Indtryk fra Danmarksmesterskaberne 2024

MSJ Freestyle & Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour suveræne vindere af DM 2024 - foto:

Et stuvende fuldt stadion med høj sol og fantastisk stemning, det var hvad årets DM i Vallensbæk bl.a. bød på. Sport på højeste nationale plan med et seriøst twist af ekvipager fra den absolutte internationale top, gav præcis den stemning og sport som alle var kommet for. Og i år for første gang i mange år med udenlandsk dommer, som var ingen ringere end kommende OL dommer fra Tyskland Henning Lehrmann.

Foto: H2R

Det var tydeligt at arrangørerne bag DM stævnet havde hænderne fulde med det store arrangement. Men set og hørt fra sidelinien under vejs, var det med optimale baner (forberedt og vedligeholdt af Bluhme Dressage), gode træningsmuligheder og gode stald forhold. Alle uhyre vigtige faktorer for at rytterne og deres heste kan præstere optimalt.

Måske overraskede det, at så mange dressurentusiaster havde fundet vej til Vallensbæk, idet gearingen i forhold til forplejningen desværre ikke kunne følge med. Men mon ikke arrangørerne kan nå at rette lidt op på den del inden den kommende weekends DM for juniorer og ungryttere.

Med så mange mennesker til et DM, bragte det stemningen op på et niveau, man ikke har mærket siden Broholm-tiden. Der var fuld applaus og opbakning til alle ekvipagerne i bedste mesterskabsånd.


Årets felt til DM var på 28 ekvipager og efter førstedagens Grand Prix var de 15 bedste klar til søndagens kür finale.

Ikke overraskende var Cathrine og Free i front efter førstedagens Grand Prix, om det skulle være med knap 7,5% forspring ned til Carina og Danse, var måske ikke helt så tydeligt som pointtavlen viste. Men fakta er at MSJ Freestyle og Cathrine mestre kunsten i harmoni og afspændthed kombineret med høj kvalitet og det skal naturligvis også give tydelige vinderpoint.

På papiret var der lagt op til spænding om bronzemedaljen, og den spænding holdt helt til slut, hvor Lone Bang og Rostov i overbevisende stil også meldte sig seriøst ind i kampen om sølvet. Men et stærkt udlæg på førstedagen fra Carina og Danse sikrede dem alligevel sølvmedaljen. Et nyligt trænerskifte for Carina og Danse, som nu har berider Jon D. Pedersen på sidelinien, har givet tydelig ændring i specielt Grand Prix turen med mindre pres og bedre flow i passage/piaffe turene, selvom piaffe aldrig bliver highlight for ekvipagen, så har de rigtig mange andre ting under vejs på +8 skalaen, med skridtturen, serier og pirouetter.

Fra sidelinien var det tydeligt at Lone var klar på en fest da hun rider på banen til gårsdagens kürfinale, og det fik hun også sammen med sin rutinerede partner Rostov. Og festen var ikke kun på banen, men også hos dommerne som fortjent satte ekvipagen på 2. pladsen i den individuelle kür konkurrence, og parret slutter flot igen i år på podiet med bronzemedaljen. Lone og Rostov er jo allerede en del af a-truppen, og vi vil formodentlig se dem til start til stævnet i Aachen som ligger i starten af juli.

DM bliver jo afgjort med resultaterne fra både Grand Prix og Grand Prix kür. I forhold til mesterskabsformatet havde det været mere relevant om man i år havde valgt at det skulle afholdes Grand Prix og Grand Prix Special, idet Grand Prix Specialen er afgørende for sommerens holdkonkurrence til OL.

Selvom det var med afbud fra Nanna Merrald, grundet hendes søsters bryllup, så var Nanna og hendes kæreste alligevel klar på sidelinien til søndagens kürfinaler, hvor Blue Hors rytter Sophia Ludvigsen med Blue Hors Quintana igen i år stod øverst på podiet efter U25 küren.

Daniel havde ladet Vayron blive hjemme efter deres succesturen i Compiegne, og istedet medbragt den 10-årige Sezuan / Carex hoppe Shirley, som han fik vist rigtig ordentlig i Grand Prix´en med lidt spændinger, mens gårsdagens kür var tydeligt forbedret selvom det ikke helt blev reflekteret på pointtavlen. Parret slutter som samlet nr. 7 i årets DM. Daniel modtog en særlig ærespræmie givet af Dressurens Venner: “For hans altid sobre måde at fremvise en hest på, og for at være en god kammerat og have den bedste holdånd. Daniel er garant for at hestens velfærd er i fokus, og det er vejen frem,” var ordene fra altid velforberedte stadionspeaker Pia Switzer.

