VIDEO - Information om ændringer af koncept for kåring af spring- og dressurhingstene i Dansk Varmblod

Efter endt forbesigtigelse af hhv. springhingstene og dressurhingstene var avlerne inviteret til en orienterende information, omkring de nye tiltag, i forbindelse med kåring af springhingstene og dressurhingstene.

Der var lidt spørgsmål under vejs fra tilhørerne som blev besvaret fra kåringskommisionen, og konklusionen fra avlerne var at de var klar på at afprøve det nye koncept. For springhingstenes vedkommende bliver det mere baseret på en kombination af afprøvning og sport, hvor man umiddelbart også godt kunne ønske sig noget tilsvarnede for dressurhingstene i forhold til trinvis godkendelse, herunder at man ikke forhåndsgodkender nykårede hingste fra udenlandske forbund, men at de naturligvis er velkomne på lige fod med de danske som er udtaget via forbesigtigelserne.

Information om ændringer af kåringskonceptet for både spring og dressur - LINK til video her.

Danish Warmblood pre-selection today in Vallensbæk

Today was the first day at Danish Warmblood stallion pre-selection for the main licensing taking place in Herning from 8-12 March 2023. Wednesday 14th December will be final day for pre-selection taking place at Vilhelmsborg.

7 stallions selected today at Vallensbæk

Today a total of 13 stallions were ready for the pre-selection day at Vallensbæk. All stallions were well prepared for their first step into the grown up life.

Owner & breeder: Atterupgaard, Atterupvej 11, 4174 Jystrup Midtsj.
MF: CAPRIMOND E.H. DE309090304085 MM: DOREEN EDS 12981 EDS

He is well moving still very young boy bodywise, easy off the ground with three really good paces. He brings an outstanding dam line with more licensed stallions and many medal mares.

Owner: Kristin Andresen
Breeder: Stefanie Loehmann, Bockstedter Weg 3 D-49406 Drentwede, 6 Tyskland. 
F: BONDS DE433330843113 M: BISCHOFF'S BESTE DE433330468513 Stutbuch 1
MF: FOUNDATION DE431316797608 MM: WENDY DE333330981795 VPr/El. Haupts.
MMF: PLAISIR D 'AMOUR DE333330890088 MMM: WALINDA DE333330213691 VPr/El. Haupts.

Impressive mover, super balance uphill, stallion expression.

Owner and breeder: Henrik Hansen, Nordmarksvej 9, 2680 Solrød Strand
F: D'AVIE DVH 1200 M: SOUVENIR 208333DW1400086 DH

Old fashioned type, but brings a very famous grand dam 3 x World Champion for YH and international Grand Prix successful Fiontini.

Owner: Equi Stallion ApS v/Kristin G. Andresen, Madserud Allé 21 N-0274 Oslo, 3 Norge
Breeder: Knud Lambek Kristensen, Borupvej 1, Blære, 9600 Aars.
MMF: DON FREDERICO DE331310831497 MMM: JAFYR I 91.5241 DH 

A top son of Hesselhøj Donkey Boy with a solid HANN dam line. Supple well moving in all three gaits with super expression.

Owner: Kristin Andresen, Madserud Alle 21 N-0274 Oslo, 3 Norge
Breeder: Hanne Hertzberg, Lena og Ulrik Kristensen, Kirkevej 62, 7830 Vinderup.  

Super type and supple. Grand dam gold medal mare Stigma.

Owner & breeder: June og Mogens Worre-Jensen, Bregnevej 2, Himlingøje, 4652 Hårlev

Open framed good mover out of a very solid dam line.

Owner: Vicky Lavoie, 2200 Chemin Du Fief QC J7T 2N5, 15 Canada
Breeder: Lena og Rasmus Dalsgaard, Ålvej 25, 7830 Vinderup. 
MF: SEZUAN DVE 1110 MM: REDINA 208333DW1001225 RDH
MMF: DE NOIR DVE 812 MMM: REGINA 208333DW0600324 RDS

The new Sezuan? Long legged super well moving boy with stallion look. He looks like his famous dam sire Sezuan in a bay coat, but with more strength and natural power from behind.

Danish Warmblood program for the pre-selection - LINK here for video.

Some impressions from today - LINK here for video.

