Hvad kan netværk i hestebranchen?

Facilitator for Equilink Tina Bjerregaard med indlægsholder “løvinde” og iværksætter Anne Stampe Olesen - foto: H2R

Når man træder ud på åbent vand

En helt almindelig onsdag havde H2R taget turen til Vilhelmsborg for at snuse til NETVÆRKSMØDE i hestebranchen, hvad det egentlig var for en størrelse.

Er netværk noget man kan bruge i hestebranchen? Og hvad får man ud af at være med i netværk? Det var et par af de spørgsmål som H2R håbede på at kunne få svar på den onsdag på Vilhelmsborg.

Omkring 30 forskellige firmaer, alle indenfor hestebranchen, havde valgt at bruge en onsdag på Netværksmøde. Lidt over kl. 11 havde deltagerne fundet deres pladser og det var tydeligt, at snakken gik på tværs af bordene, inden facilitator Tine Bjerregaard tog ordet og bød velkommen. Herefter stod den på kort intro bordet rundt, hvor alle lige kort fik præsenteret deres virksomhed.


Anne Stampe Olesen, 35-årige iværksætter, erhvervskvinde og “løvinde” fra TV serien på DR, Løvens Hule deltager var dagens taler. En helt igennem stærk kvinde, som har noget på hjertet. Anne Stampe brænder ikke kun igennem på skærmen, hun brænder i særdeleshed også igennem live. Der er ingen tvivl om, at hun gør en kæmpe forskel hos kvindelige iværksættere - hun er en klar “rollemodel”, uanset hun nu også er “kendt fra TV”. Derudover er Anne også en rigtig hestepige, hesteejer, ponymor og formand for Viborg Rideklub.

Anne fortalte om hele forløbet omkring Løvens Hule, som er et intensivt forløb over 3 uger fra morgen til aften med optagelser, hvor hver enkelt deltager har en time foran løverne.

Nordic Female Founders blev stiftet for knap 3 år siden og tæller i dag 13 forskellige virksomheder, hvor Anne hver mandag/tirsdag har online møder med “tal” opfølgning, og som Anne udtrykker det “så kan de fleste godt lide mig”.

Herefter fortalte Anne lidt om de virksomheder som hun har investeret i og deres udvikling, herunder Investor club med både mænd og kvinder.

Female Founders House med base i København er etableret med henblik på at hjælpe iværksættere med ALT fra revision, markedsføring, investering m.v., her kan man for kr. 2.500 om måneden købe en “kontorplads”, og har dermed hjælpen lige ved hånden.

Styr på “penalhuset”

Fra Anne Stampe kom der flere guldkorn under vejs, men gentagende gange nævnte hun vigtigheden af at have “styr på penalhuset”. Det handler om 80% struktur og 20% kreativitet for en forretning med en “bæredygtig” eksistens.

Den kvindelige iværksætter er i gennemsnit 38 år, og blot 27% af alle iværksættere er kvinder. Ud af de midler som ansøges via Vækstfonden tegner kvindelige iværksættere sig kun for 4,4%.

Et fantastisk indspark fra en kvinde, som har været der og ikke mindst ER der lige nu. (Se nyeste ændringer hos Female Founders længere nede her).

Fremtidige arrangementer

Efter skøn frokost var der lidt om fremtidige arrangementer i Equilink regi, herunder Equilink Boost webinar.

Gruppe opgave

Eftermiddagen stod på gruppeopgave i 2 timer. Umiddelbart uoverskuelig lang tid uden nogen speciel agenda udover at skulle fortælle om sin egen virksomhed. Men selvom paraderne var mentalt oppe, så gik der ikke mange minutter før alle i gruppen var klar til at hjælpe hinanden. De udfordringer som alle med egne forretninger har, kunne alle relaterer sig til, og ikke mindst komme med input til uanset hvilken del af branchen man var i - det hele lugtede jo af hest på den ene eller anden måde. En enestående måde at kunne bruge hinanden på og dermed få netværket rigtigt i spil.

