Hannoveraner Verband strengthens marketing with sales agent Ulrik Stadelhofer

Verden. With immediate effect, the Hannoveraner Verband will be getting worldwide sales support, with a focus on Denmark, from Ulrik Stadelhofer. The Danish dressage horse specialist is known for scouting and placing dressage horses. As sales agent ‘Worldwide, headquarters Denmark’, he will now also offer this service on behalf of the Hannoveraner Verband and will continue to work independently.

Customers and horse owners from Denmark, among others, will now be able to contact a competent fellow countryman in all sales matters – both in buying and selling, whether at auctions or direct horse brokerage. Ulrik Stadelhofer is open to horses of all populations, ages and training levels. For direct contact, please call +45 40 55 56 66.

Ulrik Stadelhofer (Photo: Hannoveraner Verband

Fangede du ikke dommerkommentarer på finale føllene og guldmedaljehopper, så lyt med her⬇️

Beskrivelser og karakteristik af finaleføl og guldmedaljehopper

Hvis ikke du fangede detaljerne da Vicky Nordtvig fortalte om hver enkelt finale føl og guldmedaljehopperne, så har du muligheden herunder ⬇️

ÅRET HOPPEFØL - Kamar´s Bexit e. Bonds/Escolar , avler Morten Kappel Petersen.

Masai Mara Pilekær e. Bonds / Zack, avler Stutteri Pilekær

Baunehøjens Juliet e. Jovian / Sezuan avler Stald Baunehøj

Borbjergs Black Rose e. So Perfect / Don Deluxe avler Jørn Dahl

Imagine it Hesthøj e. Straight Horse Leonardo / It´s Me avler Stutteri Hesthøj

ÅRETS HINGSTEFØL - Terpling´s Dream Star e. Dream Royal / Falstaff avler Heima Poulsen

Bellini V e. Be Sure / Janeiro Platinum avler Ole Christensen

Magic Million by J&J e. Gørklintgårds Million / Benicio avler Malene Jakobsen og Palle Juhl

Søbakkehus Dianthus e. Donkey Boss / Wilkens avler Agnete Holmsted

Vitello e. Vitalis / Temptation avler Lena og Ulrik Kristensen

Årets hoppe og guldmedalje - Søbakkehus Miss Malfoy e. Downtown/Sir Donnerhall I, ejer og opdrætter: Agnete Holmsted

Guldmedalje hoppe Chantal e. Revolution/Hertug, opdrætter Jane og Erik Bech Jensen, ejer Helgstrand Dressage.

Ready for tonight´s 𝐕𝐚𝐧 𝐎𝐥𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 "𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐚𝐥 𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧" 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈𝐈 - be ready at 8 pm

21 foals are up for tonight´s ONLINE auction at Van Olst Sales

This time H2R picked a handful, but all foals with very interesting dam lines as great prospects for the future.

Check out the entire collection here, and make sure your ready when the bid-up starts tonight at 8 pm.

Schedule and links for World Championships for Young Horses in Ermelo

25th anniversary for World Championships for Young Horses comes up next week starting Wednesday in Ermelo.

Below you find the preliminary schedule. Link for exact start and results will be available here.

The entire event will be possible to follow live at Clipmyhorse.

Here you find all additional informations about the event.

Links are of course also available at H2R calendar.

Next year this event will take place in Verden, Germany.

Tillid, respekt og empati - clinic med Anne Søndergaard/Rock the Pony

Anne Søndergaard i fuld gang med første hest i arenaen - foto: H2R

Godt 100 hestefolk var mødt op til mandagens clinic på Middelfart Ridecenter for bl.a at suge inspiration, få nye værktøjer, og for at se hvordan Anne Søndergaard arbejder med hestene.

