Deltag i gratis foredrag om ridebaner 1. og 2. februar i hhv. Ringsted og Silkeborg


Har du lyst til at blive klogere på ridebaner? Så får du nu muligheden for at deltage helt gratis inkl. forplejning, når Skibby HC inviterer til foredrag for alle hesteinteresserede. Foredragene finder sted hos: 

Slangerupgaard 1/2-2023 kl. 19 
Ejlstrupvej 140, 4100 Ringsted 

Silkeborg Rideklub 2/2-2023 kl. 19 
Funderholmevej 31, 8600 Silkeborg 

Foredraget kommer til at handle om ridebanens opbygning og toplag samt vedligehold af ridebaner. Ved at deltage i vores foredrag kan du blive klogere på, hvordan en ridebane bliver opbygget, hvordan den bedst muligt vedligeholdes, hvor meget den skal vandes, hvilken type bund og toplag der egner sig bedst til fx springning eller dressur, om der skal være måtter i en ridebane, hvad et ebbe/flod-system er og meget, meget mere... 

Står du og har projekt ridebane i tankerne, er her en rig mulighed for, at blive klogere på, hvordan en ridebane etableres helt fra bunden af, samt hvilke materialer der skal bruges. Du får en grundig gennemgang af ridebanens opbygning, hvilke maskiner der skal bruges, om- og hvordan der skal lægges dræn, hvilke materialer man skal bruge, og hvilke man bør undgå. Du vil også blive klogere på valg af toplag, samt hvilken betydning sandet har for ridebanens brug. Til slut vil vi også fortælle om optimal vedligeholdelse af ridebanen, samt forventet levetid i forhold til valg af materialer. 

Efter foredraget vil det være muligt at vende dit kommende projekt med en af  Skibby HC’s dygtige medarbejder. Skibby HC byder på sodavand, sandwich, kaffe og kage. Af hensyn til maden er tilmelding nødvendig. 

S.u. senest d. 27/1-23 til mail

Jessica and Dalera beat them all in Basel; Omaha here they come!

Top-class Dressage made its debut at the CHI Classics in Basel, Switzerland this weekend where, with all the flair, composure and grace that is their trademark, Germany’s Jessica von Bredow-Werndl and the elegant mare TSF Dalera BB danced to victory in the seventh leg of the FEI Dressage World Cup™ 2022/2023 Western European League this morning.

The 2022 series winners already showed they have lost none of their edge when winning the second leg of the new season at Lyon in France last October where they posted a score of 90.140. And today the pair, who are also Olympic and European champions, put 90.795 on the board to leave the result beyond doubt. 

Von Bredow-Werndl’s compatriot and five-time FEI Dressage World Cup™ title-holder Isabell Werth finished second with the stallion DSP Quantaz while Denmark’s Nanna Skodborg Merrald lined up in third with her new ride Blue Hors Zepter. 

And there was great emotion for the Werndl family when Jessica’s brother, Benjamin, announced the retirement of his great ride Daily Mirror after they finished fourth. The 19-year-old gelding was in sparkling form and seemed to be relishing every moment as he racked up a score of 83.995 to leave him ahead of The Netherlands’ Dinja van Liere in fifth and Sweden’s Patrik Kittel in sixth place.


One of the highlights of the first half of today’s competition was the charming performance of 29-year-old French athlete Corentin Pottier and her little 12-year-old Totilas gelding Gotilas du Feuillard who, in their first-ever World Cup Freestyle, produced fabulous two-tempi changes on their way to taking the early lead with a mark of 76.775. 

However it was Kittel who held the advantage as the second group took their turn after scoring 81.220 for a great test with the 11-year-old mare Forever Young HRH who showed some lovely passage and canter in perfect harmony with the Swedish showman’s punchy musical score.

Third to go after the action resumed, Werth then seriously raised the bar as her 13-year-old stallion DSP Quantaz showed great elevation, suspension and power in a test filled with class, and the Swiss crowd showed their appreciation when this pair put the new leading score of 85.650 on the board. But, third-last into the arena, von Bredow-Werndl soared way out in front with the first and only over-90% score of the competition. 

 “I think this might have been our best Freestyle ever! The very first half-pass wasn’t perfect but after that she was 100% with me."

Jessica von Bredow-Werndl (GER)


The excitement wasn’t over yet however because, on their World Cup debut together, Denmark’s Nanna Skodborg Merrald and Blue Hors Zepter gave a great account of themselves. The imposing 15-year-old chestnut, a gelding son of Blue Hors Zack who carried Skodborg Merrald to that historic team gold at last summer’s ECCO FEI World Championship on home ground in Herning, was previously ridden by both Denmark’s Daniel Bachmann Andersen and Sweden’s Patrik Kittel and makes a very nice match with his new partner, showing some lovely work on his way to posting 84.130 for third place. 

“He’s new to me and I’m very happy about our first Freestyle together”, Skodborg Merrald said afterwards.

Second-placed Werth was also quite content. “Today was a great class and I am very happy. He improved so much in the past year”, the most medalled rider in equestrian sport said of DSP Qantaz who now looks so very established and confident in the ring.

Winning rider von Bredow-Werndl talked about the recipe for her success with Dalera. It’s about concentration and not getting in the mare’s way.