I “min” gruppe var der udstyrsforretning, kandidat i mobning, sadelmager, sælger af staldinventar og salgsleder i forsikringsselskab. De 2 timer var super spændende med masser gode input og ping-pong med løsningsforslag og ideer til den enkelte at kunne tage med hjem.

Tak for en spændende netværksdag, hvor man virkelig kunne mærke værdien i at sparre med kollegaer indenfor branchen, og drage nytte af hinandens kompetancer og erfaringer.

Opslag på Instagram 22/6:

6 year old and 7 year old German horses long listed for final selection for WCYH in Ermelo

Yesterday and today with test riding of the preliminary tests for 6 year old and 7 year old horses in Warendorf.

As usual some surprices came up, and among the 6 year old the Danish owned super mare St. Tropez by Santo Domingo / Rock Forever I, ridden by Anne-Marie Hosbond did not pass the German selection.

After their test Mr. Plewa said: “This is a very elegant and long legged dressage horse, showing a good hindleg, mayby with a bit more suppleness, nice transitions to collection, walk totally clear beat, bit limited over track, but the clarity of the beat was impressive, canter with good air time, could show more ground cover for the extensions and maybe also a bit more supple, but clear potential to sit and collect, clear three beat, technical good quality, the horse was always shown in a good frame, highlights for the lateral work with outstanding cadence with half passes with lots of shoulder freedom with huge crossing, the flying changes with good jump and quality, but for the canter the pure suppleness was somewhat failing today.”

At H2R top list:

  • In My Mind

  • St. Tropez - NOT long listed

  • Life Time

  • St. Felice - St Schufro / Fürstenball with Marcus Hermes NOT long listed. Lovely lightfooted mare with good expression and quality.

long listed 6 year old

long listed 7 year old

With a super presentation Danciero and Danish Anna Kasprzak were clearly on to the final selection. Comments about their test from Mr. Plewa: “Convincing trot tour with a lot of swing and very good developed from the hind legs, for the extensions you could wish for even more push from the hind legs under body, but nice ability to collect, the walk from the beginning very clear beat, very obedient, the canter a highlight, very very nice uphill, absolutely clear beat, super straight extensions very rhythmical with good ground cover, the rider could show the horse with a bit more open frame for the extensions, for even higher marks direction maximum marks, the submission with good marks the steady well balanced frame with good steady closed mouth, tiny deduction for tiny moments behind the vertical for the extensions, very good pirouettes with surplus for the 2nd fully balanced and nice sit, small advice remember to keep the horse straight when making the circles. All in all a convincing performance.”

Today´s “winner” performance from H2R point of view was from Diaton and Nicole Wego-Engelmeyer - impressive well moving, super expressive stallion.

Mr. Plewa´s comments: “The trot very dynamic, elastic, very nice cadance, and able to bring this candance for the lateral work with super regularity, the walk is spacious with good use of the back, another highlight is the canter, everything easy and supple, super extensions with lot of ability to collect and take weight for the transitions, very controlled pirouettes, for submission not really anything to note, maybe for the half passes the horse is a bit to bended, impressive with the ease and obedience of performing the test.”

Also at the H2R top list:

  • Zonik Plus by Zonik / Hohenstein - also one of last years eye catcher in Ermelo

  • Belinda FRH

  • Global Player OLD - this year with new rider Leonie Richter

Impressive that Isabell Werth with Valdiviani also were long listed, as the walk is very limited. Maybe usable for Werth Grand Prix, but not really usable for WCYH. And when comments about the trot for Zonik Plus was very passage like, Valdiviani was certainly the same but just mentioned as very collected.

5 year old German horses selected for final round

From H2R point of view “today´s winner”

With today’s German judging team Monica Theodoreacu, Dr Dietrich Plewa and Reinhard Richenhagen the 5 year old horses were selected for the final selection taking place 4th of July.

