Therese Nilshagen successful at CDI5* München with Dante Weltino OLD and takes Nürnberger Burg-Pokal qualifier with La Vie

Successful weekend for Swedish Therese Nilshagen

As premier for the outdoor season Therese Nilshagen lately brought both Dante Weltino OLD and La Vie for Horses & Dream in Hagen.

This weekend both stallions were ready again, and this time in the absolute top of the field.

For the CDI5* Grand Prix Therese and Dante were only beaten by a very sharp Duke of Britain with Frederic Wandres, but for the Grand Prix Special the 16 year old stallion with Therese in the saddle took the victory. Frederic and Duke took the freestyle victory.

It is always a pleasure to watch the powerful Dante Weltino OLD together with Therese Nilshagen they have build a strong partnership over the years and Therese knows exactly where she has him, also judged from watching them at the warm-up in Hagen focusing on relaxation and gymnastics without any presure before performing in the ring.

For the Grand Prix Special:

Power balanced trot/passage/extensions, trending 77%, good walk, direct into 1st piaffe, tiny unbalance out of piaffe tours, nice series, good pirouettes, 2nd best, error change for extended canter, strong final. 75,043%

8 year old Hannoveraner stallion La Vie ready for the task

As both 5 year old and 6 year old La Vie and Therese qualified for the Bundeschampionate and he made his debut at St. Georg level with 73%. Today they took the victory for the prestigious Nürnberger Burg-Pokal qualifier with 75,073%

Lot of power, expression and quality for the trot tour, supple with go and flow, very good walk tour, nice supple over the back with good relaxation, nice collected walk with good walk pirouettes, for the canter tour he sometimes looks a bit stallion like for the aides, but Therese manage also to show the canter without any technical issues, tiny lost balance for 1st canter pirouette.

Resultater fra Midtsjællands Rideklub championatskvalifikationer i dag med Falsterbo udtagelse

Favour Gersdorf og Nadja Aaboe Sloth tilbage i 2018 ved UVM udtagelse på Broholm for 5 års heste - foto: H2R

Så er de første finale og mellemrunde deltagere klar fra dagens championatskvalifikation.

Nr. 1 og nr. 2 i 5 års, 6 års og 7 års er ligeledes udtaget til at ride Falsterbo.

Nr. 1 og 2 i 4 års er automatisk finaleklar, mens det for 5 års, 6 års og 7 års alene er vinderen af kvalifikationen som er direkte videre til finalen. Resten kvalificeres via mellemrunden.

Til mellemrunden er heste kvalificeret, såfremt de til en kvalifikation til PAVO og Dansk Ride Forbunds Championat for Ungheste har opnået følgende gennemsnit:

  • 4-års heste: En opnået score ved et kvalifikationsstævne på 7,8 / 78,00 %

  • 5-års heste: En opnået score ved et kvalifikationsstævne på 7,8 / 78,00 %

  • 6-års heste: En opnået score ved et kvalifikationsstævne på 7,8 / 78,00 %

  • 7-års heste: En opnået score ved et kvalifikationsstævne på 7,2 / 72,00 %

4 års

5 års

6 års

7 års

(Det fremgår ikke af resultaterne via Online.equipe hvad scoren for programmet er og scoren for gangarter - begge dele er lagt sammen.)

Helgstrand Dressage sales of a huge collection of Franklin offspring at Online Auction

21 horses from Helgstrand Dressage for sale at Online auction

In collaboration with Westfalen auction team Helgstrand Dressage now offers a collection of their “low price” horses for sale at Online auction.

The auction has started today at 9.00 and runs till 21 May at 7 pm.

8 Franklin offsprings for sale

The horses are all owned by Helgstrand Dressage.

A total of 6 horses are bred by Helgstrand Dressage long time business partner Chateau de Fontaine in France.

Among the breeders are also Dutch A.M.T. Toonen Arts with two offspring, also Australian Kristy Oatley and Danish Stutteriet HTK (Hanni Kasprzak), Stutteri Treldegård, Jørn Damm, Nobelfood Holding and Straight Horse are among the breeders.

Here you find the entire collection.

63rd Online Auction Foals - starts tomorrow with 11 dressage foals

It´s not all about the breeding

When checking out the collection (as usual) this special note came of for the collections top favorite, which means that the sire of this attractive colt is not licensed in German HB I, nevertheless it´s the best moving foal from this collection.

The sire has been successful at 135 cm jumping and is approved for HANN.

At the time of passport issue, the sire of the foal with the head number 20 does not fullfil the registration requirements for HB I. The foal therefore receives an animal breeding certificate II.

Here you find the entire collection.

VIDEO - Highlights fra Blue Hors følaften

Stort avler fremmøde til gårsdagens FØLAFTEN på Blue Hors

Rigtig mange avlere havde fundet vej til Blue Hors på en iskold aften midt i maj måned, hvor vi ellers havde været begunstiget af rigtigt forårs vejr henover weekenden.