“She’s so smart and knows what’s next, so I need to use very little aids and I must be very exact. If I think of anything other than what we are doing there will be a mistake, when I’m in the “here and now” she is my mirror. She is so intelligent, willing and eager, and she always wants to put on a show".

 "Today her pirouettes were very good, she was waiting and carrying and uphill and the half-passes and the walk were much better. But when it comes to passage/piaffe there is nothing to add, she’s just doing her thing and she loves to do it!" 

Jessica von Bredow-Werndl (GER)


Post-competition there was much delight with the introduction of Basel to the FEI Dressage World Cup™ calendar. “It definitely has a nice future in the Dressage world”, von Bredow-Werndl said while Isabell Werth agreed.

“I have already ridden in Switzerland a few times when there was top dressage competitions in this country and it is great to be back! The infrastructure here is great and we are happy and thankful that we could have a World Cup here in Basel. The atmosphere was great and the horses liked it. It is a really nice show and we are looking forward to be back next year”, she said.

Event President, Thomas Straumann, said “we are happy that we finally welcomed dressage in Basel - it was a great moment and was great sport!”, while Event Director Andy Kistler said “I have stars in my eyes!”

“I’m so happy that the public came to support dressage, the style of our show suits it very well, and I am just so happy and thankful right now and I’m looking forward to the future!”, he added. He’s not the only one looking ahead.


A little closer in the future, Jessica von Bredow-Werndl and her mare will be back to defend their title when the FEI Dressage World Cup™ 2022/2023 Final takes place in Omaha, USA next April.  

“Dalera won’t do any more for now. I think I needed these three competitions (Lyon, Stockholm in November and today in Basel) to get back into all the details but after yesterday (in the Grand Prix) and today I now feel we are ready for the Final and we don’t have to change anything. Maybe she will have a little vacation and then some conditioning work before flying to Omaha. I’m lucky because she is super-easy about travelling and I’m feeling confident and really looking forward to it now!”, she said.

Her only disappointment today was missing out on watching her brother, Benjamin, competing Daily Mirror 9 for that very last time. But he has plenty to celebrate too because his old friend has left him lying top of the Western European League table with just four legs left to go in this qualifying series. With 65 points on the board he will easily make the cut into the top nine riders who will earn tickets to the Final which will run from 4 to 8 April 2023.

Meanwhile next stop in the Western European League is Amsterdam in The Netherlands in two weeks’ time.



VIDEO - Nanna gør det igen, denne gang sammen med Blue Hors Zepter, men hvordan gør Nanna det?

Nanna Skodborg Merrald - Foto: H2R

Fuldstændig forrygende debut

Nanna og Zepter indtog den internationale scene med høj høj klasse den her weekend til World Cup stævnet i Basel.

En Grand Prix hvor parret blæste de fleste omkuld, med positiv power og motivation som man ikke har set Zepter meget meget længe, dertil også en kvalitet som kunne blande sig blandt de allerbedste, og på dagen også fortjent en placering som nr. 3 (de sluttede som nr. 4). Søndagens Grand Prix kür blev endnu en opvisning af de helt særlige, stadig med power, smidighed og kvalitet og ligesom gårsdagens tur, kunne Nanna og Zepter uden problemer være avanceret endnu en plads, og idag dermed være gået forbi Werth med Quantaz, også ud at man havde de danske briller på.

To småting under vejs, hvor Zepter misforstår hjælpen ind til traversaden til venstre i Grand Prix programmet, og hvor Nanna efterfølgende erkender sin egen fejl, da han kort inden hun starter misforstår hendes hjælp til et anspring. Og i dagens Grand Prix kür hvor Zepter ser ud som om han ikke rigtig tager den halve parade ned i traven før afslutningen ad midten, men hvor ekvipagen begge gange er hurtigt videre uden yderligere bemærkninger.

Zepter og Nanna

I efteråret overtog Nanna tøjlerne på Blue Hors Zepter, og følte sig også klar til weekendens debut, men som Nanna udtrykte det: “Da jeg så deltagerlisten til stævnet, var min første tanke godt nok, gad vide om det er klogt med det starterfelt. Men det har været en forrygende stævne debut sammen med Zepter her i Basel,” siger en stolt og meget glad Nanna efter weekendens top præstationer.

“Zepter er en hest med et hjerte af guld, enorm kapacitet og stor kvalitet når tingene lykkedes, og der er meget mere end det vi fik vist her i weekenden. Jeg bruger meget tid på at finde ud af hvor de basale knapper sidder og mærke hesten de første par uger. Da jeg red Grand Prix´en igennem første gang tilbage i december fandt jeg ud af, at jeg skulle have justeret min timing i forhold til både anspring i galop og overgang til trav fra galop, men allerede inden jul fik jeg redet både Grand Prix turen og min kür igennem, og kunne så vende tilbage til grundridningen med fokus på vores første start sammen. Til daglig går Zepter på fold hver dag og jeg sidder på ham 5 dage om ugen, men langt fra med træning for øje hver dag, ofte skridt ture og “let” ridning,” fortæller Nanna.

Hvordan formår Nanna egentlig gang på gang at overtage Grand Prix heste og gøre dem til “sine egne”?

Det er skrevet før, men alligevel passer det igen - Nanna formår at overtage færdiguddannede heste som allerede har været succesfulde på de internationale konkurrencebaner, og på kort tid gøre dem til “sine egne”.

Men hvordan gør Nanna det?

