Huge Danish imprint at today´s international scene

Vividus QRE & Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour - photo: screenshot Cliphorse

Laudrup-Dufour also takes the GPS in Aalborg with Vividus QRE and Blue Hors girls in top at Compiégne for CDI1 PSG, CDI3 GP, CDIU25 GP and CDIY team test.

Vividus QRE & Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour (GPS Aalborg )

Nice halt, well balanced uphill diagonal, nice crossing balanced uphill half pass left, smooth into passage at C, tiny tensions hind for passage, nice back to passage, nice half pass right, good into passage at C, nice extension, expressive passage at short side, good extended walk with nice relaxation, good collected walk, direct into nice piaffe at the spot and easy out, nice into 2nd piaffe, tiny bit forward with tiny lost of impulsion, nice out, nice into canter, well balanced half passes, nice 2 times, small error for 1 times, bit conservative extended canter, good 1st priouette, good 1 times, nice 2nd priouette, good into trot, nice extension, expressive final centerline, super piaffe, super transitions, good halt. 73,362%

As Cathrine told after her performance today: “He is a pure gentleman in the arena, he just tries his heart out and never asking why. It´s such a gift to be able to built up a partnership with a talented boy like him. Today he actually felt a bit tired, but his positive attitude makes it possible to show an almost error free test only with a small hiccup for the one time tempies at the diagonal, and there´s of course still a lot of things to develop with more strength for the future.”

Cathrine also showed the 10 yr old gelding Jaguar by Johnson for the first time with debut victory in Inter II with 74,561% (Jaguar is owned by a client of Cathrine).

2nd international GP start for Blue Hors Znickers and Nanna Merrald

Nanna and 11 yr old Znickers by Blue Hors Zack / De Niro made their international GP debut in Herning i March with 68%, and today they took their first international victory in the CDI3 GP at Compiegne. A total of 30 combination in the class and finishing in top with 72,587%

Error free and effortless performance. Super entering halt, supple power diagonal, smooth crossing uphill half passes, good halt with rein back, supple diagonal, nice back to good passage, good transitions, piaffe in clear rhythm need more balance on the hindquarters - trending 74,6% - short extended walk need more let go, better collected but still lack of suppleness, scores drops to 71%, super strong canter tour showing nice series and highlights for both well balanced pirouettes with super nice quality, super transition to trot, lovely diagonal, nice final with very nice halt.

International debut placement as no 3 in PSG for 7 yr old KWPN stallion Blue Hors Monte Carlo by Dream Boy / United with 70,677%.

Young Blue Hors rider Sophia Ludvigsen made sure that the Danish national anthem was played twice today for her, as she won both the U25 GP with her long time partner Blue Hors Quintano with 72,410% and at the same time she made her international debut together with 10 yr old gelding Blue Hors Touch of Olympic L by Blue Hors Don Olymbrio / Fidermark and won their Young Rider team test with 70,676%. Back in 2021 Touch and Nanna won silver at World Championships for Young Horses in Verden.

Other Danish combinations at the international scene

Daniel Bachmann Andersen showed the 10 yr old mare Shirley by Sezuan / Solos Carex, bred and owned by Vivi and Christian Vang-Lauridsen. Unfortunately with a costly big mistakes for the 2nd pirouette in the Grand Prix.

Lone Bang Zindorff and Thranegaardens Rostov finished as no 5 in today´s Grand Prix Special in Mannheim with 69,468%.

Nice halt, nice power diagonal, good flow and go half pass left, nice into passage at C, good extension, nice back, good regularity hind for passage, missing bit suppleness right for half pass, good into passage, bit tense hind, nice extension, good back, good passage short side, nice relaxation for extended walk, good collected walk, nice into piaffe, bit on/off hind, good out, bit unbalanced 2nd piaffe bit forward, good passage, bit tense into canter, good half passes, nice flow 2 times, super 1 times, good extended canter, big volte like 1st pirouette, nice 1 times, much better 2nd pirouette, bit tense into trot, good extension, nice final centerline, super halt.

Midtgaards Zamir and Karoline Skøt were at start in CDI3 GP in Exloo and finished with 66%.

Good halt, good diagonal but bit hurried, missing bit more forward flow for half passes, left becomes bit unbalanced, bit open halt bit dragging rein back, good diagonal, nice into passage, good passage, nice into piaffe and nice out again, extended walk need bit more over the back walk, good collected walk, good into passage, nice passage, active nice piaffe and good out into nice passage, good into canter, good 2 times, good extension, missing bit more suppleness to left for zigzag, good 1 times, very nice quality for 1st pirouette bit big, missing bit more control 2nd pirouette, good into trot, bit hurried diagonal, nice final centerline with super halt.

Carina Cassøe Krüth showed the 8 yr old mare Tophøjs Diadora by Donkey Boy / Landtinus, bred by Stutteri Tophøj. They finished with 67,294% in PSG in Compiegne today.

Emilie Nissen and Søgaards Secret by Franziskus / Quaterback finished with 67,412 in the YR team test in Compiegne.


Werth and Wendy look like an Olympic combination

Wendy de Fontaine & Isabell Werth - photo: screenshot Clipmyhorse

Today was just Werth and Wendy´s third international Grand Prix together and finishing with an impressive score of 77% says a lot. From the scores itself it is improvement from first show at Le Mans scoring 74%, next show in Aachen scoring 75% and today´s score of 77%.