Rune Willum på plads i trænerstolen - foto: H2R

Lige udenfor podiet slutter Favour Gersdorf og Nadja med en flot 4. plads. Det stadig forholdsvis nye trænerskifte til Rune Willum ser ud til at bære succesfuld frugt. Generelt et billede med endnu mere kontrol, mere smidighed i traversader og forbedret kvalitet i galopturen samtidig med at passage/piaffe turene er med super balance og rytmik hele vejen. En ekvipage som vi helt sikkert vil se mere til inden OL, og som skal holde sig skrape indtil endelig udtagelse.

Anna og Quel Filou arbejder med forskellige ting sammen med Wolfram Wittig, og lige nu giver det sig udslag i forbedringer på nogle punkter, samtidig med at der må gives køb på andre ting. Men weekendens DM har klart bragt dem tilbage på sporet efter et lidt svært forår, og det ser ud til at udendørs sæsonen bringer tingene bedre sammen. Et skønt harmonisk billede med gode kvaliteter, som lige nu bare til pudses lidt skarpere af.

Højest placeret debutant i DM feltet er Kenneth Damgaard med hoppe UNO Day Sun. H2R fangede Kenneth og hans træner Vibke Degn Andersen efter gårsdagens kür finale, hvor parret slutter på en samlet 6. plads.

Lyt med her ⬇️🎧

Grand Galiano og Rikke samler værdifuld erfaring for hver gang de rider ad midten, og Grand Galiano er stadig super ung med sine blot 9 år på det sværeste niveau, så tingene bliver også sat sammen og gradvist forbedret i et tempo som ser ud til at være afstemt efter styrkeforholdet. Parret slutter som samlet nr. 7.

Joachim og Vichy Pax er også inde i en positiv udvikling. Mest bemærkelsesværdigt er de forbedrede serier, hvor Vichy tidligere har toppet op i stedet for at springe under i changementerne. Det ser ud til at være et issue som Joachim er ved at have knækket koden til, og efter at have konsulteret Kyra Kyrklund efter Grand Prix´en, så var der selvfølgelig et lille ekstra værktøj i Kyra´s uudtømmelige værktøjskasse, som Joachim fik med i forberedelserne til gårsdagens kür. Parret bliver samlet nr. 8. Kyra er jo med på sidelinien som en del af Cathrine´s team frem mod OL.

Næste stop frem mod OL

DRF har ikke sat navne på de ekvipager som skal repræsentere Danmark til stævnet i Rotterdam fra 19.-23. juni som formodentlig sidste stop inden endelig udtagelse, men Cathrine bekræfter overfor H2R at planen er at hun skal ride Freestyle i Rotterdam, da der “stadigvæk skal pudses lidt af her og der,” som hun udtrykker det.

Så mon ikke vi får Vayron og Danciera på banen i Rotterdam også, og indtil videre er planen jo at Blue Hors Zepter og Nanna er til start 6.-9. juni i Hagen.

U25 mesterskabet

Med et kig tilbage på tidligere U25 mesterskaber, så var det ofte præget af ældre heste som allerede havde aftjent deres værnepligt i seniorsporten. Det billede har tydeligvis ændret sig, og i dag ser man ofte de unge ryttere på yngre heste, som udvikler sig sammen.

Udover de kendte i toppen af feltet er ny på U25 niveauet Ida Bjørn med Hussmanns Jackson, som lige nu banker seriøst på for en plads i truppen med kvalitet og rigtig god ridning.

Mesterskab i lille-tur

I den forgangne weekend har Holland også afholdt nationale mesterskaber og her finder man ikke kun mesterskaber i U25 og senior, men bl.a. også i lille-tur.

Det er jo ikke nogen hemmelighed at det er langt fra alle som nogensinde kommer til at ride Grand Prix, så derfor kunne et mesterskab i lille-tur, Prix St. Georg og Intermediaire I være særdeles attraktivt at lave sammen med mesterskabet i stor tur. Ikke at det skal tage over for Bundgaard Byg, som jo hvert år tiltrækker mange ekvipager til vinterens landsstævner, men være et supplement som rytterne også kunne ride i udendørs sæsonen, og samtidig være en del af DM-stemningen med tilhørende medaljer.

Indtryk fra førstedagen til Dansk Varmblods iagttagelse til UVM

5 års Lygums Zelina e. Blue Hors St. Schufro / Blue Hors Zack, avlet af Lygum Horses og ejet i fællesskab med rytter Victoria Vallentin - foto:

Vallensbæk ridecenter danner i år rammen om DM stævnet, og i dag startede man ud i med førstedagen til årets UVM iagttagelse.