After each test Mr. Plewa was commentating the ride, and from the comments but also from the performance 🇩🇰Danish Mette Sejbjerg Jensen and About You II were the “winners”.

Mr. Plewa said: “well deserved applause, it was a really well performed test except the rein back, with tension in the contact but still clear for the diagonal rein back rhythm. Impressive trot work totally in balance also on the curved tracks and turns, always with the same cadence, medium trot exact with the correct power, clearly uphill trend nice from behind, elastic without tensions and expressive, the walk through the body, very nice contact and search for the rider hand, nice over track, active and with clear beat, everything with very good quality, the canter in 3-beat, could show bit more collection with a bit more volume and airtime. Rideability score would be affected from the obedience from the horse, very good simple change, a horse with a very nice perspective.”

Rosee de Fointaine with Maria Anita Andersen with a solid well balanced presentation, but overall the frame could be shown a bit more open throughout the entire presentation. Be Sure and Thomas Sigtenbjerggaard with a good overall presentation but throughout the full relaxation was missing.

Also at H2R top list from today and clear pick for the Championships:

  • Happy Days Di Fonteabeti - active well balance mare with good expression.

  • San to Alati - super presentation, good expression and well balanced.

  • Santos - best of the Secret sons, easy supple of the ground movements.

  • Sir Johny - very nice obedient and with good quality gaits.

There is no room for technical errors as no 88 Mille Grazie a Carree by Millennium / Sandro Hit. A really nice small black power mare, unfortunately with some tensions today and therefore not selected for the final.

Surprisingly St. Athletique by St. Schufro / Hofrat was not at the list with Heiko Klausen like the well moving Titania K by Top Gear / Prestige Pilot with Leonie Richter.

Price highlights for Great Britain and Denmark


The collection of the 9th Oldenburger Special Edition consisting of sport partners and elite foals was desired by customers around the globe. The price highlight of the riding horses will move to Great Britain, while the top foal will cause a sensation for an Oldenburg friend in Denmark.

Capital dressage artist becomes top price: The impressive stallion Empire by Escamillo - De Niro - Andiamo, breeder: Gerd Pigge, Lastrup, exhibitor: Gut Füchtel GbR, Vechta, was sold to Great Britain for 58,000 Euros. His dam Dunja is sister to Don't forget, Grand Prix successful with Patrik Kittel, SWE. Grand Prix star Foundation under Matthias Alexander Rath comes from the same line.

The average price of the sport horse collection was around 27,000 Euros. 21 sport horses generated a total of 564,000 Euros. Six Oldenburg horses will have international careers, they will move to Great Britain (2), Italy (2) and the USA (2).

Offspring star for Denmark: The price leader of the elite foals is Elegance by Escanto PS - Don Schufro - Sandro Hit. Dam Weihestern is none other than the sister of Weihegold OLD, decorated with Olympia and European Championship goldunder Isabell Werth. Another prominent brother is Total Recall, internationally Grand Prix successful with Jemma Heran, AUS. Elegance was sold for 31,000 Euros to theOldenburg friend and breeder Lone Boegh Henriksen from Denmark.

Grand Prix star Isabell Werth secured an elite foal in Vechta as well. For 11,000 Euros she bought the colt Vitalou by Vitalis - Feedback - Fidermark, bred by breeder community Flandersbach, Wülfrath.

Region 6 med traditionsrig følaften

Stor opbakning fra avlerne

Forsommeren er lig med føl og derfor havde Dansk Varmblod´s region 6 igen i år inviteret avlerne til følaften hos Lena og Ulrik Kristensen i Vinderup.

På den solrige tirsdag aften havde rigtig mange avlere fundet vejen til Vinderup, uden at have nøjagtig tal på de fremmødte lignede det 50-60 personer, som efter at have hilst på hinanden i stalden, drukket en kop kaffe og udvekslet den sidste status på reproduktionssæsonen, var klar til at tage plads på langsiden i ridehuset.