Hvordan gør hun når man sætter foden i bøjlen for første gang på en succesfuld Grand Prix hest?

Hvor mange runder / dage rider Nanna rundt før hun har en klar fornemmelse af hvor hun vil hen?

Og som alle andre er træneren på sidelinien naturligvis også en af de vigtige brikker, for at få tingene til at gå op i en højere enhed. Hvornår i processen omkring en ny Grand Prix hest er Nanna´s mangeårige træner Michael Søgaard med på sidelinien, er det tidligt i processen, eller går der lidt tid inden Nanna drager ham ind i det nye samarbejde med den nye hest?

Og her kommer så de vise ord fra en sand mester:

“Først og fremmest er jeg jo meget bevidst om, at jeg skal udfylde nogle store sko ,når jeg overtager en uddannet og i forvejen succesfuld Grand Prix hest, så derfor prøver at tage det meget stille og roligt i begyndelsen, hvor jeg egentlig bare “trisser” lidt rundt for mig selv. Jeg bruger hellere lidt god tid på bare at mærke efter og føle mig frem, end at gå for hurtigt frem.

Og så efter nogle uger måske lidt mere, så tager jeg den med til Michael, hvor vi som regel bare laver grundridning første gang. Anden gang Michael så ser den, tester vi lidt af øvelser, og hvis det fungerer så bliver vi egentlig bare ved grundridningen. Det er virkelig vigtigt for mig (og en af de ting som Michael er enormt god til) er at gå på kompromis, og finde en vej ind til den enkelte hest. Det betyder også at mine heste ikke skal passe ind i et bestemt system, men jeg prøver nærmere at tilpasse mig dem frem for omvendt,” fortæller Nanna.

Lige nu hedder næste kvalifikation Amsterdam, men Nanna har ikke helt fastsat hvilken hest hun medbringer, men hun satser på at Zepter skal gå endnu en kvalifikation, for dermed at være kvalificeret til finalen.

Nanna ligger pt. nr. 2 i den vesteuropæiske liga og dermed ret sikker på en plads i World Cup finalen til april i Omaha. Hun har allerede redet en kvalifikation på Atterupgaards Orthilia i Lyon og red også World Cup kvalifikationen i Mechelen på Blue Hors St. Schufro lige før nytår, begge gange placeret som hhv. nr. 4 i Grand Prix og nr. 5 i küren.

Nyd et lille klip fra dagens World Cup kür debut herunder.

Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour bliver testrytter i Herning

Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour og Vamos Amigos nr. 2 ved World Finalen i Leipzig 2022 - photo: Kerschbaum

Det bliver en af verdens bedste dressurryttere, VM-holdguldvinder Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour, som skal være testrytter ved Blue Hors Unghestechampionat, når Dansk Varmblod inviterer til hingstekåring med meget mere i MCH Messecenter Herning fra den 8. – 12. marts.

”Jeg ser meget frem til at teste de unge dressurheste i Herning,” indleder Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour, 30 år. Det er første gang hun har påtaget sig den opgave herhjemme, men hun har testet ungheste flere gange ved championater mv. i Sverige. 

Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour har uddannet flere unge heste, og hun er konstant på udkig efter talenter til sin konkurrencestald i Fredensborg. Efter deltagelse ved to Olympiske Lege, flere Europamesterskaber, hvor hun desuden har opnået medaljer, satte Cathrine kronen på værket i august 2022 i Herning ved at vinde VM-guld for hold samt opnå to individuelle sølvmedaljer.

Et blankt lærred

Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour har ikke set resultaterne af Egnethedstesterne i efteråret. Det er fra Egnethedstesterne, at de bedste heste går videre til Unghestechampionatet i Herning. 

”Jeg har set nogle opslag på Instagram, men jeg har ikke fulgt med i resultaterne. Jeg vil heller ikke se hestene under egen rytter i Herning. For mig vil det være bedst, at det er et helt blankt lærred, når jeg skal teste dem.”

Blue Hors Unghestechampionatet starter onsdag, hvor hestene bliver redet af egen rytter for dommerne. Det sker inde i Jyske Bank Boxen, og den følgende dag skal ryttere og heste igen i bedømmelse i Boxen.

De 21 bedste heste er dermed klar til testrytter-delen ud fra deres bedømmelse, og fredag får endnu tre heste chancen for at gå med via en trøstfinale, som afvikles i hal M, Krafft Arena. 

Det er dermed i alt 24 heste, fordelt over to heat lørdag og søndag, som Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour skal teste inden den festlige præmieoverrækkelse søndag middag.

Samarbejde og ridelighed er vigtigt

”Jeg lægger vægt på, at hesten er samarbejdsvillig og ridelig. Det er helt grundlæggende, for mig. Så er det også klart, at jeg vil mærke efter, om de er uddannet efter træningsskalaen, og at de reagerer godt på hjælperne,” fortsætter hun. 

Dansk Varmblods direktør Casper Cassøe Krüth er meget tilfreds med at have lavet aftale med Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour, han udtaler: 

”Dansk Varmblod producerer nogle af verdens bedste dressurheste, derfor er det helt passende, at det er en af verdens bedste dressurryttere, vi har fået til at løse opgaven som testrytter i Blue Hors Unghestechampionatet,” og Casper fortsætter: ”Testrytterdelen af Unghestechampionatet bliver sædvanligvis fulgt af mange, og derfor er jeg meget glad og stolt over, at vi har lavet aftale med Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour, som er meget engageret i det, hun deltager i, og god til at kommunikere til publikum. Jeg ser virkelig frem til at høre Cathrine sætte ord og karakterer på de talentfulde heste, hun kommer til at teste i Herning.”