Dagens arrangement startede i cafeteriet, hvor Anne var klar med et lille powerpoint oplæg. Først lidt om hendes egen historie, hvor hun erhvervsmæssigt oprindelig er uddannet lærer, og fra hun var helt lille altid med et stort hestehjerte, til idag hvor hun driver forretningen Rock the Pony med primært tilridning af ungheste, men også i stor grad “reparation” af heste, som måske ikke har fået den bedste start på ridehestelivet.

For en stor del er Anne selfmade udi træning af hestene, hele tiden med reflektioner på hvordan vi mennesker agerer og reagerer. Relationerne med hinanden, situationen med den gode chef og den dårlige chef, det at få stillet en arbejdsmæssige opgave og blive stresset som menneske, alt sammen direkte sammenlignligt med tilgangen til hestenes univers.

Efter ovennævnte præsentation var der inkl. i billetten et solidt måltid aftensmad fra Slagteren i Middelfart, som havde sørget for noget til enhver smag, samtidig med at ingen gik slutne fra bordet.

Derefter var det tid til “hands on” session i ridehallen, hvor Anne stiftede bekendtskab med to for hende helt nye heste, og som kom med hver deres historik. Tilhørene fik indblik i hvordan Anne griber tingene an fra først færd, hvordan hun læser hestene, hvordan hun anvender forskellige simple hjælpemidler, og sidst men ikke mindst hvor hun sammen med hestene forsøger at komme i mål med tingene, uanset størrelsen på “forhindringerne”.

Se lidt klip fra mandagens arrangement herunder ⬇️

Efter live seancen i ridehallen var der kaffe og kage (sidstnævnte sponsoreret af justhorsies.com)

Følfestival og hoppekåring i Dansk Varmblod Norge

Dagens bedste 3 års hoppe Fame e. Freetown / Skovens Rafael, avlet i Sverige og ejet af Andresen Dressage. Fra venstre: Ib Kirk, Agria Norge / Mette Gade Larsen og Alexandra Andresen. Foto: H2R

Dansk Varmblod Norge

Årets avlsbegivenhed i Norge er den årlige følfestival og hoppekåring, som for 2. år blev afholdt hos Andresen Dressage på Evje Herregård.

De fantastiske faciliteter rummer alt hvad et hestehjerte kan ønske sig. Rekord mange mennesker både hestefolk og nysgerrige havde valgt at lægge vejen forbi Andresen Dressage, hvor dørene var åbne for alle interesserede.

Det danske team i Norge, Ib Kirk, Jens Søgaard, Johnny Hansen og Ulrik Kristensen. Foto: H2R

Dagen startede traditionen tro med måling af hopper, efterfulgt af visning på fast bund, hvor dansker teamet bestående af dommere Jens Søgaard og Johnny Hansen, repræsentant for hovedbestyrelsen og auktionsudvalget Ulrik Kristensen samt hingsteholder Ib Kirk guided alle deltagere godt gennem dagen.

Efter fast bund hvor vejret viste sig fra sin gode side var det tid til at se hopperne til eksteriørkåring løse i hallen. Derudover var der tre hopper tilmeldt sadelkåring.

Dommer teamet i aktion - Jens Søgaard, Johnny Hansen, speaker Ulrik Kristensen og Ib Kirk. Foto: H2R

Der var alene to springføl til følskuet, men så var Johnny Hansen naturligvis klar til at varetage sekretær og meddommer funktionen sammen med Jens Søgaard i forhold til bedømmelsen af de 17 dressurføl.

Bag mikrofonen i hallen var Ole Jørgen Jørgentvedt fra JJ Horses i Mysen, Norge, som forklarede publikum om bedømmelserne under vejs og hvad dommerne kiggede efter.

Alle hopper og føl var fin klargjorte til dagen, og hvor der var brug for det, var Ib Kirk klar til at løbe eller guide fremviserne.

Inden finalen for føllene, blev de vist en ekstra gang på fast bund, for kontrol af benstilling.

Agria Norge var dagens hovedsponsor med en samlet præmiesum på kr. 50.000 NOK fordelt på de respektive vindere samt dagens bedste fremvisnings team.