FEI introduces more flexibility to maternity leave provision in Ranking Rules

FEI introduces more flexibility to maternity leave provision in Ranking Rules


The FEI has made changes to the existing rules regarding maternity leave in order to introduce further flexibility and give athletes the option of adapting the duration of their maternity leave to their individual situation. The decision was taken by the FEI Board at its last teleconference for 2022 held on 6 December.

The previous minimum period for a medical and maternity leave, which had been included in the Ranking Rules for Jumping, Dressage, and Driving, was six months and the maximum period 12 months.

Following various opinions expressed by athletes, who wished to have the flexibility to return to competition from maternity leave earlier than six months, the Board took the decision to shorten the minimum period to three months, without changing the maximum period, which remains 12 months. In addition, athletes will now have the possibility to come back earlier than originally indicated when they initially requested the leave. To do so, they will need to give a four-week notice for Dressage and Driving. For Jumping, a 10-week notice is required if riders want to be eligible to receive an invitation under the FEI Online Invitation System, but only four weeks if the athlete intends to participate in the event further to another kind of invitation, such as an OC invitation or a wildcard.

The relevant changes to the wording of the respective Ranking Rules will be published in the Jumping, Dressage, and Driving rules sections on the FEI website.

The provisions for medical leave remain unchanged, the minimum period being six months and the maximum period 12 months.

The Board also approved the incorporation of medical/maternity leave provisions (as updated) into the FEI Endurance and FEI Para Dressage Ranking Rules for the first time. The respective Ranking Rules will be published under the Endurance and Para Dressage rules sections on the FEI website.

The FEI Eventing Committee has considered including medical and maternity leave provisions in the Eventing Ranking Rules but is currently not in favour for risk management reasons.

Maternity and medical leave provisions for Vaulting are currently being examined by the Technical Committee and updates will be provided in due course.

“It is good news that the Board has allowed for greater flexibility regarding maternity leave,” FEI Secretary General Sabrina Ibáñez said. “The FEI was one of the first international sports organisations to introduce provisions for maternity leave in April 2010 and we remain committed to protecting the welfare of our athletes. These rules had been first put in place for Jumping and were gradually extended to Dressage and Driving. This had been done in order to allow athletes, who have had a baby, not to lose all their Rankings points while off the circuit.

“The FEI has listened to the riders who have expressed the desire to have the option of returning to competition earlier than six months and the FEI Board is very much in favour of supporting athletes wishing to achieve the best possible balance between family life and a high level sports career. The Ranking Rules in all the FEI disciplines are living documents and we will keep on reviewing the maternity and medical leave provisions to make sure they remain relevant and fair.”

3rd DSP Adventssterne Riding Horses online auction - bidding has start and bid up is 13th December

15 riding horses are ready for DSP Online auction

8 mares and 7 gelding from 3 year old to 10 year old are up for this auction.

Grey is the new black

H2R picked as usual our favourites.

  • No 1 - 6 year old St. pr. mare by Belantis / Chico´s Boy show active supple of the ground movements. Dam line HOLST.

  • No 10 - 4 year old gelding by Destacado / Benetton Dream, XL size but looks well balanced with nice suppleness.

  • No 11 - 4 year old DSP Champion mare (2021) by Schwarzgold / Prinz K3, long legged and big framed mare with super feminin expression, light-footed and well moving, with top rideability and also with sport results from the dam line.

    Both mares very interesting for both sport and breeding.

Here you find the entire collection.

32th Mecklenburger Körtage starts tomorrow - LIVE at Clipmyhorse

45 stallions are selected for Mecklenburger Körtage starting Friday morning with presentation on hard surface.

Sunday 11th December starts the subsequent online auction where 14 stallions are in the collection, and here the Viva Gold son with catalog no 1 stands out and will for sure bring the top price for the collection.

Here you find the link for the entire collection and for the online auction.

Skyline to B - enjoy this stallion with his owner and rider Carl Hedin during a clinic in Norway

Skyline to B at sporttest in 2022 - photo credit: Kerschbaum

Dressage Clinic (in Swedish)

Saturday evening Norwegian Horse Festival Lillestrøm were hosting a clinic sponsored by Andresen Dressage.