Herlige Herning

”Det er vist ikke en hemmelighed, at jeg er meget glad for at ride i Herning,” fortæller Cathrine. Hun har endnu ikke afgjort, om hun skal starte de internationale dressurklasser, men sammen med sine VM-holdkolleger skal hun afvikle en spændende clinic onsdag aften med titlen: Uddannelse af de næste verdensmestre. 

Cathrine ser meget frem til at teste de talentfulde dressurheste i Herning og videregive det hun oplever fra hesteryggen til publikum. 

Debut for new Danish combination Zepter and Nanna and 19th victory in a row today at World Cup Grand Prix Basel for Dalera and Jessica

19th time in a row with superior strength

Dalera and Jessica just danced through their Grand Prix without any technical issues. The walk is not a high light itself, but apart from that there were not really any wrong hoof steps throughout the entire test. The harmony is just awesome. 83,456%

Isabell Werth was riding for the 2nd spot (or mayby she was going for the victory) but there is a clear difference in the overall qualities and harmony. Going into the two times something happens at the spectator seats (sounds like they are dropping plates or something like) and Quantaz becomes clearly scared and two errors occurs, of course very annoying, but that´s also the sport. The walk for Quantaz is just horrible. 78,261%

Placed 3rd was Dinja with Hartsuijker with a solid performance. Tense halt with rein back, today´s best transition from extension to passage at V, keeping him active at the hind legs for the piaffe and passage tours controlling the steps in a good way. For the 2nd piaffe tour the transition out into passage becomes with a few tense passage steps with bit running into the canter. Bit tense change after extended canter, one change for the 15 becomes very small, two good pirouettes going into 2nd not 100% straight on the centerline, really nice final centerline. 75,609%

Blue Hors Zepter and Nanna Merrald entered the international scene with a strong performance

No 4 was today´s debut pair 15 year old Blue Hors Zepter with Danish Nanna Merrald in the saddle. Nanna ones again proves her abilities as a rider taking over another horse - again successfully. Nanna recently took over the ride of the experience Zepter ,and now making her debut ride with him at the World Cup in Basel. Entering the arena Zepter looked highly motivated, and as Nanna stated after her ride:

“he was definitely on fire 🔥”.

The goal was to learn to know him in the arena and at the same time stride for an errorfree test. They showed a super strong performance only with a small issue after the transition to half pass left where Zepter for half a step caught the canter, but before you had the chance to count they were back on track finishing the half pass with good quality and balance. Very nice piaffe tours with good transitions, the walk is lacking bit more relaxation, super into passage, very nice piaffe with smooth transitions, nice extended canter, a single change for zigzag becomes a bit tight hind, nice series, first pirouette becomes bit volte like while 2nd is with good quality, bit late into trot, nice diagonal, super final centerline. 75,152% - this score will for sure be at a higher level next time they enter the centerline.

Here you find the entire results.

Triumph of the best

Photo: OL Champion Stallion 2023 by Bon Courage - Sezuan - Dimaggio. (OLD Art)


The brilliant Champion Stallion of the 2023 Oldenburger licensing is the Bon Courage - Sezuan -Dimaggio - Landadel offspring bred by Jürgen Fetzer in Zimmer/Baden Wuerttemberg and exhibited by Rothenberger Ventures GmbH in Bad Homburg. The champion stallion of 2012 Follow Me by Fürstenball and the main premium winner of 2019 Follow’s Him Schönweide by Follow Me were also bred by Jürgen Fetzer. Out of the line of this years’ champion is the triple European Champion of the under 25’s of 2016 Deveraux OLD by De Niro under Sanneke Rothenberger and the Olympic bronze medallist 2016 Roosevelt by Rotspon under Allison M. Brock, USA. 

Breeding director of the Oldenburger Verband Bernhard Thoben about the champion stallion: „This stallion shows a lot of expression, one of the highlights throughout the licensing process certainly being the work on the lunge. Presenting himself with incredible suppleness and elasticity it was a pleasure to watch him. Built with a strong foundation this strong stallion simply brings everything with him that is needed to succeed.”

H2R NOTE: Sold at the auction for 1.250.000 euro to Gestüt Schönweide.

The son by Bonds - Bretton Woods - Gribaldi/Trak. - Arogno/Trak.  bred and exhibited by Först & Besecke GbR, Kamen, Northrhine Westfalia, ist Vice Champion of the Oldenburger dressage stallions. Sire Bonds was Champion Stallion at the Oldenburger Stallion Days 2015 in Vechta. The lacquer black stallion by Totilas - Sir Donnerhall - Don Schufro - Friedensherr, bred by Reay Campbell, Scotland, and exhibited by Gestüt Schafhof, Kronberg, was able to secure the Ic-premium. His sister Shadow Fairy Caledonia was awarded the Ic-premium at the elite broodmare show and won bronze at the Bundeschampionate of the three-year-old mares and geldings in Warendorf.

OLD licensing results:

Impressions from presentation at triangel and lunging at OLD stallion licensing day 1

Presentation at triangel

Yesterday´s presentation at the triangel became for many of the stallions not the best presentation, as the winter weather really showed itself in a rainy and stormy way, but still with a small group that caught our attention.