Her var H2R sammen med Dansk Varmblods direktør Casper Cassøe Krüth inviteret til at fortælle om hhv. H2R og hvad rytterne efterspørger H2R ano 2023, mens Casper skulle informere om bl.a. status på Dansk Varmblod.

H2R lagde ud og fortalte lidt om baggrunden for opstarten af H2R for nu 15 år siden, herunder selvfølgelig med fuld fokus på dækning af international avl og sport. H2R begrebet “3 x T” blev introduceret overfor avlerne. Der findes desværre ikke nogen præcis formel på at avle den perfekte ridehest, men “3 x T” bør avleren altid have for øje, nemlig Temperament, Tre gangarter og Typen, i jagten på at avle føl som er salgbare og attraktive for rytterne at uddanne. Samtidig var der også opfordring til avlerne om at benytte sig af alle de online muligheder som er kommet til gennem det seneste årti, alt fra følskuer, kåringer, linære avlsindeks og auktioner.

Casper fortalte om status på DV, herunder den nye avlsledelse, de kommende følauktioner, hoppekåringer og følskuer. Herunder kom Casper bl.a. med et opråb, da man i auktionsudvalget havde set rigtig mange gode og ordentlige føl, men det desværre også havde været mere end en håndfuld, hvor man desværre ikke havde været påpasselige i forhold til at de var efterset og tilrettet i tide på deres hove.

Herefter var der føl fremvisning, som bestod af en samling af Lena og Ulrik Kristensen egne føl samt et par føl fra andre avlere. En rigtig fin samling og er bredt udsnit af hvad 2023 årgangen byder på. Her fik både H2R og Casper mulighed for at komme med umiddelbare kommentarer og indtryk af hver enkelt føl. Under vejs var der også lidt spørgsmål og kommentarer fra avlerne på sidelinien.

Efter følfremvisningen var Holstebro Hestepraksis vært omkring grillen, med pølser, øl, vand, kaffe og kage.

Hatten af for de entusiastiske avlere som år efter år tager imod en ny årgang. Det kræver meget mere end bare at vælge hingst og så vente på resultatet - TAK FOR EN GOD AFTEN i det jyske.

35 Dutch young horses ready for final selection for WCYH in Ermelo

Nacho and Lottie Fry ready for final selection for WCYH in Ermelo - Photo: Van Olst Horses

At Thuesday and Wednesday´s 2nd selection of the Dutch young horses a total of 35 horses were selected for the final selection taking place 4th of July.

The only “wildcard” combination selected was 6 year old stallion My Vitality by Vivaldi / D-Day with Eric Guardia Martinez.

At 4th of July 6 combinations from each year plus reserve combinations will be selected to represent KWPN at WCYH in Ermelo.

FULL VIDEO - Daniel Bachmann Andersen and Zippo M.I. winner of CDI3 Grand Prix today

Pricegiving in Hagen today - private photo

25 combinations at start in today´s CDI3 Grand Prix at Hof Kasselmann at Aachen Dressage Days

Daniel Bachmann and 11 year old Zippo M.I. by Blue Hors Zack / Blue Hors Don Schufro were ready for their first outdoor event this year, as they were at start last time during Danish Warmblood stallion show event in Herning in March. The recent months has been used for training and improving of the piaffe, which succeeded very well today. A very polished test only with at tiny lack of balance for the first diagonal, rest was pretty spotless and finishing with a super score 74,522% (personal best 75,043% last year at CDIO4 in Falsterbo).

More Danish imprint

Impressive Danish imprint with 5 out of top 7. Zippo with Danish rider, breeder and owner, no 2 Campari Danish owner, no 3 Grevens Zorro Danish breeder, no 4 Tørveslettens Sunshine Danish breeder and owner and no 7 L´Arbuste Danish breeder.