Much more important is the way of the improvement over those just three different shows in just three month.

The overall former kind of hectic picture has become much more balanced, eventhough the trot extensions are not a highlight and still shown a bit hectic. Said that the trot half passes are now much more balanced where you get the impression that the tempo now lets Wendy finish each step in her own balance. Piaffe tours has improved significantly, again every step is in balance without asking for a quicker rhythm but it looks as if Werth is asking and waiting Wendy to respond the way she is able to do the job without tensions combined with easy transitions. One time tempies are today shown with quality jump of the ground with much bigger strides from behind. Also the pirouettes has improved with more clear airtime.

All in all today´s performance look like a clear step towards Werth Olympic horse this summer.

Vividus QRE and Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour takes CDI3 Grand Prix on home soil in Aalborg today

Vividus QRE & Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour with new team member international top groom Lars Seefeld - private photo.

The international field for big tour Aalborg is very limited as international events are fully packed for this weekend throughout Europe.

Mannheim with CDI4, Exloo with CDI3, Redefin with CDI3, Compiégne with CDIO5 and CDI3, Verolanuova with CDI3 and next week with Swedish national Championships.

Today´s Grand Prix in Aalborg was won by Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour with 9 yr old Vividus QRE, Swedish bred by Zaladin MI / Don Charly. It was just their 2nd international event together as they made their international debut back in March in Herning with victory in GP and 2nd place in GPS with 72%.

Only 7 combinations for the big tour

It was a clearly improved overall picture as the frame/neck was more open as we saw Vividus in Herning in March. Very balanced with good expression all the way and Cathrine is able to guide the young Vividus without any technical issues. Just for the zigzag canter some tensions creeping in, and as Cathrine after her test stated, “that was purely on me, and therefore I really had to help him for the subsequent one time tempies. Overall I´m very pleased with him, as he at the moment feels stronger every day for his daily work and like today I was able to bring it into the competition arena too” says Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour. Today´s score 74,022%.

Placed 2nd today with 69,829% was 9 yr old Danish Warmblood gelding Grand Galiano by Grand Galaxy / Blue Hors Don Schufro, bred by Lotte and Gert Buchave and ridden by Rikke Dupont. Super solid performance with good balance, always nice in the contact and frame. No exercise weaknesses and with a bit more strength for the piaffe tours and pirouettes it is definitely a combination in the 70´s.

Claus Hansen – ny direktør for Dansk Varmblod


Det er med stor glæde at Dansk Varmblods ledelse i dag kan offentliggøre, at Claus Hansen er ny direktør for forbundet

Dansk Varmblods ansættelsesudvalg bestående af Jan Pedersen, Per Springborg, Jørn Jensen, Inge Madsensamt repræsentant for de ansatte, souschef Susanne Hvid, har fundet den helt rette person til posten som direktør for forbundet. Claus Hansen, 51 år er velkendt i medlemskredsen, idet han har været på forbundets dommerliste siden 2008, og medlem af avlsledelsen i en årrække.

Dansk Varmblods formand Jan Pedersen udtaler:

– I Claus Hansen får vi ifølge det rekrutteringsfirma, der har været inde over ansættelsesprocessen, en decideret team-player, som er meget grundig i alt hvad han foretager sig. ”I ham får I en person, I kan regne med, og som får tingene gjort”, lød tilbagemeldingen. 

– Claus har en stærk og relevant uddannelsesmæssig baggrund, og vi kender ham jo som en dygtig kommunikator, der er stærk på det avlsfaglige område. Jeg glæder mig til samarbejdet – det bliver rigtig godt!

Selv ser Claus Hansen frem til at tage plads på sekretariatet fra den 1. juli, han udtaler: – Det er et vildt spændende job, som jeg virkelig ser frem til. Jeg glæder mig rigtig meget til at løse de opgaver, som følger med.

Claus Hansen kommer fra en avlerfamilie, og han ved, hvad der rør sig i medlemskredsen. Han siger: – Jeg syntes, vi har en enorm, velfungerende Hingstekåring, den del kører godt. Overskriften for mig bliver derfor at styrke kommunikationen til avlerne. At understøtte dem i at afsætte deres heste, og i det hele taget gøre det lettere at være avler. Det er min mission. 

Claus understeger, den kæmpe styrke, som ligger i det store frivillige arbejde, som udføres af mange kompetente hænder rundt om i regionerne, ved arrangementerne og i at byde nye avlere velkommen i forbundet. – Det store arbejde, som udføres af frivillige er virkelig noget jeg påskønner. Og jeg mener, vi sammen kan hjælpes ad med at give avlerne en endnu bedre oplevelse ved forbundets kåringer og skuer. Vi kan sikre en udvikling, hvor avlerne ikke alene får en hyggelig dag, men samtidig også får god, faglig sparring og rådgivning. 

 Administration og avlsfaglig arbejde

Claus Hansen får til opgave at varetage den daglige ledelse af Dansk Varmblod og DV Event A/S, og på sigt skal han overtage ansvaret for den daglige ledelse af Driftsaktieselskabet Vilhelmsborg, en opgave der nu løses af Jørn Jensen efter Casper Cassøe Krüths fratrædelse.