Vejrudsigten svigtede desværre ikke. Det startede med små regnbyger gennem dagen, og sluttede af med solid regn, men alle heste og ryttere lod sig heldigvis ikke mærke med det pludselige vejromskifte.

Generelt stor tilmelding og dermed også mulighed for at se mange ekvipager i hver årgang, både kendte og ukendte.

Udtagelsesproceduren er ofte til diskussion og dette år uden undtagelse. Fra flere ryttere på sidelinien var der ønske om, at man brugte førstedagen som i dag med gennemridning af det indledende program, og så istedet for igen imorgen at skulle gennemride samme program en gang til, at man kunne bruge tiden på at arbejde på nogle af de udfordringer hver enkelt ekvipage havde i dagens programridning. Dertil kommer at flere også mente, at én dag til den endelige udtagelse i juli måned med gennemridning af finale programmet vile være optimalt. Måske yderligere bakket op af træningsvideo fra hver enkelt ekvipage evt. 14 dage inden sidste udtagelse.

Uden at kende det præcise antal som de tre dommmere udtager til den endelige udtagelse i juli måned, vover H2R allerede efter dagens første runde at sætte navne på de ekvipager i hver årgang som ligner de bedste kandidater.

H2R bruttolisten er angivet herunder og med ⭐️ -markering på de ekvipager som H2R allerede nu har på den endelige liste til UVM.

Nogle få ekvipager stod rigtig skarpt i dag og ligner sikre valg - 5 års Svalegårds Hot Driver (fuld video findes på Thehorse2rider Instagram) og Valiant, 6 års Straight Horse Floriana og 7 års Blue Hors Santiano (fuld video på Thehorse2rider Instagram). For begge top ekvipager Valerie B med Anne Mette Strandby Hansen og Lyngbjergs St. Paris med Victoria Vallentin var der tekniske udfordinger i changementerne, som kræver lidt mere arbejde inden de også er de helt sikre valg.

5 års

Deltagerfeltet var idag 20 ekvipager.

  • ⭐️Lygum´s Zelina med Victoria Vallentin

  • Vera DWB med Sandra Harholm Hansen

  • Quater Son med Nicolai Cens Christiansen

  • Atterupgaards Sterling Moss med Selina Solberg Vittinghus

  • Grevens Zeze med Silje Bakken

  • Straight Horse Sun King med Mette Sejbjerg Jensen

  • ⭐️Valiant med Frederikke Gram Jacobsen

  • ⭐️Svalegårds Hot Driver med Carina Cassøe Krüth

  • ⭐️Slangerupgaards Saffron med Anne Troensegaard (deltog ikke i dag, grundet kværkeudbrud i stalden)

6 års

Deltagerfeltet var ialt 19 ekvipager.

  • FA Viviani DWB med Lone Bang Zindorff

  • Franka med Emma Ahlberg

  • Redhead med Lovisa Wessblad

  • ⭐️Lille Kærgårds Sisco DWB med Silje Bakken

  • ⭐️Straight Horse Floriana med Mette Sejbjerg Jensen

  • EQ Secret Suprice med Susanne Barnow

  • Franko Unik med Frederikke Gram Jacobsen

  • ⭐️Valerie B med Anne-Mette Strandby Hansen

  • ⭐️Valegro Majlund med Lone Bang Zindorff

  • Grevens Sirius med Eric Guardia Martinez (deltog ikke grundet behandling efter folduheld, men video tilsendes)

7 års

Deltagerfeltet var på ialt 13 ekvipager.

  • ⭐️Blue Hors Santiano med Nanna Merrald

  • ⭐️Hønnerups Qlision med Michael Grønne Christensen

  • ⭐️Svalegårds Hot Boy DWB med Trude Hestegen

  • ⭐️Lyngbjergs St. Paris med Victoria Vallentin

VIDEOS - Glamourdale and Lottie Fry back in great form with double win in Aachen

Glamourdale & Charlotte Fry - photo: H2R

Glamourdale back in super form

Soon the final preparations towards the Olympics comes up and with a long competition break for World Champion combination Glamourdale & Lottie Fry it was an important event in Aachen now.

Glamourdale and Lottie has not shown since last years Europeans where they won individual silver in freestyle.

Both performances in Aachen with top qualities with just a few minor things to be adjusted. A very clear picture of their strength towards Paris.

Rigth now the British team for Paris look like Imhotep, Fame and Glamourdale.