Velkomst ved Martin Klavsen der sammen med Nanna Merrald stod for at præsentationen af nogle af Blue Hors hingstene, der blev vist ved hånd. Martin Klavsen med avlsfakta om hver enkelt hingst, fulgt op af ridemæssige kommentarer fra Nanna, og med små hyggelige insider om hingstene.

Efter præsentationen af hingstene, var det tid til at se et udvalg af føl efter Blue Hors hingstene.

I alt 21 føl blev vist og avlerne var kommet langvejs fra med deres hoppe og føl for at være en del af aftenens arrangement. Med max 3 afkom pr. hingst var det naturligvis ikke et endegyldigt billede af hvordan de enkelte hingste avler, men dog alligevel et godt fingerprej om retningen.

En aften hvor avlerne mødtes og udvekslede erfaringer og måske sidste indtryk inden endelig valg af hingst til den her sæson.

Blue Hors var efterfølgende værter ved grillen med tilhørende drikkevarer.

14 stallions were presented for the 2 days test today in Vechta

The field was reduced to only 14 stallions for this testing. From Helgstrand Dressage only For Royalty took part. (Jagger, Galaxico and Viva Vegas was missing) and also missing Versace Deluxe.

The stallions were presented two in the arena together with very nice guidance from Josef Freese.

The best stallions from today´s presentation:

  • Bon Bolero by Bon Vivaldi / Fürst Romancier - active, supple with good balance and quality for all three gaits.

  • For Royalty by For Romance / Franziskus - nice frame and natural balance, light footed with three good gaits.

  • Jovianson by Jovian / Fürst Romancier - square model - well moving in all three gaits with very good walk

  • Zarenball by Zenon / Fürstenball - long legged well balanced, nice big framed stallion with good self carriage for all three gaits, easy of the ground in trot and canter and with superb walk, marching over the back.

Startlisterne online til årets første championatskvalifikationer i Midtsjællands Rideklub med udtagelse til Falsterbo

Selina Solberg Vittinghus - foto: H2R

Midtsjælland er på lørdag klar til at skyde årets første championatskvalifikationer i gang.

Samtidig med championatskvalifikationerne er det jo også udtagelse til sommerens Falsterbo stævne, hvor de to bedste i 5 års, 6 års og 7 års automatisk indløser den svenske billet.

Det er altid super spændende at se startlisterne, specielt med de 4 års heste, som jo for langt de flestes vedkommende er første gang man ser dem.

Jan Møller Christensen er på listen med hesten Qurt e. Quaterhit/BH Don Schufro avlet af Lotte og Gert Buchhave. Et nærmere kig på afstamningen vidner om, at Qurt har samme mor som Grand Prix aktuelle Grand Galiano under Rikke Dupont.

Natasja Arndt fra Stutteri Vilard er til start på hjemmeavlet hoppe Vilard´s Fiolin e. Franklin / Sandro Hit. Victoria Vallentin er klar til championatskvalifikation på den særdeles spændende hoppe Lygums Zelina e. Blue Hors St. Schufro / Blue Hors Zack (ekvipagen så vi sammen for første gang til hingstepræsentationen på Blue Hors i marts måned).

Et kig ned over listerne med de forskellige årgange finder man selvfølgelig også Atterupgaard rytteren Selina Solberg Vittinghus som er repræsenteret med en enkelt hest i 4 års klassen, to heste i 5 års klassen, en i 6 års klassen og en enkelt i 7 års klassen (Atterupgaards Lady Hamilton, årets hoppe i Dansk Varmblod 2019 e. Dante Weltino OLD / Stedinger, ejet af Charlotte Hamilton/Hamilton Horses).

Her finder du alle startlister.

MELLEMRUNDE Mellemrunde – kvalificerede heste:

Til mellemrunden er heste kvalificeret, såfremt de til en kvalifikation til PAVO og Dansk Ride Forbunds Championat for Ungheste har opnået følgende gennemsnit:

  • 4-års heste: En opnået score ved et kvalifikationsstævne på 7,8 / 78,00 %

  • 5-års heste: En opnået score ved et kvalifikationsstævne på 7,8 / 78,00 %

  • 6-års heste: En opnået score ved et kvalifikationsstævne på 7,8 / 78,00 %

  • 7-års heste: En opnået score ved et kvalifikationsstævne på 7,2 / 72,00 %

Næste weekend er det championatskvalifikation i Billund med Falsterbo udtagelse.

Westphalian 62th Online-Auktion Foals – Dressage Talents - runs until 15 May 19.30

Current top prices at the running auction

A total of 15 dressage foals + 6 pony dressage foals are up for this Dressage Talents auction

Two foals stands out - both from first crop.

No 1 by Skyline to B / Ehrenstoltz with nice natural uphill movements with nice activity from behind, good supple canter. The walk at the video lacking bit more clear rhythm. Very strong dam line and former top price foal by same dam.

H2R top price favorite is No 2 by Diamantenglanz / Borsalino - this colt is born in January and still showing three supple gaits with lovely expression and you can already imagine that this colt will turn into a long legged super expressive boy.

Here you find the entire collection.