  • No 36 Bon Courage / Sezuan - he is the most beautiful stallion and look like a super attitude

  • No 55 Glamourdale / Johnson - well balanced with good overview

  • No 57 Global Player / Fürstenball - compact with good expression and power

  • No 68 Totilas / Sir Donnerhall I - developed since the video presentation. Brings all for a dressage horse

  • No 70 Toto Jr. / Negro - impressive look with power

  • No 81 Zackerey / Londonderry - well balanced modern type


As always the lunging part gives a much more clear picture of the future as a dressage stallion.

For the lunging part no 36 Bon Courage / Sezuan stood out with a very nice balance, self carriage and expression for both trot and canter.

Both no 55 Glamourdale / Johnson and no 57 Global Player / Fürstenball were shown with good balance and expression.

No 66 by Totilas / Sir Donnerhall impresses again with nice angle from behind in a good clear rhythm for both trot and canter and showing a nice self carriage.

No 70 by Toto jr / Negro was missing bit more overall relaxation in the body and connection between head and neck look a bit tight.

No 81 by Zackerey / Londonderry with good basic gaits but missing bit more overall suppleness in the body.

New at the lunging list were:

No 37 by Bon Vivaldi / Fürst Romancier - impresses with lovely well balanced power in the trot, the canter missing bit more suppleness and relaxation over the back.

No 71 by Toto Jr / Grey Flanell - with very nice balance and self carriage for both trot and canter.

No 73 by Vitalis / Desperados - nice carriage and balance, still missing a bit strength from behind but with a good angle.

The impressive V-Plus / Sarkozy stallion (from the video presentation), was unfortunately missing for the licensing as he is suffering from a minor infection. He will be presented for the OLD licensing commission later, presumeably for the saddle licensing this spring.

Highlights from Hengstgala Münster - Etienne, Red Viper, Vivamor, Escaneno, Viva Gold, Glamdale WP and Knock Out

Viva Gold - photo credit: Gestüt Westfalenhof

First stallion show in 2023 with live stream

The arena in Münster was packed - not a single seat free for yesterday evening´s Hengstgala.

A huge program for the audience and for the dressage people with more very attractive stallions.

A usual H2R picked the favorites - all potential for the 2023 breeding list:

  • 2019 Etienne by Escolar / Sir Donnerhall I - full brother of Eternity - presented by Simone Pearce

  • 2019 Red Viper by Blue Hors Romanov / Sir Sinclair

  • 2020 Vivamor by Viva Gold / Sir Donnerhall I

  • 2019 Escaneno by Escamillo / Veneno - VIDEO - presented by Hannah Laser

  • 2016 Viva Gold by Vivaldi / For Romance - direct dam line of Weihegold OLD

  • 2019 Glamdale WP by Glamourdale / Millennium

  • 2015 Knock Out by Expression / Ferro - presented by Mathias Bouten

The entire stallion show is available at Clipmyhorse.

HUSK foredrag om ridebaner 1. og 2. februar - se mere på Skibby HC Facebook.

VIDEOS - Getting ready for KWPN stallion licensing - do you remember the highlights from the pre-selection?

3rd and 4th of February with KWPN stallion licensing (DRESSAGE)

When the KWPN licensing comes up Friday 3 February and Saturday 4 February it is with a huge program.

Friday 3rd February

  • 08.00 - 2nd inspection - groups - link here.

  • 15.20 - Presentation selected stallions

  • 19.15 - Presentation approved stallion 2022

  • 20.00 - Presentation new predicate stallions

  • 20.15 - The key to Grand Prix

  • 20.35 - Show medalist Pavo Cup 2022

  • 20.55 - Honoring Dressage Horse of the year 2022 (Kjento)

  • 21.10 - VHO Trophy Dressage

  • 22.00 - Show World Championship Herning medalists

Saturday 4th February

  • 08.30 - 2nd inspection groups - link here.

  • 14.00 - Presentation selected stallions

  • 15.20 - Presentation of Premium stallions

  • 16.55 - Show Britt Dekker with George (PRE) & Renate van Uytert-van Vliet with Johnny Depp

  • 18.45 - Final Anemone Horse Trucks Stallion Competition Dressage class Z

  • 19.25 - Final Anemone Horse Trucks Stallion Competition Dressage class L

  • 20.35 - Final Anemone Horse Trucks Stallion Competition Dressage class M

  • 21.30 - Presentation of World Championship stallions Indian Rock and Blue Hors Zack

H2R favorites from the pre-selections

Which stallions to keep an extra eye on among a total of 47 (day 1) and 35 (day 2) for the 2nd inspection taking place during the stallion licensing.

From the pre-selections H2R picked some new “superstars”

Among the “best” H2R stallions is Van Olst Horses here represented with 3 stallions, no 510 by Nespresso (modern super well moving), no 371 by Glamourdale (a pure Glamourdale look-a-like) and no 463 by Lantanas (powerful, super expressive stallion look out of same dam as KWPN stallion Nacho).

Three grey stallions no 532 by Tørveslettens Sylvester, no 520 by Secret and 427 by Jameson all brings something extra.


No 532 - Tørveslettens Sylvester / Negro

No 520 Secret / Expression

No 518 Secret / Apache - out of a full sister of Jovian

No 319 Desperado / Negro - out of full sister of Kjento

No 393 Hermes / San Remo - lacking bit more stallion expression, but still a very nice mover.