78,935% Grand Prix ⬇️

80,447% Grand Prix Special ⬇️

Detailed results Grand Prix here.

Detailed results Grand Prix Special here.

PODCAST - Two hearts one soul

Maxima Bella & Sandra Sysojeva - photo: H2R

The story about the young super mare Maxima Bella and her rider and owner Sandra Sysojeva

During Horses & Dreams 2024 in Hagen H2R caught international rider Sandra Sysojeva for a chat about her super mare Maxima Bella. Sandra is from Lithuania where she also is based, but competing for Poland.

Sandra and her just 8 year old Maxima Bella entered the international Grand Prix scene back in February.

A few of the quotes from Sandra during our chat:

You can get a good horse one time in your life usually you don’t get it, I’m lucky that I bought it.

The riding comes more from thinking, if somebody ask how I taught piaffe and passage, it just came.

When you train alone sometimes it can be that you ride to much, I always have this rule, every time do it like once, maximum repeat it because you can really enjoy the passage and piaffe.

At 6 years she was so hot, how would I do a flying change. I will never do flying changes. I started with normal single flying changes. I sent her (Dominika) a video after two weeks she was doing one by one.

Here below you can listen to our chat where we also were joined by Dominika Krasko (friend/groom/trainer etc.)

Huge line up for Danish national championships including Mount St John Freestyle & Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour

Danish national Championships next weekend with Grand Prix Saturday afternoon and Grand Prix freestyle Sunday afternoon.

A total of 28 combinations are ready and with MSJ Freestyle and Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour as top favourites for the title. Cathrine also bring Vividus QRE for the championships.

Daniel Bachmann Andersen brings the young mare Shirley for the Championships as Vayron with his recent top performances at Compiègne already has proven that his form curve is on the rise.

Recent top placed at Compiègne Heiline’s Danciera and Carina Cassøe Krüth are also at the list.

Neither Nanna Merrald and Anna Kasprzak are on the list. Nanna will be at start the following weekend in Hagen together with Blue Hors Zepter.


Paris Hopefuls Descend on Hagen in June


Press release, 17 May 2024

(Hagen a.T.W.) For the second time this year Hof Kasselmann in Hagen at the Teutoburg Forest will become the focus of the international dressage world: From 6 to 9 June riders vying for selection for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games will have the opportunity to contest a CDI and CPEDI at three-star level. Much is at stake this close to Paris and while Germany’s elite will be at the national championship event in Balve, athletes from 24 other countries will take the opportunity to show their form and fitness in Hagen.

High-profile entries

The line up for the CDI3* tour, which includes a Grand Prix Special and a Freestyle, features the seven athletes and eight horses, which have been selected to the US dressage team Olympic short list for continued observation ahead of Olympic team selection later this summer. Anna Buffini on Fontini, Adrienne Lyle with Lars van de Hoenderheide and Helix, Anna Marek and Fire Fly, Katherine Bateson-Chandler with Haute Couture, Steffen Peters and Suppenkasper, Marcus Orlob and Jane as well as Endel Ots on Bohemian all plan to use Hagen as one of three required observation events. Other high-profile combinations on the entry list include Danish super star Nanna Skodborg-Merrald, who has entered both Blue Hors Zepter and Blue Hors Znickers. The former hasn’t been seen since his second placing in the CDI5* of Stockholm in December 2023, but would have to be considered Nanna’s number one hope for Paris after piaffing to silver in the Grand Prix Special at the 2023 Europeans. Sweden is represented by team stalwart Patrik Kittel with new ride Jovian, Juliette Ramel on Gideon K.H., Tinne Vilhelmson Silfvén with Esperance or Hyatt, Malin Wahlkamp-Nilsson on Zackson as well as emerging pair Sofie Lexner and Inoraline W, who put their names on the map at Horses & Dreams meets Portugal at the same venue in April. Australia’s Mary Hanna and Ivanhoe and Lyndal Oatley with Dante’s Herzchen continue their campaign for Paris, as are Portugal’s top riders, Maria Pais do Amaral, João Pedro Moreira and Antonio do Vale. Finland has also qualified a team for Paris, the first time since Seoul in 1988, and with six Finnish athletes riding in Hagen, the competition for team selection will be hot. 

To emulate Championship atmosphere the dressage arena will be set up in the jumping stadium at Hof Kasselmann. The dressage program also features a small tour and an international U25 tour.