Med baggrund i Claus Hansens stor viden om avl og hans kontaktnet i de udenlandske forbund, får han også til opgave at styrke og støtte op om det avlsfaglige arbejde. På den måde sikres, at viden om avlsfaglige trends og implementering af nye avlsredskaber og -teknikker vil være med til at sikre Dansk Varmblods position blandt de førende forbund i verden.

Claus Hansen ser frem til samarbejdet med det engagerede personale på sekretariatet, der i høj grad glæder sig til at byde Claus velkommen på Vilhelmsborg.

Om Claus Hansen

Claus Hansen har siden 2008 været på Dansk Varmblods dommerliste. I 2011 trådte han ind i avlsledelsen, hvor han senere blev talsmand. I 2022 trådte han, efter eget ønske, ud af avlsledelsen. Hans sidste dommergerning blev KRAFFT Eliteskuet i 2022, hvor Dansk Varmblods formand Jan Pedersen tog ordet og takkede Claus for det enorme arbejde, han har gjort for forbundet. Og ved samme lejlighed, fik Claus Dansk Varmblods fortjenstmedalje i guld.

Claus Hansens passion for avl stammer fra barndomshjemmet, hvor hans far Willy Hansen avlede med succes, og Willys hoppestamme, samt stutterinavnet, videreføres af Claus og hans hustru Annette Bugge, der i dag avler på fem hoppestammer.

Læs H2R avlerportræt fra marts 2024 her.

British Olympic medal hopes in action at Hickstead


Between them, Carl Hester and Charlotte Dujardin have already clocked up an impressive amount of Olympic medals. With the Paris Games fast approaching, the Gloucestershire-based riders are very likely to feature on the British team, where they will be aiming to add to their medal haul.

The pair, who are reigning European team gold medallists, are among those in action at the upcoming I.C.E. Horseboxes All England Dressage Festival at Hickstead (7-12 May). Carl made his Olympic debut in 1992 and has competed at six Games in total, winning team gold at London 2012, team silver in Rio 2016, and a team bronze at Tokyo. He is bringing his top horse Fame to Hickstead, in the hope of retaining the CDI Grand Prix title they won 12 months earlier.

Carl’s protégée Charlotte Dujardin has become Britain’s most successful dressage rider of all time, mostly thanks to her extraordinary partnership with Valegro. She is aiming for selection for her fourth Games this summer, after winning team and individual gold in London and individual gold and team silver in Rio on Valegro, and team and individual bronze in Tokyo with Gio.

Dujardin will be bringing two rides for the international classes at Hickstead, including her European Championship ride Imhotep, and the fast-rising star Alive and Kicking. Charlotte last competed at Hickstead in 2022, and she makes her competitive return to the showground for the first time since the birth of her daughter Isabella last spring.

“Carl and Charlotte are the two biggest names in British dressage, and we are delighted to welcome them both back for this year’s I.C.E. Horseboxes All England Dressage Festival,” said Hickstead Director Lizzie Bunn. “This is one of a handful of international fixtures to take place on British soil, and will no doubt be an important part of their Olympic selection campaign. With free parking and admission, it’s the perfect opportunity to witness these world-class riders in action.”

Other big names to look out for at the show include Gareth Hughes, who was travelling reserve for Tokyo. He has entered Classic Goldstrike and will also be giving an exclusive Masterclass on the Saturday evening during the break in the Freestyle to Music, when spectators can enjoy a barbecue followed by live music after the class.

Former Olympian Emma Hindle has two horses entered in the CDI classes, Rosmarin and Zippo M.I. Australian Olympic hopeful Jayden Brown brings two rides, Willingapark Quincy B and Willingapark Sky Diamond. Other names to look out for include showing rider turned dressage star Louise Bell, who brings the in-form Into The Blue, and British rider Andrew Gould with Genie. There are entries from Ireland, Finland, Singapore and Italy.

For timetables and more information, visit

A promising lineup for Compiègne


Three days before the start of Compiègne’s Internationaux de Dressage, the various nations have finally announced the members of their delegations. Once again a rendezvous of excellence in every class at Compiègne. Denmark, the reigning World champion and last year’s Nations Cup winner here, is fielding a very strong team while France, which has been on the up for several months now, has what it takes to get close to the podium.

The list of entries for the 2024 Internationaux de Dressage of Compiègne is certainly promising. With several riders ranked in the world’s top 20, the equestrian stadium is guaranteed to see some fierce competition. The second of the three legs of the FEI Nations Cup circuit, the Compiègne leg is also a great opportunity to enjoy watching some of the couples destined to shine this summer in the gardens of the Château de Versailles. In the CDIO5*, the various competitors will also have the chance to impress a jury presided over by France’s Raphaël Saleh, who will also be present this summer at the biggest rendezvous of the year.

On paper, Denmark, the reigning World champions and last year's winners at Compiègne, will be the favourites with three riders ranked among the World’s top 15. The World n°4, Nanna Skodborg Merrald has chosen to partner St Schufro, 2nd in the Grand Prix and GP Freestyle in Lyon World Cup leg and 1st in Herning’s GP Freestyle in 2023. She will be accompanied by Carina Cassøe Krüth (n°12) with Heiline's Danciera, a member of the World Championship team, seventh at the Tokyo Olympic Games and winner of the Grand Prix and Grand Prix Special at Compiègne last year. Daniel Bachmann Andersen (n°14) on Vayron completes the Danish team.

