Favoritterne i ECCO Cup finalen for juniorer og ungryttere holdt hele vejen hjem


2024 junior komet ekvipagen Sparaday med Anna Raben i sadlen, har haft en forrygende sæson og slutter deres både første og sidste stævneår, som juniorer af sammen med en sejr i ECCO Cup finalen, som blev afholdt på Randbøl Dressage Academy.

Med afstand fra førstedagen, var der plads til udfordringer i dagens finalen, og det blev der også. Lignede naturligt nok en lidt nervøs start, men ligner at Anna har tingene fint under kontrol med flotte vendinger, versader og traversader, skridt priouetten bliver ubalanceret med et enkelt trin hvor Sparaday bliver stående. Galopturen er rigtig god men man fornemmer lidt spændinger som bliver udløst med det vildste bukspring i den frie galop, men som Anna hurtigt har under kontrol igen og som ikke giver yderligere udfordringer.

Parret slutter med en samlet sejr over begge dage med hhv. 75,088% fra indledende og dagens kür med 75,208% = 150,296. Efterfulgt af Blue Hors Victor med Andrea Sand med 144,426% og 3. pladsen går til Blue Hors Elliot med Michella Skovsager med 143,623%


Frederikke Gram Jacobsen og Finest Alegra viser en super stræk kür idag, kun med en lille ubalance i starten af 3´er serien, ellers en super flot og velbalanceret tur med god koregrafi. Ekvipagen vinder samlet med 147,893%, nr. 2 bliver Egelund Yurrell og Freja Lindblad og nr. 3 Bergåkras Amaranth og Lea Torabi med 144,015%.

Celebrated premium stallions and record-breaking prices Verden stallion licensing with stallion sales – dressage stallions

The premium stallion by Donkey Boss/Don Olymbrio L was sold for 2 million euros at the auction (Photo: Hannoveraner Verband)


Verden. The Niedersachsenhalle was on fire when the hammer came down. A Donkey Boss/Don Olymbrio L son was sold to Denmark for 2 million euros. The quality of the licensing collection was high. Thirty-eight of the 76 stallions presented were licensed, and ten of them were awarded a premium. The average price for 37 licensed stallions was 147,257 euros. The Verden stallion licensing and the stallion sales for dressage stallions were well attended. Each premium stallion was celebrated, and the atmosphere was very positive.

The Hannoveraner chestnut stallions were in high demand. First and foremost, the Donkey Boss/Don Olymbrio L son (breeder: Stutteri G, Lynge/DEN, exhibitor: Stutteri G and Hesselhoeji.dk, Lynge/DEN), who offered something very special as the last premium stallion presented at the end of the licensing. “A horse that gives you goosebumps,” said the licensing committee, headed by breeding director Ulrich Hahne. Helgstrand Dressage did not miss this opportunity and purchased the exceptional stallion out of the dam line of Jadeluft at auction for 2 million euros.

A liver chestnut stallion by Vitalis/Apache (breeder: Johannes Baumeister, Kranenburg) will move into a stallion box at Klosterhof Medingen. His exhibitor, Stephanie Hüffer from Süsel, had discovered the typey premium stallion two years ago at an online auction of the Verden Foal Spring and was delighted with the hammer price of 480,000 euros. A sport-oriented stallion station from southern Hesse held its breath the longest for a For Romance/Christ son (breeder and exhibitor: Thomas Ehrengut, Bad Oldesloe), who has already produced numerous top horses such as the successfully competing Cadeau Noir. He changed hands for 270,000 euros.

The Celle State Stud secured two premium stallions, both black. The full brother of Bundeschampion Segantini by Secret/Fidermark (breeder: Dr. Christine Feichtinger, Vaduz/LIE, exhibitor: Horse Performance GbR, Vaduz/LIE) impressed with his good overall impression and will follow in his brother's hoofprints. Auctioneer Bernd Hickert accepted the bid at 275,000 euros. A Total Diamond PS/Asgard's Ibiza son (breeder and exhibitor: Heinrich Gießelmann, Barver) will also move into a stallion box in Celle for 245,000 euros. With a Dimaggio Black/Revolution son, Heinrich Gießelmann presented a second premium stallion he bred himself. The liver chestnut stallion, who has numerous top-class dressage horses in his dam line of Lunda, was sold to a regular customer from Lower Saxony for 230,000 euros.