Jumping stadium at Hof Kasselmann © Mhisen

KWPN ready with long list for WCYH in Ermelo

Nalegro & Lottie Fry ready for first selection for WCYH - photo: Van Olst Horses

First selection of Dutch Young horses for World Championships in Ermelo (4-8 September) took place 13 & 15 May in Houten.

About 100 young horses were shown for the first selection and 21 five-year old, 21 six-year old and 16 seven-year old horses were selected.

2nd selection will take place 11 & 12 in Ermelo and with final selection 16 July.

Source: KWPN

5 year old

6 year old

7 year old

99.500 euro top price OLD filly by Viva Gold / Millennium

Bidding duel between Germany and Belgium for the extraordinary filly by Viva Gold / Millennium. The filly was secured for the German buyer.

Out the 13 dressage foals 1 was sold to Sweden and 1 was sold to The Netherlands, rest for German buyers.

This was a great premier for OLD Verband in association with the Online auction platform Horse24.

Here you find the entire list of prices.

Press release: Olympian Charlotte Dujardin secures clean sweep of Grand Prix wins at Hickstead

Olympic gold medallist Charlotte Dujardin competing at Hickstead (c) Boots and Hooves Photography

12 May 2024

Press release

Charlotte Dujardin completes clean sweep of Grand Prix wins 

Charlotte Dujardin rounded off an excellent week at the I.C.E. Horseboxes All England Dressage Festival at Hickstead, winning a third Grand Prix title.

The World number five brought her Grand Prix victor Imhotep back for Sunday’s I.C.E Horseboxes CDI3* Grand Prix Special, where she once again topped the leaderboard with 81.362%. Her mentor and team-mate Carl Hester and Fame were second with 78.660%.

“I’ve had a fantastic week with both my horses, finishing off the show with the Special with Imhotep, and I felt like he did one of his best tests that I’ve done,” said Charlotte.

The 11-year-old Imhotep picked up nines and tens for his piaffe and passage work, as well as his pirouettes and final halt. “There was a rider error in the ones [one-time changes] but apart from that I was absolutely thrilled. It’s great preparation to make these mistakes here and hopefully get them all out of the way. Each time you do a test you feel like you’ve learned something. By Paris, hopefully there’ll be no more mistakes.”

At last year’s European Championships, Charlotte and Imhotep were part of the gold medal-winning team as well as picking up two individual bronze medals. Their impressive Hickstead performance this week will have no doubt helped their selection campaign ahead of this summer’s Paris Games, when Charlotte could go ahead of cyclist Dame Laura Kenny as the British female athlete to have won the most Olympic medals.

Imhotep is the more likely contender for the Games, but in her Freestyle winner Alive And Kicking Charlotte has another potential championship horse in the making. “With Paris in mind, it’s something we’re really focusing on, we’re really busy trying to get everything in tip top shape,” she said. “They’re very different horses. Pete is like being on a spring, he’s extremely bouncy and very powerful, and he’s quite big and wide to ride. Whereas Audrey [Alive And Kicking] is smaller, much neater, and a totally different mover to Pete.”

It was Charlotte's first time competing at Hickstead since the birth of her daughter Isabella in 2023. “It has definitely put a perspective on my career. Before having Isabella, this [riding] was my life, and I was so focused on doing this all the time, whereas now being a mum has made me realise what’s important. Being a mum is the best thing in the whole world, she’s my number one priority. Going out there to compete is all about going out there to make her proud, so it’s fantastic that she can come and watch me here and be a part of it.”  

For full results click here


The European Young Rider gold medallist won two classes on the final day of the I.C.E. Horseboxes All England Dressage Festival


Twenty-year-old British rider Annabella Pidgley had a successful end to the I.C.E. Horseboxes All England Dressage Festival, with a double of wins on the final day.

The European Young Rider gold medallist headed the I.C.E Horseboxes CDI U25 Grand Prix with the 12-year-old Vamos Amigos on a score of 74.974%, then later added an Intermediate I with Espe, scoring 72.402%. “It’s been a great day – the amazing weather here has topped it off. I’ve done three tests today and it’s been challenging, but to have the results I’ve had today has been incredible,” she said.

Annabella also finished second behind Olympian Laura Tomlinson in the Saracen Horse Feeds Premier League FEI Intermediate I. Riding the nine-year-old stallion Kadans, she scored 73.088% behind Laura and Full Moon II, with 75.441%.

It was a second win in two days for the pair, as Laura and Full Moon II also topped Saturday’s Fairfax Saddles Premier League FEI Prix St Georges.