Sixth last year at Compiègne and then the author of a very good European Championship last summer, also with a sixth place but above all four qualified in the Grand Prix Special and two in the Freestyle Grand Prix, the French team has shown great progress over the last few months. The Nations Cup at this 2024 edition of Compiègne’s Internationaux  de Dressage could be the perfect opportunity for them to confirm their rise to prominence. To achieve this, coach Jean Morel will be drawing on the results of the Grand Prix at the recent CDI 5* in Fontainebleau. He has chosen Pauline Basquin with Sertorius de Rima Z IFCE, the world's No. 13 and France's top dressage rider, who achieved a personal best in the Fontainebleau’s Grand Prix with a score of 73.543% and nearly 80% in the Freestyle (79.890%). Corentin Pottier and Gotilas du Feuillard as well as Alexandre Ayache with Jolène will also be wearing the French team colours. Although the Olympic Games in Versailles this summer are the ultimate objective, the team's coach will undoubtedly draw many lessons from the weekend in Compiègne. In any case, ‘’the selections for Versailles have not yet been made," explained Jean Morel. ‘’The race is open and the CDIO 5* at Compiègne will allow us to slim down our choices. I'll be submitting my  long list  at the end of June, with a definitive list on the 6th of July. I've already got a small idea but nothing is definitive. And I'm used to giving surprises, so…".

Patrik Kittel, one of the events most loyal competitors, is probably still celebrating following his recent victory in the World Cup final with Touchdown, and will be leading the 2021 and 2022 winners Sweden. He will of course be resting his star horse after his exploits and will be coming to Compiègne with Jovian, a young 10-year-old KWPN stallion whom he has only been riding since March. The team will also include Juliette Ramel and Maria von Essen.

Germany, a huge dressage nation, has chosen Frederic Wandres (n°7) with Duke of Britain, team bronze medallist at the 2022 European Championships and still performing strongly at 17, Mathias Alexander Rath (n°11) present with Thiago GS Old as at the last European Championships, and Katharina Hemmer with Denoix PCH, winner last December of the Grand Prix and Grand Prix Special at the CDI 5* in Frankfurt (GER).

As for the British team, the reigning European champions, spectators will be closely following 19-year-old Annabella Pidgley riding Gio, the former Olympic ride of Charlotte Dujardin (3rd at the Tokyo Games). Following a return to the arena in mid-April at a CDI 3* in the Netherlands, after a year off of the international circuit, the pair are seeking a return to centre stage.  

Belgium is another team to keep an eye on, with Larissa Pauluis (Flambeau), Flore De Winne (Flynn FRH) and Charlotte Defalque (Boticelli) ranked 25th, 26th and 27th in the World respectively.  

The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Australia will also be competing in the Nations Cup.

Most of the riders entered in the CDIO 5* will also be in the starting blocks of the CDI3* (and sometimes in the CDI 1*) with horses that may be less experienced but whom are already performing very well. The event will also provide an opportunity to see renowned riders such as Sweden's Tinne Vilhelmson Silfven, competing with her two best horses, Hyatt and Esperance. The opportunity also for France to bring out all their troops. The home nation will be counting on Alexandre Ayache (Ruling Olivia), Bernard Bosseaux (Rilkadora Z), Caroline Godin (Queridade Hus), Camille Judet Cheret (Herelja Higgins), Arnaud Serre (James Bond de Massa) and Gilles Siauve (Feneton).    


One may lose a battle but win the war. Having finished second yesterday in the Grand Prix Cheval TV of the CDI 5* competition at the Printemps des Sports Équestres, Britain's Charlotte Fry, currently the world number three in her discipline, today JJwon the Grand Prix Freestyle to music, sponsored by the Île de France region, and presented by Cheval TV. Riding her stallion Everdale, the twenty-eight-year-old reigning world champion, regained the top step of the podium ahead of her main challenger, the Dutch rider Emmelie Scholtens, who was second with Indian Rock, and whose horse was undoubtedly a little less precise than that of her British rival today. In third place, France's Pauline Basquin put in an impressive performance and confirmed the consistent results obtained with IFCE Sertorius de Rima Z in recent weeks.

Charlotte Fry (GBR) - 82.340 with Everdale

"Yesterday, Everdale had too much energy. He was probably overly enthusiastic. Today, he was much more relaxed and focused, which I think enabled us to perform a good routine. It was good to get back in the arena and feel him relax. I'm really happy to have won this Freestyle Grand Prix in Fontainebleau again, after our victory here last year. I really like this competition, it's really well organised and the atmosphere is particularly warm.  
"Glamourdale is doing very well. We have kept him back for the outdoor season and he was set aside for his job as a stallion this winter. He will be back in action in a few weeks' time to prepare for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games." 

Emmelie Scholtens (NED) - 81.815 with Indian Rock

"I have really enjoyed this 5* competition at the Printemps des Sports Équestres. In yesterday's Grand Prix, I really had a great feeling on Indian Rock. Today, he was perhaps a little more tired, but that happens with horses (smile). Overall, I'm obviously delighted with my weekend here in Fontainebleau."