Unfortunately it was surpricingly not possible to follow the event at Clipmyhorse, but only from the running results. Here below you can watch the full winner performance ⬇️

Grand Prix Special, U25 Grand Prix and Nürnberger Burg-Pokal qualifier today in Balve

Would Fendi and Sönke be able to beat Dalera and Jessica again today?

A this level there is often no room for errors and this was also the fact today between gold and silver.

It might have been a big surprice with yesterday´s Grand Prix victory for Sönke Rothenberger with his 9 year old Danish Warmblood Fendi T by Franklin/Diamond, but it definitely brought them in favorite position for today´s gold medal. Until the one times at the diagonal they were showing a performance for a gold medal, but unfortunately two big errors for the diagonal and again for the one time at the centerline just made the difference between gold and silver today.

A bit incomprehensible that judge at C today Mrs Evi Eistenhardt saw Sönke and Fendi at 6th position! the rest of the judging team saw them at 2nd position.

H2R comments during their tests about top 3:

TSF Dalera BB & Jessica von Bredow-Werndl - Some issue for left hind and right front for entering halt lifting, power diagonal, good half pass left, good into passage, well balanced extension, super passage at short side, nice half pass right, good into passage, power extension, super back to passage, trend 80,7%, ok extended walk tour, unbalanced rhythm for collected walk, good sit for 1st piaffe lack mit more of the ground, nice transitions, super 2nd piaffe incl. transitions smooth, early transition to canter, well balanced zigzag canter, nice 2 times, nice 1 times, good extended canter, well balanced 1st pirouette, good 1 times, bit big 2nd pirouette, nice into trot, small lack of beat for extension, super final centerline. WINNER PERFORMANCE 83,245%

Fendi T & Sönke Rothenberger - Super entry halt, well balanced diagonal, super side picture, supple half pass left uphill balance, nice into passage at C, active of the ground passage, nice extension super back up into passage, smooth half pass right tiny lack of bend at end, passage is TOP, balanced out into extended trot, passage from behind, need more let go and suppleness for extended walk, bit tense collected walk, tiny tensions 1st piaffe, 2nd bit tense but huge sit, tiny tension for transition to canter, trend 81%, good half passes, big 2 times tiny swing, error begin and end 1 times diagonal, power extended canter super change, super sit and balance 1st pirouette, error 1 times, bit unbalanced 2nd pirouette, good into trot, power long side, super expression, top final centerline. 79,882%

Duke of Britain FRH & Frederic Wandres - Good trot tour, passage lacking for some moments a bit more clear push from behind, piaffe tours supple bouncy sit WOW, easy transitions, trend 78%, error 2 times, ok 1 times bit tense hind, big pirouettes lack more balance, super final centerline. 78,627%

The German “next generation” is ready

Sönke Rothenberger and Fendi T are representing the next generation of the German team and together with his sister Semmieke with Flanell, Katharina Hemmer with Denoix and Bianca Nowag-Aulenbrock with Florine OLD. They will for sure push the “old ladies” when it comes to Olympics 2024.

U25 - Semmieke

Rothenberger clearly in front also at U25 today. Super test from Semmieke without any technical issues and highlights for piaffe and passage tours. Well deserved Champion.

Nürnberger Burg-Pokal

Germany´s most prestigious young horse tour is the Nürnberger Burg-Pokal series. This year with 8 events for the qualification with 4 extra spots with combinations placed 2nd with highest procentage.

Today Dorothee Schneider with Escalito in front with a ticket for the final, but 2nd placed was Florine Kienbaum with 9 year old trakehner gelding Nautilus by Connery / Latimer with a super score of 74,756%, temporary best 2nd place score which brings them to the finals.

Germany rallies for short-handed victory in Budapest

Germany entered the FEI Dressage Nations Cup™ of Hungary with a bit of added pressure. Prepared to start with a full team of riders, the squad was left short-handed following the late scratch of Lisa-Maria Klössinger.