Tomlinson also took the top spot in the I.C.E Horseboxes Premier League FEI Grand Prix Special with Soegaards Bon Royal, a 10-year-old gelding by Bon Bravour. They were the only pair to break the 70% barrier, scoring 72.532% to go ahead of Andrew Gould and Amicella.  

After his one-two finish in Saturday’s Team test, Myles Graham and Nibeley Union Hit picked up another win in the I.C.E Horseboxes CDI Junior Riders Individual test, ahead of Mette Dahl (Fidelio van het Bloemenhof) in second and Ruby Hughes in third with Brioso.

Laragh Byrne and the eye-catching palomino stallion Steendieks Dali Gold took the CDI Ponies title for Ireland, finishing less than 0.3 percent clear of Britian’s Madi May Haerr and Machno Excalibur.

The finish in the Fairfax Saddles Premier League FEI Prix St Georges was even closer, with Anders Dahl taking the narrowest of victories with Kokkedals Herzog. His score of 68.971 was just enough for the top spot, with yesterday’s winner Lara Butler and Amiek C in second on 68.931%.

Dannie Morgan and the nine-year-old High Hoes Razzle Dazzle took the Bret Wilson Premier League Advanced Medium 98 with a score of 70.351%.

For full results click here

Danish bred Maxi Kraft’s Barcelo & Dorothee Schneider winner of preliminary St. Georg Special in Munich today

Barcelo & Dorothee Schneider - photo: screenshot Clipmyhorse

8 yr old Maxi Kraft´s Barcelo OLD by Bon Coeur / Caprimond bred by Stutteri Atterupgaard and ridden by Dorothee Schneider took today´s preliminary St. Georg Special victory with 74,536%, 2,5% ahead of 2nd placed Victoria Nielsen with Prinzessin Paula.

Super well balanced trot tour with lots of suppleness for both half passes and extensions, super into walk at A direct for a big supple extended walk tour only rewarded with a 9 from judge at E German Evi Eisenhardt, while the other 4 judges saw the extension for 8,5 - 7,5 - 8,0 - 7,5. Tiny unbalance for the rhythm at the begin of the collected walk tour. Very good canter tour with 2nd half pirouette as clear highlight, super balance and sit, good series where your not in doubt about the natural go and power but well managed from Dorothee. Nice halt with supple rein back and super extension towards the final halt.

They definitely look like a strong card for the final. The 12 best combinations from today are ready for the qualifier for the final tomorrow where only the winner will qualify and at the end of the 8 qualifiers the 4 combinations with the best scores for the 2nd placements will qualify for the final.

Barcelo is out of one of the most successful dam lines in Denmark

A total of 5 approved stallions comes from this dam line. Barcelo himself is no longer stallion.

Here you find all informations about the dam line.

Most recent is the 4 yr old Danish Warmblood and OLD approved stallion Atterupgaards Bernachi by Bon Courage. Video clip from presentation at Stutteri Atterupgaard.


Charlotte Dujardin's rising star impressed in today's Horse & Country CDI3* Grand Prix Freestyle to Music


Charlotte Dujardin’s rising star Alive And Kicking was impressive on her Grand Prix Freestyle international debut, scoring 82.350% to take the win in emphatic fashion on the penultimate day of the I.C.E. Horseboxes All England Dressage Festival.

The 10-year-old mare had only made two international appearances before this week’s CDI at Hickstead, winning both the Grand Prix and Special in Lier in March and in Hagen in April. After finishing runner-up to Charlotte’s top horse Imhotep in yesterday’s Grand Prix, Alive And Kicking (known as Audrey) returned to her winning ways in the Horse & Country CDI3* Grand Prix Freestyle to Music, with a confident routine that belied her relative lack of experience.

“That was the first time I've ever ridden it [the freestyle routine], and I think she's only ever done one other Freestyle, which was at Prix St Georges, so Audrey had a big ask tonight and I feel she did a very good job,” said Charlotte, who rode to a soundtrack based on music from the film Frozen.

In runner-up spot was Singapore's Caroline Chew on Blue Hors Zatchmo (74.940%), with Britain's Andrew Gould in third with Genie. 

Having lost out in Friday’s CDI Grand Prix to his protegee Charlotte Dujardin, Carl Hester was back on top in the LeMieux Premier League Grand Prix. Riding the 15-year-old En Vogue, Carl scored 75.304% to retain the title they won here 12 months ago.

Asked how En Vogue compares to Carl’s other Grand Prix ride Fame, he said: “They’re actually quite similar personalities and temperament, they are both a little bit quirky and can quickly change from very relaxed to very hot. But they’re beautiful horses to ride, and when they go well I feel like I am probably doing some of the best dressage I’ve ever done, they just suit my personality.”