Det var også dagen hvor der var åbningsreception på den nystartede Evje Hesteklinik, som har lejet sig ind i de helt nye moderne faciliteter med seperat hesteafdeling.

Åbningsreception hos Evje Hesteklinik. Foto: privat

En succesfuld dag, med fokus på avlerne, som selvom det ikke er på kvantiteten, så formår de norske avlere i Dansk Varmblod alligevel at udvikle avlen på kvalitet.

Support også fra de mindste i Dansk Varmblod Norge. Foto H2R

Videoklip af dagens bedste hoppeføl og hingsteføl ⬇️

FEI to convene stakeholder meeting to address Dressage challenges

The FEI will host a key meeting with stakeholders on 1 October 2024, to kick off in-depth discussions on addressing the challenges currently impacting the discipline of Dressage.


This meeting, which will bring together representatives from national federations, recognised stakeholder groups — including athletes, officials, organisers, trainers, and veterinary experts — marks the beginning of a broader strategy to develop a comprehensive long-term strategy for Dressage, to ensure the sustainability and growth of the discipline.


The meeting will also provide an opportunity to update the community on current and upcoming research and development initiatives, including the oral cavity study.


“While the FEI fully recognises the challenges currently facing the discipline of Dressage and has worked to address issues as they have arisen, the primary focus in recent months has been on delivering key events, as well as a successful Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris 2024, which has required considerable attention and resources,” FEI President Ingmar De Vos explained.  


“Our goal now is to collaborate closely with all our stakeholders to address the challenges facing Dressage. While many in our community recognise the urgency of the situation, others may not yet fully grasp the critical juncture at which equestrian sport currently stands.


“While the FEI is committed to seeking collective solutions and fostering consensus wherever possible, the safety and well-being of our horses remain our top priority. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that Dressage is a discipline where the sport is conducted in a manner that focuses on the horse’s comfort.


“As the governing body, the FEI is prepared to take the necessary decisions to ensure that we are living up to our promise to ‘Be a Guardian’ for our equine partners, and to improve the standards of safety and care in our sport. We have shown in recent months that the FEI is ready to step in and take decisive action when the need arises.


“As the sport evolves, we must adapt and find effective solutions to current challenges. Our success depends on the community’s willingness to approach these issues with an open mind and work together toward common ground.”


The FEI introduced the Be a Guardian initiative in July, which calls upon members of the community to fully commit to their duties as ‘guardians’ of FEI horses.


Be a Guardian is the central message that unites the community around the FEI Action Plan that was developed from the recommendations outlined in the final report of the independent Equine Ethics and Wellbeing Commission.


The term 'guardian' marks an evolution in the FEI's narrative of the horse-human partnership, chosen to better represent the human role in caring for horses and to underscore each individual's responsibility for ensuring horse welfare.


Key links


Danish Warmblood Elite Foal auction OnLive Saturday 31 August

23 Dressage foals selected for Elite Foal Auction

Some interesting foals for this auction with attractive breeding where H2R picked ⬆️⬆️two top price colts (from the video).

From first crop by Straight Horse Leonardo are two foals for this collection, like foals from attractive stallions like Glamourdale, Vitalis and Total McLaren are available.

The auction will be live at Clipmyhorse.

Here you find the entire collection.

Schuberts Dressage inviterede "Erhvervskvinder Vestjylland" indenfor

Indblik i hverdagen hos Schuberts Dressage i Ringkøbing

44 erhvervskvinder lagde tirsdag aften vejen forbi Schuberts Dressage, hvor familen Würtz Green bød indenfor.

Erhvervskvinder Vestjylland har årligt omkring 10 arrangementer, hvor de besøger lokale erhvervsvirksomheder. Erhvervskvinder.dk er et landsdækkende netværk for erhvervskvinder, som findes med lokalafdelinger i hele Danmark.