Pauline Basquin (FRA) - 79.890 with Sertorius de Rima Z IFCE

"I'm delighted too. Sertorius has shown great consistency over the last few competitions. Today, he was very focused again, easy to ride and very much in step with me. I'm very proud of him; he always gives his best for me in the arena."

Raphaël Saleh, Chairman of the Ground Jury

"We saw that the horses worked really well with their riders. In addition, you could see there was a general improvement in the standard. That is very positive in the run-up to this year's major event, the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games."

Jean Morel - Head of Selection and Manager of the French Dressage Team

"We decided to start our Olympic selection process here at the CDI 5* competition of the Printemps des Sports Équestres. The conditions here are the same as those we will find in Versailles. It was a tricky competition to ride, with wind and moving flags; so, it was really valuable, because we were able to observe how the horses behaved. Pauline (Basquin, [editor's note]) is increasingly consistent in her performance and in terms of points; she is performing as well in the Grand Prix as in the Freestyle to Music. She doesn't make mistakes any more. Now, it's a question of seeing how we can pick up some extra points. The selection race has just started; at the Printemps des Sports Équestres, we managed to have five riders in a CDI 5* competition; that's really important, and it's not often the case." 

Sylvie Robert - President of GL events Equestrian Sport, organiser of the Printemps des Sports Équestres

"First of all, I'd like to thank the International Equestrian Federation, the French Equestrian Federation and all the partners who have been working with us at this Printemps des Sports Équestres. This year, the event served to prepare the teams for the equestrian events at the 2024 Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games. This CDI 5* event, sponsored by the Île-de-France region and presented by Cheval TV, was one of our competition's key tests; we welcomed many Olympic riders, in particular the French riders who are in contention for the final Olympic selection, as well as some of the ground jury who will be officiating this summer in Versailles, including Raphaël Saleh, who will be the president of the jury. There was a huge crowd at Fontainebleau this morning and we are obviously delighted that we had the occasion to present top-level dressage in such excellent conditions."

Photo - © PSV. J.Morel

Le Printemps des Sports Équestres 2024 : With 3 days to go, Charlotte Fry confirms her presence in the CDI 5* event

Le Printemps des Sports Équestres will host the second edition of its CDI 5* this Saturday and Sunday. With just three days until the start of this world-class competition, British rider Charlotte Fry,  world number 3, enthusiastically confirms her presence.

"It’s nice to be back in Fontainebleau again. Last year I won with Glamourdale and this time I am bringing Everdale. At the training he is doing great and he feels very happy and fit, so let’s try to defend our title" smiles the British Lottie Fry from van Olst Horses (NED).

The reigning world champion and European team champion will be in action on Saturday morning, starting at 8 a.m., for the Grand Prix. An event not to be missed!

Short test (3 yr old stallions) and 2-days sport test (4 yr old and 5 yr old stallions) Thursday & Friday

A total of 30 young stallions are ready for testing Thursday and Friday in Münster-Handorf.


25.04 - Thursday

  • 13.30 - 14.30 - 3 yr old with own rider

  • 15.00 - 16.30 - 4 yr old with own rider

  • 16.30 - 17.30 - 5 yr old with own rider

26.04 - Friday

  • 08.00 - 09.30 - 3 yr old with test rider

  • 09.30 - 11.30 - 4 yr old with test rider

  • 11.30 - 12.30 - 5 yr old with tesr rider

PODCAST - Besøg hos Stutteri Atterupgaard til en anderledes hingstefremvisning

Førsterytter Selina Solberg Vittinghus og ejer af Stutteri Atterupgaard Kristine Munch Sinding - foto: H2R

“Mød din hingst når musikken ikke spiller”

Kristine og Selina havde igår inviteret til en uformel sammenkomst for interesserede, hvor man kunne møde deres egen 4-års DV og OLD kåret hingst Atterupgaards Bernachi e. Bon Courage/Caprimond, og som fornyligt havde fået ny staldkammerat nemlig den ny godkendte 3-års hingst Chicago Majlund e. Vivivo / Tailormade Temptation ejet og avlet at Stutteri Majlund, Ribe. Begge hingste er nemlig klar til bedækningssæsonen fra Stutteri Atterupgaard, hvor Kristine har lavet et samarbejde med Christian Springborg, CS Equestrian omkring tapning af hingstene, og hvor Christian samtidig også kan være behjælpelig med inseminering af hopper.

På en stadig kold “forårsdag” var formiddagens arrangement henlagt til ridehuset og 25-30 mennesker havde valgt at lægge vejen forbi Stutteri Atterupgaard til kaffe, cokkies, informationer, snak og spørgsmål.

Tanken bag søndagens hingstefremvisning var at se de unge hingste i deres vante omgivelser uden høj musik og spotlight. Begge hingste blev vist i daglig outfit under rytter, hvor Selina fortalte om træningen af hhv den 3-årige Chicago Majlund og 4-årige Atterupgaards Benarchi. Efterfølgende var der tid til hyggesnak på staldgangen, hvor begge hingste nød den ekstra opmærksomhed. En super måde at møde hingstene på, og ikke mindst se dem i afspændte daglige omgivelser med muligheden for at se deres reelle bevægelsesforløb.