Carl and Charlotte’s London 2012 Olympic teammate Laura Tomlinson enjoyed her competitive highlight of the year so far, winning the Fairfax Saddles Premier League FEI Prix St Georges with Full Moon II. She also came third with second ride Forest Hill, with Sarah Millis and Le Zorro taking the runner-up spot.

“I was first to go with that horse at 8 o'clock this morning, so it's been a long day waiting to see how the results panned out,” said Laura. “I was really pleased with him, he felt settled in the arena, switched on, and just a lovely ride. I'm in the Intermediate I tomorrow. So hopefully we can carry forwards with a little bit of confidence.”

Laura’s stable jockey Lara Butler was also top of the podium today, with her victory coming in the Saracen Horse Feeds Premier League Intermediate I. Riding the 14-year-old Amiek C, the pair scored 75.343% to finish more than two percent clear of Michael Eilberg and MSJ Encore in second. “The temperature was getting very warm today, but he coped very well with the heat and with the atmosphere,” said Lara of the bay gelding by Ampere.

This morning also saw some young talents in the sport compete in the CDI 1* classes. Myles Graham enjoyed a one-two in the I.C.E Horseboxes CDI Junior Riders Team test, winning with Nibeley Union Hit(72.000%) and finishing second with Nibeley Black Pearl (70.363%). The Young Riders' title went to India Durman-Mills and Escade, with a score of 70.588%, while Sofia Games and Steendieks Cadillac took the CDI Ponies test with 69.857%. In the Children on Horses, Ella-Grace Dovey finished top of the leaderboard with a score of 75.450% on her 11-year-old gelding, Sheepcote Jackson.

Annabella Pidgeley secured her second win of the show, taking top spot in the I.C.E Horseboxes CDI U25 Intermediate II with Vamos Amigos. "He gave me one of the best feelings he has ever given, especially through our piaffe and passage tour," she said. 

For full results click here.


Carl Hester dug out his short coat for the first time in years to ride an extraordinary six-year-old  


Carl Hester has enjoyed an excellent week at the I.C.E. Horseboxes All England Dressage Festival, picking up a win in the Premier League Grand Prix with En Vogue as well as finishing runner-up in the CDI 3* Grand Prix Special with Fame. Yet it was a stand-out performance in the KBIS British Dressage Young Horse classes that Carl pinpointed as his highlight of the show.

Riding Fiona Bigwood’s mare Quinn G, Carl took the 6yo Commanded Route title with an impressive score of 98.4% - getting perfect 10s from the judges for her walk, canter and general impression.

“I'm just a pilot on a very special horse, she is quite something. I've never had a score of 98.4 in my life,” said the six-time Olympian. “It's the sort of score you can die quite happy after. If I had to retire tomorrow, at least that's on my CV.”

The Danish warmblood Quinn M (Quaterhit x Fassbinder) was sold to Great Britain last year, after picking up the gold medal at the World Championships for Young Horses as a five-year-old. “After the World Championships I think a lot of people knew she was going to be a star, but let's hope she just keeps developing and moves forward really successfully,” Carl added.

Asked what made her special, he said: “She has this amazing walk, trot and canter, she's like a panther, and she's such a clever, intelligent soul. But she takes some riding because she's so big and such a big mover. How blessed to get to ride a horse like that, they don't come along very often. I really feel like she's a creature from heaven.”

Hester rarely competes below Grand Prix level, so he had to dig out his short dressage coat for the first time since his London 2012 ride Uthopia was competing in young horse classes. After their record score in Friday’s competition, Carl had to get to grips with the test for Saturday’s I.C.E. Horseboxes British Dressage International Young Horse class, which they duly won with a score of 97.0. “Fiona told me this morning that she couldn’t read the test to me, that I needed to learn it – and my brain is not as good as it used to be! That’s all I was worrying about as I was riding round, that I wouldn't know where I'm going. I learned it in five minutes. But it's fun to do something different."

While it was Carl’s protégée Charlotte Dujardin who produced a clean sweep in the CDI Grand Prix classes at the show, Carl also produced two superb tests with his European team gold medallist Fame to finish third in the Grand Prix and second in the Grand Prix Special. “We are rivals but I’ll happily accept that she’s better than me!” Carl said. “I love watching her ride and I thought Imhotep did one of the best Grand Prix tests that he’s ever done in terms of relaxation, contact and his frame, he just keeps getting better and better.”


