground with super expression, unfortunately the trot on the left hand was never really shown in a cleary rhythm whereas the right hand was very nicely balanced and expressive, good balance for the canter, and good walk, not with the biggest over track but clear rhythm.

No 3 - Bon Courage / Lauries Crusador xx - moves with surplus and nice natural balance and frame in all three gaits.

No 12 - Bonds / Dante Weltino - good mover, with a very nice uphill round and big canter, not the most modern type.

No 16 - Damaschino / Sir Donnerhall I - modern, light footed with good self carriage and supple. (PREMIUM candidate from H2R)

No 25 - Escamillo / Vivaldi - lots of suppleness, showing good power (PREMIUM candidate from H2R)

No 47 - Rock Springs / San Remo - the full package, power, suppleness, expression and stallion format (CHAMPION candidate from H2R)

No 48 - Secret / Don Darius - big mover still big unbalanced moments, but wants to go and make a good overall impression.

No 61 - Vitalis / Spörcken - supple with good power and balance - look like a stallion with a good interior.

No 63 - Vivaldos / Weltmeyer - good mover, easy of the ground, still look a bit teenager like bodywise.

No 70 - Valverde / Lemony´s Nicket - power, light footed, lots of natural go with quality, still very narrow and young body wise.

Tomorrow at 8 am with free presentation of the stallions followed by annoucement of licensing results and presentation of premium stallions