Aftenen startede med velkomst ved formanden for Erhvervskvinder Vestjylland, fulgt op af velkomst ved Per Green.

Herefter gik turen med rundvisning i stalden i to grupper, hvorefter alle var tilbage i ridehallen med Kristian i sadlen på Schuberts Salando, og hvor Mette forklarede en del af de tekniske øvelser, uddannelse af hesten, hjælpernes indvirkning, balance og kontakt.

Næste punkt var lidt omkring ponytiden, som hele familien Green jo også har været en stor del af. Her viste Mette bl.a. Kristians tidligere succes partner Lilo som lige nu gik med føl, og her kom Mette omkring hvor det hele starter for de fleste på den lokale rideskole, og vigtigheden af at børnene har det sjovt og lærer korrekt omgang med hestene helt fra starten med sikkerhed i højsæde.

Så var der lækker salat bowle og dessert, mens snakken gik over bordene på tværs af alle faggrupper som var repræsenteret. Det var tydeligt at mærke at netværket kan noget særligt, og at de fremmødte var interesserede og nysgerrige på alt omkring Schuberts Dressage.

Efter pausen var Kristian klar til at bringe alle med en tur til OL, hvor vi så britiske Becky Moody med Jagerbomb i deres kür, og hvor Kristian under vejs fortalte om hvad kür var, og hvor tilhørene tydelig også fangede stemningen med Tom Jones musikken. Så gik turen via powerpoint præsentation med hvornår hestene første gang indgår i historien, over Kristians karriere, og slutteligt hvor Mette fortæller om bl.a. berider uddannelsen og hendes egen vej i hesteverdenen.

Efterfølgende var der også en del spørgsmål som tilhørene fik kyndige svar på, herunder bl.a. en af gæsterne som stillede spørgsmål omkring formen på hesten når man rider, hvortil Mette med stor faglighed forklarede de forskellige positioner, og måden man træner og uddanner en hest korrekt.

Målt på smilene og den feed back som både Mette og Kristian modtog da gæsterne forlod Stutteri Schuberts efter en aften i dressurens tegn var ihvertfald positiv, og bestemt også en opfordring herfra, til at lave lignede arrangementer, for at vise hvad hestene og sporten kan på den gode måde.

Carina Cassøe Krüth udelukkes midlertidigt fra bruttogruppe og landshold

Nyhed på DRF 14. august

Dansk Ride Forbunds ledelse har truffet en beslutning om at udelukke Carina Cassøe Krüth fra DRF’s bruttogruppe samt landshold i dressur. Udelukkelsen er midlertidig og gælder foreløbigt frem til appeludvalgets behandling af sagen, hvorefter længden af udelukkelsen revurderes i henhold til udvalgets afgørelse.

Videomateriale viser opførsel, som er uforeneligt med DRF’s normer og værdier
Beslutningen er truffet som følge af at rytterens opførsel i videoen er uforenelig med DRF’s sportsplan, hvori ”normer og værdier for bruttogruppe-, landsholdsryttere og deres personlige team” er beskrevet.

Samtlige bruttogruppe- og landsholdsryttere er bekendte med sportsplanen, som tager afsæt i værdierne ”samarbejde, engagement, helhed, udvikling og trivsel”. Sportsplanens formål er at agere pejlemærke for de normer, værdier og retningslinjer man som bruttogruppe-, landsholdsrytter og -træner i dressur skal være ambassadør for og virke under.

Udelukkelsen vedrører aktiviteter, samlinger og stævner i regi af DRF’s bruttogruppe og landshold, som er beskrevet i DRF’s sportsplan.

Har du spørgsmål vedr. ovenstående beslutning, kan du kontakte DRF’s direktør, Morten Rodtwitt, på +45 29 37 09 16

Uddrag af DRF’s sportsplan

Normer og værdier for bruttogruppe-, landsholdsryttere og deres personlige team:

  • Ryttere og deres personlige team er forpligtiget til at efterleve DRF’s Code of Conduct, følge nærværende normer og værdier, samt DRF’s retningslinjer for etisk korrekt anvendelse af hesten til ridesport.