No 510 Nespresso / Uphill (out of same dam line a GP horse Uzzo by Lancet)

No 372 Glamourdale / Tango

No 371 - copy of his famous sire Glamourdale.

No 463 Lantanas / Krack C - out of same dam as KWPN stallion Nacho

No 427 Jameson RS2 / Johnson (unfortunately no video available at

World Champions Charlotte Fry and Glamourdale take FEI Dressage World Rankings number one slots

Charlotte Fry (GBR) on Glamourdale during the Blue Hors FEI Dressage World Championship 2022, Herning (DEN). Grand Prix Special - Photo Credit: FEI / Liz Gregg

Lausanne (SUI), 10 January 2023

World Champions Charlotte Fry and Glamourdale take FEI Dressage World Rankings number one slots

The New Year has started with major changes at the top of the FEI Dressage World Ranking. After clinching two gold medals on the FEI Dressage World Championship in Herning (DEN) back in August 2022, both Charlotte Fry (GBR) and her stallion Glamourdale have reached the top spot of the world ranking.

The 27 year-old Brit has climbed from number four to the top for the first time in her career, with a total of 2120 points. Her stallion Glamourdale (12 years old) is also on the top of the horses’ ranking, on 2060 points, moving up from the 70th place, showing the remarkable year he’s completed. 

Glamourdale and Fry have become the first number one athletes since the new format of the FEI Dressage World Ranking was approved in 2022, where athletes and horses are listed separately.

Former number one, Jessica Von Bredow-Werndl (GER), has dropped to number five after claiming the top spot back in August 2022, with 1882 points. Catherine Laudrup-Dufour (DEN) maintains the second place after earning three medals at the World Championships (one gold and two silvers), on 2040 points. Isabell Werth (GER), third on 2021 points and Dinja Van Liere (NED), fourth on 1919 points complete the Top 5.

The FEI Dressage World Ranking for horses is completed by Hermes N.O.P (Dinja Van Liere’s stallion), DSP Quantaz (Isabell Werth’s stallion), Touchdown (Patrik Kittel’s gelding) and Famoso OLD (Benjamin Werndl’s gelding).

The full FEI Dressage World Ranking for human athletes list is published here

The full FEI Dressage World Ranking for equine athletes list is published here

45 dressage colts ready for DSP stallion days with licensing and auction 22 - 25 January

DSP stallion days and licensing

Top prospects

From H2R point of view 8 stallions shows something EXTRA. In the top 3 for this collection is no 68 by Secret / Dancier, 62 Le Formidable / Sir Donnerhall I and 78 Viva Gold / Don Diamond.

Only 6 stallions are not for sale at the subsequent auction.

No 47 - supple and light footed with good activity from behind.

No 48 - strongly build with very nice well marked top line, well balanced up hill mover.

No 50 - same dam sire Lord Loxley as no 49. This boy shows best expression and power of the ground.

No 55 - lots of power and stallion expression for trot and canter, but lets keep an eye on the walk for the licensing.

No 62 - Expressive supple with good power and elasticity.

No 68 - look how this stallion in step 3-4 of the trot push himself up and forward - that´s the way it becomes very interesting. Supple mover in all three gaits with lots of expression.

No 75 - Expressive and supple mover out of the same dam line as Anky van Grunsvens Salinero. (NOT FOR SALE)

No 78 - take look at the angle from behind for each step! This is movements from behind. (NOT FOR SALE)

Nanna Merrald and Blue Hors Zepter ready for international debut together at World Cup Basel

Daniel Bachmann Andersen with Blue Hors Zepter at Danish national Championships 2018 - photo: H2R

The 15-year old Oldenburg gelding Blue Hors Zack/Wolkentanz II is now ready to enter the international scene with Danish Nanna Merrald in the saddle for the World Cup in Basel next weekend.

Blue Hors Zepter is educated and produced by Daniel Bachmann Andersen. They made their international debut back in autumn 2017, and had a great season in 2018 with top placements in both Stuttgart and Frankfurt.

When Daniel left Blue Hors to go independent, Zepter was moved to Helgstrand to get sold, but without success. Zepter returned to Blue Hors and after nearly 1,5 year without doing any competitions Zepter was back for a single international event with Blue Hors rider Cristian Tudela Ruiz in july 2021. At the beginning of 2022 Zepter ones again left Blue Hors, this time to go to Patrik Kittel, but a sale never became reality. In the meantime Kittel competed him successfully for half a year until Zepter again returned to Blue Hors, where he this summer for a few month was schoolmaster for young Kristian Würtz Green.

After Kristian left Blue Hors Nanna took over the ride, and as she has already proven her top skills taking over all the former horses successfully, she will for sure also be ready to show Blue Hors Zepter.

Blue Hors Zepter replaces Atterupgaards Orthilia as she was originally at the entry list for Basel.

48 stallions ready for OLD licensing 12 - 14 January - full live stream at Clipmyhorse

48 selected OLD stallions

This time with video clip of each stallion before the licensing, even though not all stallions are shown in all three gaits, but still enough to give some kind of impression.