The Olympic, World and European gold medallist proved unbeatable at today's I.C.E. Horseboxes All England Dressage Festival 


Charlotte Dujardin was on dominant form at the I.C.E. Horseboxes All England Dressage Festival at Hickstead, with a one-two finish in today’s feature class.

Riding her European Championships partner Imhotep, Charlotte took an impressive early lead in The Swan Inn, Fittleworth CDI3* Grand Prix, with a score of 80.870%. Carl Hester and last year’s Hickstead Grand Prix winner Fame went into second place with 76.239%, until Charlotte and her second ride Alive And Kicking sneaked ahead with 77.370%, relegating Carl to third.  

“I’ve had a great two rides, with Imhotep getting back on track with his 80 [percent] and a clear round,” said Charlotte. “Alive And Kicking has only done four Grands Prix so she’s very inexperienced but I’m really happy.”

Asked how it felt to finish ahead of her friend and mentor, Charlotte commented: “I’m absolutely thrilled. I wouldn’t be where I am today without Carl so it’s great to have him here by my side, but it’s brilliant to beat him on both my horses, I’m not going to lie!”

Carl added: "At this moment we're all desperately trying to do the best we can and get good scores with Paris coming up. It's been a wonderful day - to have weather like this and rides like this, it's what dreams are made of." 

Earlier, Charlotte’s pupil Annabella Pidgley scored a win in the opening international class of the show, the Horse & Country CDI1* Prix St Georges. Riding the 10-year-old mare Espe, Annabella scored 72.706% to take the win. “It’s great to be back at Hickstead, the atmosphere here today in the sunshine is just amazing, and Espe was super and I’m really pleased with her,” said Annabella.

In the Horse & Country CDI Young Riders test, Hermione Tottman topped the leader board with the 16-year-old gelding, Exquisite on a score of 69.941%. “I was really happy with him, he gave me a great feeling in the arena. I want to keep on improving this year, and keep gaining experience,” said Hermione, whose next goal is to break the elusive 70% barrier.

In the Premier League tests, Michael Eilberg had a successful day, winning the Fairfax Saddles FEI Prix St Georges with MSJ Encore, and then having a one-two finish in the Stübben Premier League FEI Intermediate II with Dante VX and Figlio.

Matt Frost was the winner of the Bret Wilson Premier League Advanced Medium test, with the eight-year-old Lemmo. Their score of 72.393% put them nearly two percent clear of the second placed combination, Jezz Palmer and Romanno Weltino.

For full results click here.

FEI Dressage Nations Cup™ 2024 - Calendar Update

EI Press Release
Lausanne (SUI), 08 May 2024

FEI Dressage Nations Cup™ 2024 - Calendar Update 

Following the FEI’s previous announcement regarding the withdrawal of Rotterdam (NED) and Falsterbo (SWE) competitions from the FEI Dressage Nations Cup™ 2024 calendar, the FEI can confirm that both Organising Committees have requested to revert to the original plan of hosting a leg of the series. This decision comes after both Organising Committees have communicated to the FEI their inability to accommodate a regular CDIO scheduling format this year.
The FEI has supported this request, facilitating the reinstatement of the CDIO-NC at both venues for 2024. As previously communicated, all stakeholders will meet following the conclusion of the FEI Dressage Nations Cup™ 2024 and review the series for the coming year.
After the withdrawal of team Spain, the Organising Committee for the FEI Dressage Nations Cup™ qualifier in Pilisjászfalu (HUN) has informed the FEI that they will not be hosting the event this weekend - 8 to 12 May 2024 - and will therefore be withdrawing from the FEI Dressage Nations Cup™ 2024 calendar.  

The dates of the remaining legs of the FEI Dressage Nations Cup™ 2024 are:

• Rotterdam (NED) - 20 to 23 June 2024

• Falsterbo (SWE) – 11 to 14 July 2024


Laudrup-Dufour & Zinglersen were shopping at yesterday´s Aloga Auction

With 2nd highest price among the dressage horses Laudrup-Dufour & Zinglersen (LDZ Equestrian) secured th very attractive 5 yr old gelding Fuego by Follow Him´s Schönweide X Silbersmied at yesterday´s Aloga Auction for 270.000 euro.

12 selected dressage horses were sold at the auction last night and top price went to 4 yr old stallion by Everdale x Decamerone sold for 300.000 euro.

Back in 2021 the international jumping brothers Bertram and Harry Allen together with Maxi Lill held their first auction, and 2024 was first time with a dressage auction with Sönke Rothenberger and Maurice Tebbel in front. 2024 edition of the jumping sale was with no less than three horses sold for over 1,0 mio euro.

Here you find all prices from the auction.