A stud farm from Austria, which has been buying riding horses and foals in Verden for many years, secured its first premium stallion: a Borsalino/Danone son (breeder and exhibitor: Michael Schenk, Römstedt), whose full sister Barcelona with the breeder's son Jacob Schenk had been Vice Hannoveraner and Vice Bundeschampion in 2019. He was sold at 210,000 euros. A son of Franco Nero/Belstaff (breeder: Susann Heise, Achim, exhibitor: Hengststation Ferienhof Stücker, Weetze) had harmonious proportions and plenty of charm. A buyer from Saarland paid 150,000 euros for him. A strong-moving Zauberlehrling PS/Franz-Ferdinand son (breeder: Rene Zuidema, Basdahl, exhibitor: IB Berger, Sulzbach-Rosenberg) will be moving into a stall at a stallion station in Schleswig-Holstein for 120,000 euros. The last premium stallion of the stallion sales, a San Amour/Cachassini son (breeder: Christoph Gehre, Weeze, exhibitor: Peter Gehre, Weeze), achieved the same price. He will leave Germany for the Netherlands.

After the premium stallions, the licensed and non-licensed stallions were auctioned in the Niedersachsenhalle. The State Stud Schwaiganger in Bavaria purchased a bay stallion by Secret Game/Rock Forever (breeder: Robert Drenker, Drensteinfurt, exhibitor: BG Drenker and Holkenbrink, Münster). Helgstrand Dressage secured a second stallion with a Bonds/Dancier son (breeder and exhibitor: Helmut Bäßmann, Meitze) at a cost of 135,000 euros. 33 non-licensed stallions achieved an average of 21,803 euros. A son of Zakaria/Sir Donnerhall (breeder: Michaela Parge, Seevetal, exhibitor: Finn Brunckhorst, Halvesboste) will find its way into the Olympic hands of a regular customer. The liver chestnut was sold at 64,000 euros.

Before the exciting stallion sales began, a show programme got the numerous spectators in the Niedersachsenhalle in the right mood. Olympic participant Toto Jr. by Totilas/Desperados (breeder: ZG Schmidt, Naumburg) received the Grande Prize that had already been awarded in spring. The privately owned stallion was also awarded the name affix FRH of the Hannoveraner Förderverein for his sporting successes with Hans Peter Minderhoud in the saddle. The Fritz von der Decken Prize for the most successful stallion rearer went to the Schult family from Hünxe, who have repeatedly presented high-quality young stallions in Verden’s Schaufenster in recent years. The highlight of the event was the presentation of the Hannoveraner Stallion of the Year, Benetton Dream FRH by Brentano II/Rotspon (breeder: Axel Windeler, Verden-Walle).

Youngster collection ready at Van Olst Sales - bidding starts today 12 PM

17 youngsters are up for sale

Top stallions Kjento and Lantanas dominates this collection of 2 yr old and 3 yr old horses with a single 4 yr old also.

Here you have the possibility to aquire a youngster ready for the next step as a sport horse. Lot of sport horses in the dam lines which proves the rideability and qualities.

Make sure your ready before bid up starts November 25 at 8.25 pm.

LINK for the entire collection.

Secret son Security winner of 50-days stallion performance test in Adelheidsdorf with 9,01

Two “winners” - only 0,01 difference

Ones again Secret proves himself as both a stallion producer but also offsprings with very good rideability.

The 3 yr old stallion Security by Secret / Ampere showed really nice qualities, super walk (9,0), extra ordinary canter (10) and good trot (8,5) with nice carriage, even though he becomes pretty wide hind for the entire trot work. Total score 9,01. Type wise he is like most of the Secret sons, with some kind of “lot of horse”.

As a runner up with a total score of 9,00 was the stallion Lord Charmeur by Lord Europe / Charmeur, a modern well moving stallion where the test rider gave 9,5 today. Trot (8,5) - canter (9,5) - walk (8,5) and for willingness to perform (leistungsbereitschaft) Lord Charmeur was rewarded with a 10.