Nearly 50% NOT FOR SALE

Many stallion owners are not ready to sell at the auction, whether it is lack of high quality horses in the market and they therefore want to keep them or the often not realistic sales prices at the big auctions, but nearly 50% of the stallions for this 2023 licensing are not offered for sale at the subsequent stallion auction. The exact numbers are 21 stallions only for approval.

Some overall thoughts about offsprings by Global Player, Le Formidable and Viva Gold

When seen some of the young stallions for the approvals by Global Player, they are mostly well moving, medium sized but missing bit more strength for the top line.

KWPN stallion Le Formidable has been showing many sons for the pre-selections and now also for the final approvals, they are definitely very beautiful and well moving, but for most of them a kind of to high carriage of the front, which naturally makes the back as a low and weak spot - might give the future dressage abilities some challenges.

For this collection the sons by Viva Gold are all expressive, well moving, but maybe more like very nice future dressage horses than obvious future breeding stallions.

H2R top favorites for the licensing:

No 72 STANDS OUT 🌟 - look like a Champion top price stallion.

No 70 - powerful uphill build stallion

No 55 - still very young body wise - but supple and expressive.

No 73 - Big stallion showing supple movements

No 41 - very attractive supple mover in size S

No 52 - Lovely expressive stallion (would like to see the hind legs little less active though)


Full list of stallions with videos here.

KWPN Dressage Horse of the Year: Kjento

Double World Champion Kjento with Charlotte Fry - photo: Timo Martis

Kjento (Negro out of Zoriana elite pref perst IBOP-dres PROK by Jazz, breeder Ad van Os of Sprang-Capelle), owner Van Olst Horses, was again a sensation at the World Championships for Young Dressage Horses.

Kjento is a son of Negro (who was once Stallion of the Year himself) and this preferent stallion seems to have passed on his own talent to the phenomenal son Kjento. Kjento impressed by the performance test, where he was entered with 90 points and was then a striking appearance in the stallion competition.

With Charlotte Fry, the royal Kjento won gold for the second time at the World Championships for Young Dressage Horses in Ermelo. With a 10 for his trot and a 9.8 for perspective, it turned out that the jury has a lot of confidence in the now eight-year-old KWPN stallion. All this seems just the beginning of an impressive career.


What´s up for January

New year - new routines

The dressage and breeding year is huge, and it is often difficult to keep the easy picture of where and when. As a new “service” H2R will try to make a small overview about the upcoming major events for the current month.

Of course you always have the possibility to follow the events at H2R calendar, where current links for start- and results and live stream will be available.

January events:

  • 3 - Stallion competition Exloo (KWPN)

  • 5 - 8 - CDI3 Exloo NED

  • 5 - 8 - CDI3 / CDI-W Thermal USA

  • 11 - 14 - CDI3 Neustadt GER

  • 11 - 15 - CDI3 / CDI-W Wellington USA

  • 11 - 15 - Agravis Cup, national GER

  • 12 - 14 - OLD stallion licensing

  • 14 - 15 - CDI-W Basel CH

  • 18 - 21 - DSP stallion licensing

  • 19 - 22 - CDI3 West Palm Beach USA

  • 19 - 23 - Westphalian Winter Online auction - Dressage & Youngster

  • 25 - 29 - CDI4 Wellington USA

  • 25 - 29 - CDI-W Amsterdam NED

  • 29 - 30 - Stallion performance test Münster-Handorf GER

End of 2022 World Ranking with double individual World Champions Charlotte Fry and Glamourdale as no 1

Big jump directly into leading position for Glamourdale from being 70 at the FEI World Ranking. Charlotte Fry also made it to the very top from 4th position. Lottie is now the only rider having two horses in top 10 as Everdale is now placed no 9.

Former leader of the World Ranking TSF Dalera BB drops to 50 while Jessica von Bredow-Werndl is now at 5th position.

Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour stays at 2nd position. Vamos Amigos drops from 2nd position to 45.

Both Salvino and Andrienne Lyle (USA) with big steps forward. Salvino from 259 to 32, while Adrienne moved up the ranking from 237 to 26.

Blue Hors St. Schufro goes from 194 to 17th position.

Happy New Year - highlights with Danish team gold and double individual gold for Lottie Fry

Glamourdale and Lottie Fry made Herning as their new “home soil” - everyone loved them. Photo: Kerschbaum.

True to tradition, end of the year is were we all look back what happened, and time to wish each other a Happy New Year.

It has been a very special year in the name of Danish dressage with "our" team gold medals from this summer's World Championships on home soil.

Goodbye and hello

It´s been a year saying goodbye to top horses in the sport as Atterupgaards Cassidy, Bella Rose and Weihegold OLD. New exciting horses and riders comes up. Lottie Fry made her very own history in 2022 as one of H2R absolute highlights together with Glamourdale. The team around Lottie with Van Olst Horses seems to have an endless row of new Grand Prix prospects coming up, and at the moment Lottie has NINE! Grand Prix horses under saddle. Looking back at the individual podium in Herning - it was pure young ladies - they will definitely also be part of the dressage headlines in 2023.

Will Dalera and Jessica be able to keep Glamourdale and Lottie away from the top of the podium?

Will Germany take another year in the shadow of the competitors?

Will the British team be at the top spot for the Europeans this year?

And where will Denmark be? Still at the podium?

Time will tell and for sure another exciting year to come.