But no drop score would be needed, as Team Germany, with just three riders, recorded a comfortable victory under the tutelage of Chef d'Equipe Götz Brinkmann. The trio of Rudolf Widmann (Ferrari OLD), Franziska Stieglmair (Samurai 504) and Lisa Müller (Gut Wettlkam's D'avie FRH) finished on a total score of 416.873%, more than 10 points ahead of runners-up, Hungary (405.301%). 

"There was a lot of pressure. Of course you can make mistakes, but if that happens [with three riders], you're out of the running...I was pretty proud of all of them, that they were able to handle that pressure and solve all the problems."

Chef d'Equipe Götz Brinkmann (GER)

Stieglmaier and Müller were the only riders to score above 70 percent across the Grand Prix and Grand Prix Special, with Stieglmaier firmly asserting a German victory with an individual win in the Special aboard her longtime mount, Samurai 504. She and the 12-year-old Hanoverian gelding received a winning score of 71.234%—a personal best for the pair.

"It's a really special partnership. I bought him as a 2-year-old. When he was young, he was a little scared of everything, but now he's my partner in crime. If I don't make a mistake, he also won't."

Franziska Spieglmaier (GER)

Anchor pair Müller and Gut Wettlkam's D'avie FRH set the team ahead from the onset, winning the Grand Prix (72.543%) and finishing second in the Special (70.000%). Collectively, the squad did not finish worse than seventh in a single test.

"It was really fun to ride with our team," Spieglmaier said. "There was really good team spirit, and we helped each other really well. This win is very good for all of us."

Germany maintains its lead in the 2023 FEI Dressage Nations Cup™ series standings. Sweden sits second, followed by Denmark.

"We have many strong riders [in Germany]. It's not only riding in a foreign country and riding for Germany, but many others also could have ridden, and [German National Coach Monica Theodorescu] chose us," Brinkmann said. "That makes us really, really happy."

Full results

Sensational Sönke with 9 year old Danish Warmblood Fendi T

Unbeatable Dalera and Jessica beaten by Fendi and Sönke today

A very interesting field for today´s Grand Prix at the German national Championships. It is this time of the year where things are starting to get very interesting when a big international Championship comes up later. How strong are the strong nations? Often it is pretty well reflected by the national championships, but like always the scoreboard for the German Championships is also this year well heated.

Today was the day where TSF Dalera BB with Jessica von Bredow-Werndl had to handle over the baton in terms of being undefeated since the Tokyo Olympics in July 2021. Maybe kind of a surprice that the young Fendi T and Sönke Rothenberger were the ones to stop the winning streak - but they were definitely in for the job today. Well deserved and also from a side line perspective it was with a bigger gab than reflected by the scoreboard.

Bluetooth and Wandres has really improved their relationship. Bluetooth has been come a happy athlete together with Wandres and also showed a strong performance today without any technical issues.

“Conservative” performances with more errors

Very unexpected Dalera and Jessica had some major “problems” today, Werth and Quantaz did their stuff but somewhat with the hand break applied, like also Duke of Britain and Wandres were kind of not as sharp as usual, still with highlight of their piaffe tours.

Here below the post at Facebook from Jessica von Bredow-Werndl about today:

The young ladies

Placed 9, 10 and 11 were three very talented young ladies. They look like the next generation for the German team.

Bianca Nowag-Aulenbrock with Florine OLD - very accurate test without any technical issues, missing bit more strength for extensions and piaffe tours, lovely contact and uphill frame all the way.

Denoix and Katharina Hemmer - no weaknesses, lovely supple overall picture today only an error for the 1 times. Definitely worth a better placement (like judge at M, Plewa for a 6th place).

Flanell and Semmieke Rothenberger - such a harmonious overall picture. Best zigzag of the day and super flying changes. Today´s needed a bit more polished for entering halt, halt with rein back and transition to trot after canter.