The clinic was with Swedish rider Carl Hedin and his 4 year old approved stallion Skyline to B by Blue Hors St. Schufro / Ampere. Skyline has already been successful winning both 3 year old and 4 year old Swedish Young Horse Championships, and he already done super performance test and sport test.

The clinic is in Swedish, but for the breeders and dressage people not understanding a single word of Swedish, you can just enjoy this very special 4 year old stallion step by step, where Carl is telling about his way of riding and educating the horse. At the end of the clinic Carl showed how much power and potential this young stallion have.

Skyline to B will again in 2023 stand at stud Dressurleistungszentrum Lodbergen.


World Champion combination Glamourdale and Charlotte Fry getting ready for next week

World Champions - Glamourdale & Lottie Fry - photo credit: Kerschbaum

For the first time ever the British fans will get the chance to meet their World Champion combination on home soil

Originally Lottie was at the entry list for CDI-W London International Horse Show next week with her Olympic stallion Everdale, but Lottie and her team has instead decided to show their World Champion Glamourdale for the British home crowd, and as Lottie say “There´s no better place than London International Horse Show to show Glammy. Both stallions are on top form and I will instead bring Everdale for the World Cup qualifier at Mechelen.”

The World Cup Short Grand Prix will take place Thursday 15th December at 14.25 (local time) and the World Cup Grand Prix freestyle will be Friday 16th December at 19.45 (local time).

Hot list after today´s lunging at NRW licensing - No 50 by Viva Gold / Fidertanz was in a league of his own

H2R hot list after today´s lunging:

  • 6 by Escamillo / Don Nobless - supple modern look

  • 26 by Grand Galaxy Win / Samarant - expressive supple mover

  • 27 by Jameson RS2 / Jazz - super uphill - lacking bit more balance for the canter

  • 32 by Lord Europe / Don Frederic - power and expression

  • 34 Revolution / Christ - supple well balanced (Full brother of licensed stallion Raven)

  • 50 Viva Gold / Fidertanz - OUTSTANDING! 🤩

  • 59 Zoom / Carabas - supple expressive uphill

Bufranco med Charlotte Heering vinder CDI3 Grand Prix Lillestrøm i Norge og Aarøe´s Ghandi med Joachim Thomsen nr. 2

Dansker dominans i Norge

Selvom det lignede alt andet end en nem opgave i eftermiddagens CDI3 Grand Prix i Lillestrøm i Norge, så var både Charlotte Heering med Bufranco og Joachim Thomsen med Aarøe´s Ghandi suveræne i toppen af klassen.

Begge heste så ud til at være lidt påvirket af omgivelserne, men det gav heldigvis ingen tekniske fejl til de to danske ekvipager. Under vejs i Charlotte´s tur ser det ud til at Bufranco holder øje med en af dem der sidder i sidedommer positionen, og umiddelbart inden den frie galop, da Charlotte kommer i hjørnet er der to piger som løber op ad trappen på tribunen.

Bufranco & Charlotte Heering -Bit looking for entering halt, good power diagonal, good half passes, bit big eyes, good halt with rein back, good diagonal, nice into passage, nice active at the spot piaffe, good transitions, good passage, good walk tour, good into passage, bit lost of balance 2nd piaffe, good passage, good into canter, good 2 times but bit swinging, good extended canter (kids running up the spectator seating but does not disturb) good zigzag, nice 1 times, super 1st pirouette, super change, nice 2nd pirouette, good into trot, good diagonal, super final centerline very expressive bufranco. 71,978%

Aarøe´s Ghandi / Joachim Thomsen - Superb halt, direct into trot, nice balanced diagonal, good balance uphill half passes, good halt bit tense rein back, good diagonal, super smooth into passage, good passage, active tiny forward piaffe super bouncy, good transitions, lacking bit more relaxation begin of extended walk, super collected walk, good into passage, super balance and regularity for 2nd piaffe, nice transitions, good into canter, nice 2 times, bit conservative extended canter, good zigzag, super 1 times tiny tense but well managed, superb 1st pirouette, bit big begin 2nd pirouette but super control, good into trot, super diagonal, super passage, nice bouncy piaffe, good final passage, superb halt. 71,087% - much more in the 73% level from H2R point of view.