Dreams came true

Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour team World Champion gold and double individual silver winner, runner-up to the World Cup final and individual winner in Aachen, as well as team winner in Aachen puts the year into a few words :

A dream that came true. The biggest gift to Nathalie for many years as a fantastic national coach. Huge experience for Danish dressage - and an honor to stand in the middle of it with my teammates
— Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour

Enjoy some of the big 2022 moments here ⬇️

2022 was also the year when Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour and the rest of the dressage world said goodbye to Atterupgaard's Cassidy on home soil during the World Championships in Herning - a very special moment ⬇️

Some of the dressage- and breeding news at H2R during 2022:


  • No more Covid-19 restrictions - Danish Warmblood stallion show back to normal.

  • Danish Warmblood Elite Show becomes a part of World Championships in Herning.

  • DSP Champion Dream Royal by Don Royal / Quadroneur (Sprehe) - later (Nov) with 2-days performance test with 9,29.


  • KWPN licensing with first time Danish commentary

  • Danish Warmblood recognise German 2-days test.

  • Danish dominans at CDI3 Le Mans with 4 wins for Nanna Merrald.

  • Danish Cathrine, Nanna and Carina shows strong form at World Cup Neumünster with top placements.


  • FEI sanctions Russia.

  • Danish Warmblood stallion show back with glory.

  • Glamourdale and Charlotte Fry winner of CDI4 Grand Prix Special, Lier.


  • Kremlin / Bvlgari son winner of OLD saddle licensing (breeder Klausing).

  • Dalera and Jessica winner of World Cup final. Vamos Amigos and Cathrine 2nd. Danciera and Carina no 4 and Nanna with Atterupgaards Orthilia as no 5.

  • Bundeschampionate for 2022 also for 7 year old horses.

  • Daniel and Mashall-Bell no 3 in CDI4 GP Hagen.

  • Vogue by Vitalis / Fidertanz winner of 2 days test with 9.33.


  • Dinja van Liere and Hermes Dutch Champions.

  • Jovian, Zippo M.I. and Heiline´s Zackton in top of CDI3 GP Ålborg.

  • Dante Weltino and Therese Nilshagen winner of CDI5 GPS in Munich.


  • Danish Championships - Vamos Amigos 🥇Blue Hors Zack 🥈Thranegaardens Rostov 🥉.

  • Cathrine wins CDI4 GP with Bohemian in Aachen and CDI5 GP with Vamos Amigos.


  • Historical team victory CHIO Aachen - Cathrine/Vamos Amigos, Carina/Danse, Nanna/Orthilia og Daniel/Marshall-Bell.

  • Full sister of Vamos Amigos sold for 111.000 euro at auction.


  • World Championships team: 🥇🇩🇰🥈🇬🇧🥉🇩🇪

  • Individual 2 x🥇Glamourdale and Lottie Fry, 2x 🥈Vamos Amigos and Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour, 2x🥉Hermes and Dinja van Liere.

  • Selection of German young horses for WCYH in Ermelo

Golden freestyle 🥇🇬🇧⬇️


  • Former Atterupgaards Barcelo (now Maxi Kraft´s Barcelo) new Bundeschampion 6 year old horses.

  • Danish Warmblood Lyngbjergs St. Paris and Victoria Vallentin World Champions 5 year old, Global Player and Eva Möller World Champions 6 year old and Kjento with Charlotte Fry World Champions 7 year old.

  • Remember the name - Embolo by Escamillo / Detroit sold at Westphalian auction for 590.000 euro to Aubenhausen (Jessica von Bredow-Werndl)

  • Skyline to B winner of Swedish Breeder Trophy 4 year old horses.


  • Bon Courage with most sons selected for HANN licensing.

  • Iron sold Pidgley family and will be educated by Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour.

  • World Cup victory for Danish Carina and Danse at Vilhelmsborg.

  • Dalera and Jessica wins World Cup in Lyon after baby break.


  • HANN licensing - Premium stallions: Bon Courage/Compliment, Bon Courage/Lauries Crusador xx, Bonds/Dante Weltino, Bonds/For Romance I, For Romance/Franziskus, Le Formidable/Destano, Secret/Don Darius, Valdiviani/Belissimo M.

  • International debut victory CDI3 Blue Hors Grand Prix Special for Vayron with Daniel Bachmann.

  • International come-back for Blue Hors Don Olymbrio with Nanna Merrald.

  • Danish Stutteri Worre with two offsprings selected for NRW licensing.

  • Dalera and Jessica winner of Lövsta Top 10 - Carina and Danse no 4 (more like 2nd place),

  • OLD stallion pre-selection.


  • KWPN stallion pre-selection.

  • Danish Warmblood stallion pre-selection.

  • New concept for the stallion at Danish Warmblood licensing - day 1 with presentation under own rider. Schedule more specific dressage or jumping for the stallion show.

  • Glamourdale and Lottie Fry winner of World Cup London 90,995%.

  • Andrina Suter winner Nürnberger Burg-Pokal with Briatore and Sönke Rothenberger winner of Louisdor Preis final with Danish Warmblood gelding Fendi by Franklin / Diamond.

  • HANN stallion year book ONLINE.

  • Tørveslettens Titanium RS2 by Totilas / Stedinger winner CDI-W GP in Mechelen. Hermes and Dinja van Liere winner of Mechelen leg.

  • Westphalian stallion licensing results:

Additionally H2R catch up on daily basis about breeding- and dressage news from the rest of the equestrian world via Horse2rider Facebook.