Avlere og ejere af Chicago Majlund Annika og Magne Pagård, Stutteri Majlund havde også valgt at lægge vejen forbi for at nyde deres egen hingst til den uformelle præsentation. Og med egen hingst bliver Chicago selvfølgelig også førstevalget til 5-6 hopper i år fortæller avlerparret, som på den måde regner med at kunne få en ret god idé om, hvordan han nedarver når de første føl kommer i 2025.

Velkomst ved Kristine:

Videoklip af Atterupgaards Bernachi og hans første føl samt videoklip af Chicago Majlund. ⬇️⬇️

Efter dagens hingstepræsentationer fik H2R en snak med Kristine og Selina om hoppestammer, træning af den unge hest, udfordringer i hestebranchen og meget mere. Lyt med herunder ⬇️🎧

Entries for next week CDI5 Fontainebleau

Part of Press Release


For its second edition, the CDI 5* at Le Printemps des Sports Équestres will play host to sixteen of the world's best combinations. The headliner of this CDI5*, Great Britain's Charlotte Fry, reigning World champion and European team champion, has confirmed her presence at the event.

The five French riders looking to qualify for this summer's Olympic Games will be competing against her, and will be keen to shine in front of their home crowd and the federal officials who are present. Pauline Basquin, 13th in the World rankings and the new French No.1, will be performing with Sertorius de Rima Z. Alongside her, Morgan Barbançon, World No.15, who recently competed in the FEI World Cup Final, will be riding Habana Libre A. Alexandre Ayache (World No.42) with Jolene, Corentin Pottier (World No.49) with Gotilas du Feuillard, as well as Arnaud Serre (World No.75) with James Bond de Massa will also be competing in this CDI 5* and aiming to put France in the spotlight.

Emmelie Scholtens (NED), World No.9, and Belgium’s Larissa Pauluis (World No.25) as well as Charlotte Defalque (World No.27) could also be among the riders on the podium at this CDI 5*.

The Grand Prix Cheval TV and the Grand Prix Freestyle Région Ile-de-France will take place on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th April, under the watchful eye of Raphaël Saleh, President of the ground jury for this competition, who will also have the same role this summer in Versailles.

Touchdown lands the World Cup title for Sweden’s Kittel

Patrik Kittel made history tonight as only the second Swedish rider to stand on the top step of the podium at the FEI Dressage World Cup™ Final 2024 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Partnering the 12-year-old gelding Touchdown he was the very last athlete into the arena on a night when the sport had plenty of twists and turns. And he nailed it with the performance of a lifetime, pinning Denmark’s Nanna Skodborg Merrald and Blue Hors Don Olymbrio into second place and German superstar Isabell Werth into third with DSP Quantaz.

This was the ninth Final of his career and his first time on the podium. “I cannot believe it - seriously! My trainer Louise (Nathhorst) won it the first time for Sweden and I’ve won it for Sweden again. I just want to thank everyone for supporting us - I’m very overwhelmed!”, he said.

In the end the contest could hardly have been closer, with just 0.257 percentage points separating the top three in an almighty battle for the treasured trophy that was first won by Denmark’s Anne-Grethe Jensen and Marzog in 1986.

Took the lead

Seventh of the 15 starters, Germany’s Matthias Alexander Rath and Destacado FRH took the lead on a score of 77.850 and was still out in front with just four left to go. 

That final group of four was led by reigning World Champion, Great Britain’s Lottie Fry, and her Tokyo Olympic ride Everdale who, after winning Wednesday’s Grand Prix, looked set to do the double. But as the pair prepared to enter the arena, Ground Jury President, Denmark’s Hans Christian Matthiesen, drew the rider’s attention to an issue in the horse’s mouth. An FEI statement tonight explained…. 

British athlete Charlotte Fry and her horse Everdale were eliminated from the Grand Prix Freestyle competition today at the FEI Dressage World Cup Final in Riyadh (KSA).
A minor bleed originating from the front gum mucosa was found in the mouth of the horse by the Judge at C, and in accordance with Article 430.7.6 of the FEI Dressage Rules, this results in elimination.
Elimination under this rule does not imply there was any wrongdoing but the rules are in place to protect the welfare of all competing horses.

So suddenly the hot favourite was out of the picture and it was down to the last three to overtake Rath and push for a podium placing.

Fresh and feisty

Skodborg Merrald’s Blue Hors Don Olymbrio had been fresh and feisty in Wednesday’s Grand Prix, but tonight the 16-year-old stallion was much more focused and, to a brand new musical score, lifted the level of competition with the first over-80% result when putting 81.429 on the board - their flying changes and canter pirouettes proving particularly pleasing to the judges.

Second-last into the ring would be Werth, a longtime legend in her own lifetime who was chasing the sixth World Cup title of her sparkling career but whose stallion, DSP Quantaz, was edgy in the Grand Prix two days ago. When he entered the arena tonight the 14-year-old horse again found it very challenging as the seven-time Olympic gold medallist explained.

“It was very hard for him because he was really a bit scared about the advertising screens and also the people in the white clothes - it was really hard for him to concentrate! But he was really with me and he tried his best”, she said, after slotting in marginally behind Skodborg Merrald on a mark of 81.404.