  • Ryttere og deres personlige team forventes til enhver tid at optræde som gode rollemodeller.

  • Som rollemodel skal rytterne og deres personlige team stræbe efter god sportslig optræden og er forpligtiget til at overholde idrættens fairplay principper samt generelle dyrevelfærdsprincipper.

KWPN Online Auction: bridging breeders and international buyers

Over the years, the KWPN Auctions platform has evolved into an international showcase where breeders and buyers frequently come together. This season, seven editions of the KWPN Online Foal Auction are scheduled from July through October. What sets the KWPN Online Foal Auction apart from other auctions, is its focus on market promotion. The KWPN supports its breeders in reaching potential buyers, attracting an international clientele.

All foals are inspected by a KWPN inspector and have undergone a clinical examination by a veterinarian, allowing buyers worldwide to invest with confidence. However, there is no selection based on quality or pedigree, making it unfair to compare the results of the KWPN Online Foal Auctions directly with other foal auctions.

Fair prices

For buyers, this platform offers the opportunity to acquire promising foals at reasonable prices. Breeders aim to sell their foals, and the process is entirely transparent. In the previous edition, showjumping enthusiasts had the chance to invest in well-bred foals by sires like Chacco-Blue and Diamant de Semilly. Upcoming auctions will once again feature a range of interesting foals. From August the 16th to 19th, the third auction of the year will be open for bidding, featuring offspring of Olympic dressage stallions such as Ferro and Glock’s Toto Jr., as well as rising sires like Extreme U.S., One Million, and Kjento. Alongside 28 dressage foals, this auction also includes seven showjumping foals, sired by stallions such as Carrera VDL, Cero Blue TN, and Cape Coral RBF Z.
Interested parties can contact a KWPN inspector for more information, and our KWPN partner Horses2Fly is available to assist with international transport.

German young horses selected for Ermelo - strongest for the 7 year old division

5 yr old Singleton by Secret / Damsey with Madelene Engelke missing at the SELECTED list - screenshot: Clipmyhorse

Final German selected of young horses for WCYH in Ermelo took place yesterday in Warendorf

5 year old - From the first selection Voundation with Ann-Christin Wienkamp were super convinsing, where they yesterday were missing more overall power, but still a clear pick for the Germans.

In general more of the 5 yr old horses yesterday were missing a bit more clear selfcarriage as most of them were a bit to much into the contact. During the event the riders were made aware of the very hot weather in terms of the warm up.

From H2R point of view Singleton was clearly missing among the selected 5 yr old horses. Singleton was moving light and easy of the ground into a steady, natural carriage and not to hard contact.

The overall most supple mover was Glamdale WP but unfortunately the ultimate 100% steady contact was missing.

Escanto PS by Escamilo / Fürstenball which has been popular among the breeders did not get selected. From the entering halt one could sense that he was not fully in front of the riders aides. Again for the walk turn on haunches he clearly was against the rider and not moving forward on the aides. Once more for the simple change canter, walk, canter where he just stops and the rider is unfortunately not able to make him move anymore, as he just stands, until the bell rings and they were eliminated. Such a pity.

6 year old - Among the 6 year old horses the two stallions Segantini with Dorothee Schneider and Top Shelf with Laila Wittendorf Petersen were the most clear picks, and with Top Shelf with very nice both first and final selection.

Global Power with Evelyn Eger with super trot work and top canter qualities, bit tensions for the walk tour but very interesting candidate.

7 year old - here Germany will be in the medals. Three mares stood out Blue FRH with Tessa Frank which we haven´t seen at the first selection due to illness, but were invited for the final as they already competed successfully at S-level. Supple well balanced with good expression all the way. Also Vaida-Girl with Marina Welbers and Chere Celine OLD with Lena Hassmann were showing high class performances.