H2R comments during the class:

Fendi T & Sönke Rothenberger - Good halt, power diagonal bit hurried, supple crossing uphill half passes, bit tense rein back, good diagonal, super passage,huge sit for piaffe bit unbalanced, also for transitions, bit tense extended walk need bit more let go over the back, good collected walk, nice into passage, expressive piaffe, lack clear out, super passage, nice into canter, big 2 times, power risk extended canter, bit unbalanced zigzag, tense end of 1 times, bit big super sit for both pirouettes, nice into trot, power diagonal, good final, open halt. DANISH WARMBLOOD ROCKS AT GERMAN CHAMPIONSHIPS! 79,760%

TSF Dalera BB & Jessica von Bredow-Werndl - Bit unbalanced hind right for halt, balanced expressive diagonal, bit early start of half pass, good balanced, superb halt with rein back WOW, super diagonal, active regular passage, super transitions on hind leg, active piaffe at the spot, small hiccup before transition to walk, good extended walk, bit unbalanced collected walk, direct to passage, soft supple 2nd piaffe with sit balance, nice into canter, error 2 times x 2, good extended canter, nice balanced zigzag, does not take the aides for 1st change at 1 times, good pirouettes, good into trot, nice diagonal, strong final centerline. 79,40%

Bluetooth OLD & Frederic Wandres - Not fully balanced halt, ekspressive diagonal, nice side picture, well balanced nice half passes, super halt bit unbalanced rein back, nice diagonal, good passage tiny tensions, nice in and out bit forward flow active plaffe, nice extended walk, nice collected walk, good into passage, tiny tensions for transitions, good plaffe bit forward, nice into canter, good 2 times, good extended canter, nice zigzag, good 1 times, 1st pirouette bit big, could show bit more activity for canter 2nd pirouette, good into trot, nice diagonal, super nice final centerline. 77,54%

DSP Quantaz & Isabell Werth - Tiny tensions for entering halt, good diagonal, bit tense body wise for half passes, superb halt with rein back, nice diagonal, super into passage, good transitions, piaffe bit two tempi but very nice at the spot, unbalanced short extended walk, bit tense collected walk, some tensions for 2nd piaffe, good passage, tensions out, good into canter, ok 2 times bit tense, good extended canter, lacking more bend right for zigzag, bit short with tensions 1 times, good pirouettes, good into trot, good diagonal, good final. (no final salute from Isabell but pat for the horse) 76,72%

Duke of Britain FRH / Frederic Wandres - Super halt, small lack of balance for diagonal, small lack of balance into first half pass, good left, super halt with rein back, ok diagonal, nice into passage, super piaffe at the spot, nice transitions, good passage, supple extended walk, super collected walk, could show bit more power hind for passage, nice sit balance for piaffe, good into canter, change 3 with parallel hind for 2 times, good extended canter, good zigzag, error 1 times, good pirouettes could show more airtime, good into trot, good diagonal, dancing piaffe for a strong final. 76,38%

Comments about all tests are available at H2R Facebook.

World Championship back in Verden!

FEI Dressage World Breeding Championship for

Young Horses from 2025 to 2027

Verden. The FEI has decided: From 2025 to 2027 the FEI Dressage World Breeding Championship for Young Horses will take place in Verden again. At the beginning of August, the world's best dressage talents will compete for the world championship titles at the show grounds on Lindhooper Straße. 

This means that the World Championships are returning to their "birthplace". In 1997, the pilot project took place in Verden as part of the European Dressage Championships. In the meantime, they have been the starting point of quite a few international careers. "We are very much looking forward to this great event, which will find optimal conditions on our show grounds," say the show management Wilken Treu and Ulrike Kubelke from pVerd-event GmbH. The two-year preparation period is already beginning and the anticipation is great. In the past years, the numerous expert spectators from all over the world made the title competitions for five- to seven-year-olds a real highlight.

The last time the FEI Dressage World Breeding Championship for Young Horses took place in Verden was in 2021. At that time, with a limited number of spectators, the newly built show grounds at the racecourse also shone at its international debut. Before 2025, the World Championships will be held twice more in Ermelo/NED.