Last to go

Now it was down to Kittel, last to go. He’s long been something of a Freestyle specialist, but as he pointed out tonight he’d never been last into the ring at a major event and it was a lonely feeling in the warm-up beforehand. He really came into his own this evening however.

His new James Bond themed music is a more gentle accompaniment than usual, and there was something special about his performance, Touchdown really rising to the occasion to put the biggest score on the board when just fractionally ahead of Skodborg Merrald at 81.661 to clinch it.

"I think this moment is something I will never forget!"

Patrik Kittel SWE

he said afterwards. 

He talked about watching his trainer, Louise Nathhorst, seal that only other Swedish World Cup victory as a young boy 24 years ago in Gothenburg and the inspiration it gave him. 

And reflecting on what he achieved tonight he said, “I cannot believe it - seriously! Touchdown just flew with me today. I had to try to control my nerves all day but he was just unbelievable! The power and the fighting spirit that he showed for me is the biggest win. The winning of the show is unbelievable but to go in with so much atmosphere - before I came in the audience was going crazy - but he just stayed with me and I cannot thank him enough!”, he added.


This was the second year in a row for Skodborg Merrald to finish as runner-up.
“It’s unbelievable finishing second for one more year”, she said, “but my horse felt so great in there and I’m super-thrilled being able to be second between those two super rounds (winner Kittel and Werth in third).”

As always, Werth simply relished the battle. 

"It’s such fun when you have three on the podium with 0.257 between them, it was very close and it was very exciting!"

Isabell Werth GER

"Of course Quantaz was a bit affected by the atmosphere but I’m very happy with him.

“This is what I love to do, I’m a real competitor and I like it especially like this when it is so close, with so much energy and so many emotions, that’s what makes the sport really exciting. Today any one of the first three could win and that was what made it so great also for the public”, she pointed out.

For Kittel it was a lifetime goal realised, and he was filled with joy.

“To stand here as World Cup champion! You always hope, you always want to win, but to actually win??!! That’s just so awesome!!”, he said. 


Horses & Dream OLD Elite Foal Auction Friday 26th April at 20.30 LIVE

For the first time, an Oldenburg Elite Foal Auction is taking place on the premises of Horses & Dreams on the Hof Kasselmann. 16 exquisitely (8 dressage & 8 jumping) bred elite foals introduce themselves and eagerly await bids. The exciting auction starts on Friday, April 26th at 8:30 PM. (LIVE at the Jumping arena).

Dressage sires, including stars like Viva Gold, the champion stallions V-Power, Dynamic Dream, and Fynch Hatton, Escaneno, and Most wanted Nero by Bellin, present their offspring. 

Link to the collection.

Most attractive foal from the collection⬇️

FEI Press Release - Fry and Everdale fly to victory in Grand Prix

Reigning individual world champion, Great Britain’s Charlotte Fry, secured a clear victory in the Grand Prix to get the FEI Dressage World Cup™ Final 2024 underway in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia this afternoon.

Partnering her Tokyo Olympic ride, the 15-year-old stallion Everdale, Fry was top choice of all seven judges when scoring 75.388 to pin Sweden’s Patrik Kittel into second place with Touchdown while Denmark’s Nanna Skodborg Merrald and Blue Hors Don Olymbrio finished third. 

The surprise of the day was the fourth-place finish for German legend Isabell Werth whose test with DSP Quantaz was undermined by costly errors. Fifth spot went to her young compatriot Raphael Netz riding Great Escape Camelot while the third German contender, Matthias Alexander Rath, slotted into sixth with Destacado FRH.


Skodborg Merrald, a member of the historic Danish side that took the World team title in 2022 and who finished second at last year’s FEI Dressage World Cup™ Final in Omaha, USA with Blue Hors Zepter, headed the group of six riders to compete before the first break when putting 72.904 on the board. 

Her 16-year-old chestnut stallion, Blue Hors Don Olymbrio, was full of himself in the arena today. “He was a little bit excited and was looking a bit here and there which I didn’t expect because normally he never looks around, but he was just fresh! I really liked it actually that he was a bit fresh and excited because he’s so much fun to ride! We could have done without the small mistakes but overall I’m very happy with him”, she said.

Second to go of the next group, Netz posted 72.003 to slot in behind her but, two horses later, Kittel went right out in front when scoring 73.292 for a really consistent performance with the 12-year-old Touchdown.  

The three-time Olympian said “he was quite spooky when we were training the last few days because they were still building in the arena, but today he handled it really well, he was very calm and he did a super-nice test so I’m just happy. He was quite mistake-free”.

Looking forward

He was glad to have the Grand Prix done and dusted and already looking forward to Friday’s title-deciding Freestyle.

“When you’ve done the test and it’s your first start you can build up to the Freestyle, and that’s quite a relief as a rider. Because I’m quite nervous so for me it’s good to just breathe out and go. With such a great score and such a good presentation I couldn’t have been more thrilled!”, he pointed out. 

He has a big soft spot for the 12-year-old gelding Touchdown. “For me he is like a horse that never lets me down. He won in Herning, he was third in Amsterdam, he’s done everything for me and I’m really so thankful to him that he does what he does. He’s my reliable horse, I can always go to him. He’s a really kind soul and I’m very fond of him, but of course I’m fond of all my horses! We couldn’t do this sport if we weren’t immensely fond of our horses”, he added.