Last years silver medalist Vitalos FRH with Leonie Richter were again showing a super trot tour and good walk tour, and as Dr. Dietrich Plewa fully correct commented for the canter: “In clear 3-beat sometimes with bit croup high, for the collected exercises you could wish for a bit more under the body jump, which also affects the flying changes which could be more through the body”.

5 year old combinations selected:

6 year old combinations selected:

7 year old combinations selected:

Verden Championships of riding and young dressage horses

⬆️Hannoveraner Champion of the six-year-old dressage horses: Be Sure with Eva Möller (Photo: Hannoveraner Verband)

Press Release

Verden. Hannover’s Champions of riding and young dressage horses were crowned at the Verden showgrounds. The decisions were exciting and the finals featured high-calibre competitors. The riding horse titles went to Flower, Senorita la Bonita, Vienna Ninja and So Special. The Hannoveraner Champions of young dressage horse are For Future W, Siempre Conmigo and Be Sure.


The Riding Horse Championships are very popular among breeders as one of the first tests for young talents at the beginning of their careers. In the final of the four-year-old mares and geldings, Hann.Pr.A. Flower and Janina Tietze lived up to their role as favourites. The Fürst Toto/Dancier daughter (breeder: Manfred Kregel, Laatzen), became Hannoveraner Champion of mares and geldings. Almost exactly twelve months ago, the strong-moving chestnut mare with best conformation was awarded a Ia Prize at the Herwart von der Decken show at the same venue. The silver ribbon went to Diyala by Damaschino/Stedinger (breeder: Klosterhof Medingen, Bad Bevensen) and Jacob Schenk. The bay is a half-sister of premium stallion Quattroporte by Quantensprung. The bronze place was shared, two Hannoveraner premium candidates achieved the same score in the final result. Hann.Pr.A. London Eye by La Vie/De Kooning (breeder: Kathrin Wassmann, Badbergen) was highly awarded at the Herwart von der Decken show last Thursday and was presented by Hermann Burger. Sascha Böhnke was in the saddle of the Secret/Fantastic daughter Secret's Fantastic (breeder: Aloys Ewers, Meppen). She was also successful at the Verband’s mare show. Last year she was awarded an Id prize as the winning mare at the local mare show in Timmel. Owner Sabine Eggerking had discovered her four years earlier at the Verden foal auction.

The programme continued with the three-year-old mares and geldings. With two tens in the protocol for trot and canter, the Sir Heinrich/Westernhagen daughter Hann.Pr.A. Senorita la Bonita (breeder: Axel Windeler, Verden-Walle) from the valuable dam line of Alferate could not be denied victory. The local heroine, who was born less than five kilometres from the showgrounds, was put in the limelight by Sina Aringer. She had qualified for the final ring at the Herwart von der Decken show as an Ib prizewinner due to her high quality. Boccaccio by Bonds/Dancier (breeder: Hans-Jürgen Hollen, Geveshausen) was also awarded high marks. The liver chestnut with Danica Duen in the saddle was runner-up champion by a tenth of a point. After taking second place in the four-year-old class, Jacob Schenk guided Voulez-Vous by V-Plus/Fürsten-Look (breeder: Michael Schenk, Niendorf), who was bred by his parents, to third place.