2 x Secret and 1 x Tørveslettens Sylvester with best sons from day 1 at KWPN stallion pre-selection

A total of 15 stallions were selected for 2nd inspection, taking place at the main KWPN licensing

From H2R two grey stallions stood out with clear surplus for no 532 Prisco RS2, an impressive son of Danish Warmblood stallion Tørveslettens Sylvester (by Sezuan/Tørveslettens Stamina) with Negro as dam sire, presented by RS2. He definitely look like a very interesting boy for the main licensing.

From Van Silfhout the grey stallion no 520 Perfect Secret by Secret / Expression showed himself with very strong balanced movements.

And then the Secret son out of the full sister of Jovian also made it clearly to H2R favourite list.

En af Dansk Varmblods mest betydningsfulde hopper har sagt farvel

Bøgegårdens Don Romina er her ikke mere

I weekenden måtte vi her på Stutteri Straight Horse desværre tage beslutningen om at sige farvel til Bøgegårdens Don Romina. Don Romina blev knap 20 år, og hun var i den grad stutteriets stjerne. Udover at være en gigantisk personlighed, der var yderst elskelig over for mennesker, evnede hun at styre en hel flok hopper blot ved at dreje et øre. Hun startede sin avlskarriere, som den superstjerne hun var, med at få tildelt en guldmedalje og blive årets hoppe i Dansk varmblod 2006. Da Straight Horse købte hende, var hun allerede mor til Sezuan, der stod ved hendes side. Den sjove historie er, at vi fik tilbudt at købe hingsteføllet med for kr. 50.000, men vi synes nu nok Don Romina var rigelig dyr i forvejen.

Don Romina nåede at få 13 føl, mens hun levede, hvoraf seks og de mest kendte er i kombination med Blue Hors Zack. Det første Zack afkom var Sezuan, der både i sporten og avlen har været en succes. Det første føl hos os var dog Straight Horse Don Tamino, der er efter Totilas. Don Tamino blev solgt til en dygtig schweizisk rytter, Philine Brunner, og har deltaget i UVM som både 6- og 7-års og går i dag international Grand Prix. Parret er i dag med i den schweiziske bruttotrup.

Sølvmedaljehoppen Straight Horse Ascenzione, der er 9 år, deltog ligeledes i UVM som 5,6 og 7-års, de sidste to år sammen med sin faste rytter Helen Langehanenberg. De to vandt sidste år Nürnberger Burg Pokal, og Helen forventer at starte hoppen i Grand Prix de kommende måneder.

Guldmedaljehoppe Straight Horse Sezuanna, der blev født samme nat som sin helsøster Ascenzione, gjorde sin mor kunsten efter, hvor også hun blev tildelt en guldmedalje, blandt andet med 10 i kapacitet og blev årets hoppe i 2016. Sezuannas uddannelse varetages i dag af endnu en OL-rytter, Imke Schellekens-Bartels, der også planlægger at debutere hoppen på konkurrencebanerne i 2023.

Straight Don Zuan, født i 2014, blev uddannet af Catrine Dufour, der red ham til en 4. plads i Unghestechampionatet 2019 og året efter igen kvalificerede ham til unghestechampinatet med 930 point. Parret blev endvidere udtaget til UVM, men dette blev desværre aflyst pga COVID. Don Zuan blev solgt til den tyske U25 rytter, Sophie Reef, der nu starter ham i Grand Prix.

Bronzemedaljehoppen Straight Horse Zonate er hjemme på stutteriet og rides af Eva. Zonate vil indgå i stutteriets avlsprogram via ET.

Vi venter to føl efter Don Romina i 2023. Et efter Zonik, en kombination vi tidligere har brugt med held i form af en 1-årig hingst, Straight Horse Zarkosy, der tegner meget spændende. Vi venter også et føl efter Bonjour.

De seneste år er vi med hjælp fra VetEmbryo ved Jannie Spanner og Emma Lorenzen, lykkes med at lave enkelte embryoner på Don Romina, herunder to embryoner efter Blue Hors Zack.

Vi kommer til at savne Don Romina hver eneste dag, men glæder os over hendes mange succesfulde afkom, og de glæder de bringer os i avlsarbejdet.

Straight Horse

v/Eva Götzsche & Mogens Pedersen