The Swede stayed out in front of the rest of the field until, with just three left to go, Fry set off with Everdale.

Talking about her ride, the British star said the stallion - who is something of an attention-seeker - was also a bit keen this afternoon.

"He loves arenas like that and sometimes he can barely contain his excitement but he just about managed it today! 

Charlotte Fry GBR

He loves to go in and show off and loves his job so it’s an honour to be able to ride him in arenas like this. It’s pretty special. We make a really good team together because we love events like this. It’s just so much fun for both of us!”, she explained. 

Far from decided

The Grand Prix result was far from decided however until Werth and DSP Quantaz took their turn, and, second-last into the ring, their test was looking very promising indeed until it all fell apart in the two-tempi changes before more mistakes also crept in. To disbelief from the sidelines the scoreboard showed 72.236 to squeeze them into fourth place between Skodborg Merrald and Netz. 

Kittel admitted that it took him completely aback to find himself in runner-up spot.

“I’ve done a lot of Finals but I’ve never been second!”, he pointed out.

"I’m a bit surprised because I thought OK you know The Queen (Isabell Werth) is coming. But then I saw she had some mistakes which is a bit unusual for her and then I got a message that I was second and of course I was happy about that!"

Patrik Kittel SWE

Anyone who has followed Werth’s career however knows that if anyone can bounce back it is this lady who is the most decorated athlete in the history of equestrian sport. She endured a similar experience with her great mare Weihegold in Paris (FRA) in 2018 but came back to take the title on Freestyle day. So she may be down this evening, but she most certainly isn’t out….

From today’s startlist of 17 a total of 15 have qualified for Friday’s Freestyle which will decide the destination of the FEI Dressage World Cup™ 2024 title. 

Moldova’s Alisa Glinka and Abercrombie have not made the cut after scoring 62.873 in the Grand Prix while The Netherlands’ Thamar Zweistra and Hexagon’s Ice Weiss were eliminated under the blood rule.

Friday’s action begins at 17.15 local time, so don’t miss a hoofbeat….


Everdale and Lottie takes the "lead" with victory in today´s World Cup Grand Prix final

Suppleness and power victory

Lottie and Everdale continues their strong season with a clear win in today´s World Cup final Grand Prix. Everdale looked a bit impressed when entering and again for the halt with rein back, but from there a powerful and supple performance without any technical issues, and at the same time Everdale and Lottie looks as if they really have a party performing together.

From today´s performance and with some weaknesses from the competitors Lottie and Everdale look like the combination for the World Cup freestyle trophy Friday evening.

Good halt, power supple diagonal, supple half pass with go and flow uphill, bit looking for the halt and dropping bit for rein back, supple power diagonal, nice back to nice passage, easy into piaffe, good activity, super transition out, good passage, good into relaxed active walk tour, active collected walk tour, ready at M for passage, good passage, super transitions, piaffe at the spot, super into canter, big 2 times uphill, power extension, superb zigzag go flow, power 1 times, super active 1st pirouette, 2nd tiny unbalanced at the end, good into trot, power diagonal, power final centerline, piaffe the spot, bouncy passage.

Patrik Kittel with Touchdown - Good halt bit tense out, good diagonal, good flow and crossing for both half passes, good halt tense rein back, good diagonal, bit swinging passage, become bit wide hind for piaffe, bit unbalanced transition out, good walk tour, bit early into passage, bit wide hind piaffe, lack bit more clear transition out, good into canter, good 2 times, good extended canter, need bit more uphill zigzag, good 1 times bit swing, tiny well balanced 1st pirouette, good 2nd bit hind aides into, good into trot, power diagonal, need more push hind for passage, bit tense in and out of piaffe, piaffe at the spot, good halt.

Nanna Merrald with Blue Hors Don Olymbrio - Good halt, bit looking, good out, good extension, good half passes could show bit more go for the first, left better, good halt with rein back, good diagonal, nice back to passage, nice passage, bit high in the neck for piaffe but well managed, good transitions, good relaxation for extended walk, good collected walk tiny tensions, nice into passage at M, super passage, good 2nd piaffe, good transitions, good into canter, big uphill 2 times, super extension but error before collection, super zigzag uphill power, super 1 times slight swinging, good 1st pirouette, super sit, super sit controlled 2nd pirouette, good into trot, power diagonal, super passage, small lack of impuls into final piaffe but well managed to continue, good halt.

Isabell Werth with DSP Quantas - Good halt, bit unbalanced diagonal, lack bit more clear forward flow and missing more suppleness left, super halt, bit dragning rein back, good diagonal, good into passage, easy into piaffe, good out, good passage, bit unbalanced for extended walk, same for collected walk, good into passage, good passage, good piaffe bit early, good out into passage, good into canter, error more times for 2 times, good extended canter, lack bit more suppleness and clear contact for zigzag, ok 1 times, bit spin end 1st pirouette, error change at X, unbalanced into 2nd pirouette, good into trot at M, super final piaffe bit tense, good halt.

Running comments from H2R about all tests today are available at Horse2rider Facebook.

Link to detailed results.

Photos: screenshots from Clipmyhorse.