Vienna Ninja by Viva Gold/Bodyguard (breeder: ZG Slink, Großheide) and Daniela Graé led the field of three-year-old stallions. The liver chestnut, who has an outstanding canter, came into Austrian ownership via the Verden stallion sales last year. The Majestic Tonga/Desperados son Majestic Day (breeder: Anna Genfors, Förslöv/SWE) came second. It was the second ride of his rider Hermann Burger that was crowned with a podium place. The dark bay's dam is none other than
St.Pr.St. Doris Day, who was the acclaimed champion mare at the Herwart von der Decken show in 2010. There were again two third places: Beck in Magic by Benicio/Dancier (breeder: Dirk Wahlers, Weyhe) with Mareike Mimberg-Hess and D'Agustinus by Damaschino/Dauphin (breeder: Prof. Dr Karsten Harms, Rosdorf). Jacob Schenk sat in his saddle – medal three in the third round. Both stallions have prominent relatives: Beck in Magic is a full brother to the Westphalian stallion By your Side and half-brother to the stallion Falihandro by Fürstenball, who was successful at Grand Prix level. D'Agustinus' dam Donna Aurelia produced the advanced (S) level dressage horses D'Agustina by Don Juan de Hus and Florence by Franziskus.

The last ten of the Hannoveraner Riding Horse Championships was awarded to the four-year-old stallion So Special. The Secret/Bon Coeur son (breeder: Pia Sophie Wahlers, Visselhövede) was also "so special" indeed: 10 for canter and 9.5 for rideabelity made the liver chestnut with Jessica Lynn Thomas the Champion. After coming second last year, he could now enjoy the white and yellow winner's sash. Jacob Schenk was also in the saddle of a medallist in this class, this time riding the runner-up, Lindenberg by Libertad/Destano (breeder: ZG Maak, Hamburg). Third in Verden last year, he had passed his sport test for stallions part I in spring with a final score of 9.07. A former Verden auction foal took the white ribbon for third place: V-Zwölf GT by V-Plus/St. Moritz (breeder: Nina Vogt, Ostercappeln), who impressed with rider Charlott-Maria Schürmann with three basic gaits that were all scored "very good". The black stallion also found his current owner in the Niedersachsenhalle: Gestüt Tannenhof purchased him two years ago at the stallion sales.

Tessa Frank made her Secret/Dancier son Siempre Conmigo (breeder: Gisela and Dr Richard Brunner, Weilserswist) dance around the dressage arena in the five-year-old class and took the title "Hannoveraner Champion of five-year-old dressage horses" in the final after winning the qualifier. The absolute highlight: the canter. Second place went to Escaneno by Escamillo/Veneno (breeder: Tobias Schult, Hünxe) with Jacob Schenk in the saddle. For the stallion from Klosterhof Medingen, who is very popular with breeders, this is only the third competition start of his still young career. Completing the podium in third place was the Celle state stud stallion Eventyr by Escolar/Lauries Crusador xx (breeder: Zuchthof Dree Böken KG, Prieros), who Wolfhard Witte routinely guided through the medium (M) level dressage horse test.


In the final of the six-year-old dressage horses, the highest score of the Verden Championships was awarded: 9.2 for the incredibly powerful and uphill canter of the Benicio/Scuderia son BeSure (breeder: Ludwig Fuchs, Meinerzhagen). The athletic bay was effectively staged by Eva Möller and thus won his first title. Last year, the former premium stallion competed for Denmark at the World Championships for young dressage horses and finished eleventh. Emmy Lou by Escolar/Fürst Heinrich (breeder: Friedhelm Tito, Horn-Bad Meinberg) and Kira Laura Soddemann had qualified for the final in fifth place. When it came down to it, they went "one better" and became Vice Champion. The expressive liver chestnut stallion Sky by Sezuan/Sir Donnerhall (breeder: Gestüt Neff, Frankenberg) joined Hannah Laser in bronze. He left the Verden stallion sales as premium stallion and top prize horse heading for Schleswig-Holstein to Gut Schönweide. More could have been possible, the canter changes were not successful and Sky ended up in third place.