Carl Hester makes the double at CDI3* Hickstead with Grand Prix Special victory today

Power test with more overall relaxation today. Lots of elasticity for passage, good extensions could show a bit more open frame, small hiccup at short side for passage lost of rhythm, nice in and out of good plaffe tours, for final turn after 2nd piaffe it looks like Mr. Hester thinks GP transition and in last second make the turn for the centerline, small lost of passage, super strong canter tour, nice series and well balanced pirouettes, strong final centerline. 75,468%

After today´s victory Carl Hester told H2R: “He felt super in the contact and much more relaxed. He just kept thinking left canter the whole time (for the small hiccup at the end of passage tour before transition to canter). Anyway all learning curve and I am in love.”

Below you can hear Carl Hester telling about Fame and watch the entire Grand Prix test ⬇️

Carl Hester and Fame takes the CDI3* Grand Prix at Hickstead today

It was a top motivated combination Fame & Carl Hester entering CDI3* on home soil at Hickstead today.

Fame is a super positive power house (from watching them for the 2nd time today). You sometimes get the impression of that Carl could ask a bit less - if possible, but still manage to show without any technical errors.

Fame was on fire but well managed. Super entry halt, nice diagonal, half pass right tiny unbalanced/tensions, left with good flow, nice halt with rein back, good diagonal, super in and out of nice plaffe tiny forward trend, extended walk could show more let go, good collected walk and Carl is waiting exactly till M before super transition to passage, piaffe active tiny forward trend, very solid canter tour, only change after extended canter with tensions, both pirouettes bit big, but rest very well managed, super final centerline. 76,326%

Comeback for DSP Rose of Bavaria for the CDI3*

DSP Rose of Bavaria & Laura Tomlinson - Despite overall quite strong contact it was a strong comeback performance. Only technical issue for the one time loosing the balance for the final part of the one times. First piaffe becomes bit forward, 2nd better at the spot, 2 times bit swing, lovely passage, strong transitions, good walk tour and nice pirouettes. 72,543%

They haven´t shown since August 2021, but this mare is for sure the absolute top quality card from Laura Tomlinson, even though she has been showing Fallatijn at the internationals lately.

Indigro with famous predigree like Kjento

The black Negro / Jazz son Indigro just brings something extraordinary. Indigro is a pure passage / piaffe maschine. The way he is able to sit, carry, balance and show expression is extraordinary. (unfortunately not really reflected in the marks). Today with a solid test but still some moments where you could wish for a bit more accuracy, both series becomes bit swinging. 71,174%

En Vogue for the the national Grand Prix

It was also comeback for En Vogue with Carl Hester. They have not shown since March 2022 and due to an injury they did not run for the World Championships last year in Herning.

Today they were back at national level with a very good winner performance.

Smooth trot tour with nice half passes, good halt with rein back, small hiccup for 1st piaffe, walk tour becomes bit tense and short, bit travelling 2nd piaffe, good series, bit tense hind coming back from extended canter, small error for zigzag, super nice pirouettes. 75,10%

New way of holding the reins?

Was it a new way of holding the reins or does H2R just need new glasses!

Former Danish rider Henriette Andersen is back at Grand Prix level with her 12 year old Zack son Zackery today placed 4th with 71,179%, while Danish Anders Dahl was placed 5th with 70,725% with Esquire.

Top price filly by Kjento at OLD Elite Auction sold for 33.000 euro to Canadian Vicky Lavoie

Kir Royal by Kjento /

OLD Elite quality filly by Kjento sold to Canada

Ones again Canadian Vicky Lavoie secured herself the top foal, this time the OLD Elite filly Kir Royal by double Young Horse World Champion Kjento out of a Vivaldi/Royal Hit dam line. Granddam and Brillantring mare Rosenprinzessin is the sister of Darina by De Niro, dam of three licensed stallions, among them price highlight Glock's Energy by Escamillo.

DRF’s championatskvalifikationer starter i næste weekend

Se bestemmelser for dressur 2023 (pdf)
Dressurprogrammer findes her
Noter til bedømmelse (pdf)

Der er i år lavet en lille justering i pointgivningen for 7-års hestene i programdelen. Således får de fremadrettet én karakter for det samlede indtryk (med koefficient 2), i stedet for tidlige fire karakterer for hhv. gangarter, spændstighed, lydighed og rytteren.
Der gives selvfølgelig stadig de samme fem karakterer som de øvrige unge heste får i deres bedømmelse, nemlig karaktererne for trav, skridt, galop, ridelighed og kapacitet.

Kilde: DRF

OLD Elite foal auction running now

Most attractive foal for the OLD Elite Collection is no 3 by Kjento / Vivaldi

12 dressage foals are selected

For this OLD Elite foal collection only 12 dressage foals has been selected, and a quick look at the video presentation it is clearly that the overall ELITE qualities are missing.

Current top price at 13.000 euro for no 16 by Fynch Hatton out of fullsister of Grand Prix stallion Detroit (🇩🇰Anna Zibrandtsen).

The auction runs till 13 May.

Here you find the entire collection.