The seven and eight-year-old dressage horses competed in the St. Georg Special. Hann.Pr.A. For Future W by Fürst Belissaro/Silberschmied (breeder: Oliver Wauro, Helvesiek) and Claire-Louise Averkorn left the arena of the Hannoveraner Championships with the winner's sash. She comes from the dam line of Oböe, which is also the dam line of Mattihas Alexander Rath's Sterntaler UNICEF and Frederic Wandres' World Champion Zucchero, and was the best qualifier in the final. The runner-up was Sezuana by Sezuan/Belissimo M (breeder: Fun-Dressage GbR, Bad Homburg) with rider Sandra Kötter. Third place went to the Flanell/Donnerhall son Feu D'Amour (breeder: Burkhard Wahler, Bad Bevensen), presented by Moritz Gehrmann.

⬆️Hannoveraner Champion of three-year-old mares and geldings Senorita la Bonita with Sina Aringer and breeder Axel Windeler (Photo: Hannoveraner Verband)

74.000 euro top price colt by Blue Hors Santiano at OLD Elite auction

VIDEO of top price colt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXqH4Oshnbk

Part of OLD Press release

Overwhelming Prices for Top Foals

Oldenburg Elite foals are in demand worldwide. At the 35th Elite Foal Auction at the Oldenburg Horse Center Vechta, there was once again reliability on the numerous Oldenburg regulars. Managing Director Roland Metz was especially pleased with the many new customers who were acquired through HORSE24. On average, Oldenburg fans spent 13,000 euros on their young talents in Vechta.

As the top price, Sea Cloud by My Blue Hors Santiano - Krack C - Aljano - Caletto II, bred by Erja Aholainen, Hollingstedt, triumphed. With a price of 74,000 euros, this movement-talented colt received the highest bid. The stallion prospect was sold to an international dressage stable in the UK. His dam, Fjola, is the sister of the licensed and Grand Prix-successful Champagner by Catoo, ridden by Maria Klementieva/RUS, and Laurano by Lauries Crusador xx, ridden by Anna-Lena Kracht.

Customers from the UK also secured Special Agent by Secret Noir - Floriscount - Stedinger - De Niro, bred by Helmut Kleen from Bad Zwischenahn. The noble black beauty was sold for 40,000 euros. His dam, Uthaja, is the sister of the Oldenburg Champion Mare of 2022, Benice by Benefit. The Uthoba family also includes the Grand Prix-successful Gut Wettlkam’s Stand by me OLD, ridden by Lisa Müller.

The second highest price was achieved by the winner of the Vechta Foal Championship, Ravina KP by Fair Deal - Foundation - Florencio I - Donatelli, bred by Kerstin Peters, Wiesmoor. A bid of 47,000 euros secured this charming champion for regular customers from Poland. They also acquired the lovely black mare Emilia by Escanto PS - Vivaldi - Bretton Woods - Rubinstein I, bred by Dieter Bloms from Halverde, for 21,500 euros. Her granddam, Toskara, is the sister of the licensed stallion, World Champion, and two-time Bundeschampion Don Davidoff by Don Gregory, ridden by Dr. Ulf Möller.

A long-time Oldenburg friend from Hungary secured Veritas by V-Power - Totilas - Florencio I - Lord Liberty G, bred by Grote Landwirtschaft KG from Neuenkirchen-Vörden. The ambassador of the famous Rulli-Rudilore family cost 30,500 euros. Customers from Mexico also acquired the black stallion Flamour by Feliciano - Sezuan - Locksley II - Escudo II, bred by Carsten Gebers from Winsen, for 15,500 euros. Flamourcomes from the same maternal line as the Grand Prix star Duke of Britain, ridden by Frederic Wandres.

A renowned stallion station from Lower Saxony invested 30,000 euros in the movement-talented Vangelis by V-Power - De Niro - Argentinus - Barsoi xx, bred by Andreas Klinkerfrom Molbergen. Vangelis shares his maternal line with the Bundeschampion and Vice-World Champion Destello OLD, ridden by Beatrice Hoffrogge, and the Grand Prix-winning Daytona Platinum, ridden by Fiona Bigwood/GBR.

Here you find the entire list of prices - https://horse24.com/en/auctions/details/35th-elite-foal-auction-356