Note from H2R for the breeders

Do not only look at the marks when making your long list for your 2025 breeding program. You really have the chance to see the stallions from the performance test like this here today, like also from the short sport tests.

De unge danske talenter i retningen mod Grand Prix

Gårsdagens Intermediare II podium - privat foto

Gårsdagens podium i intermediare II klassen på Randbøl Dressage Academy bestod udelukkende af unge talentfulde ryttere, som vil den store sport.

Er det nok at gerne ville den store sport? Kræver det en talentfuld hest? Kræver det en dygtig træner? Kræver det du er super dygtig selv? Er rytterne/trænerne gode nok til at få grundpillerne på plads?

Set fra H2R´s vinkel, i dagens anledning direkte fra sidelinien på de smukke juleklædte omgivelser, så er der ikke noget endegyldigt svar på ovennævnte spørgsmål. Men ét er sikkert hvis ikke grunduddannelsen af både hest og rytter er på plads, så bliver overgangen til det sværeste niveau super svært.

Og hvad mener H2R så med at grunduddannelsen skal være på plads? Helt basalt fra sidelinien er billedet af den gode grunduddannelse, at hesten er i balance og rytteren selv formår at være i balance. Hvis begge er i selvbalance, kan hesten også bevæge sig frit og smidigt i en naturlig holdning, med en kontakt til hestens mund/tryk på tøjlen som ikke ændre sig væsentlig uanset øvelserne. Rytteren kan vise hesten i en kortere eller længere form hele vejen, vel og mærke stadig med fokus på at hesten skal kunne præsenteres med næsen let foran lod plan.

Et godt eksempel var Kristian Würtz Green med den 12-årige Bovbjergs Zhivago, som var til start i Inter II for første gang. (Med fare for at læserne her får tanken om at H2R er farvet, idet Kristians mor Mette og H2R gennem et helt rideliv har været personlige veninder, så kan tingene godt belyses, uanset farven på lyset). Og fra H2R´s vinkel er Zhivago ikke umiddelbart den oplagte GP hest, men turen giver bare stof til eftertanke, og med blikket rettet på nutidens og ikke mindst fremtidens ridning, er ekvipagen et godt eksempel på, hvordan man kan få trådt rigtigt, og godt ind i de “voksnes” rækker i dressursporten.

“H2R analysen” af Kristian og Zhivago´s tur giver et billede af en overordnet velforberedt ekvipage, som med præstationen kommer rigtig fint igang med det sværeste niveau, uanset turen er langt fra poleret, hvilket man jo heller ikke kan forvente i en debut for både hest og rytter. Alligevel er der mange ting som kan fremhæves under vejs. Førstehåndsindtrykket hvor ekvipagen kommer godt fra start, god øgning, gode traverser med fint flow og gode flydende omstillinger, fin overgang til passage, ikke så skarp som man kunne ønske sig for top karakter, men stadig tydelig forskel fra den samlet trav til passage, overgang ind til første piaffe som gerne må være lidt fremadgående, og god timing ud igen, lidt uro bag i passagen for et par få trin, og måden hvorpå Zhivago bouncer ind og ud af piaffe turene i en naturlig balance, det er 100% brugbart for fremtiden. God skridt tur, fin middelgalop med changement, som jo i sig selv er en ret krævende øvelse, på kortsiden og inden den første traversade i galop krydser Zhivago ud to gange, gode galop traversader, kommer lidt for “uforberedt” frem til begge pirouetter, hvor bedre forberedelse og tryk på bagbenene kunne gøre kvaliteten af selve pirouetterne flottere (måske mistes trykket lidt på bagbenene allerede på kortsiden!), toer serien er med flotte gennemsprungne op ad bakke changementer, men med fejl til slut som ligner at Kristian lige misser den sidste skarphed selv. I etterne er kvaliteten af selv changementerne også gode, selvom der også her indløber en lille fejl i midten, så formår Kristian at kunne forsætte. Den sidste passage ad midten ligner lidt at Kristian vil i mål, og får ikke helt vist passage skarp nok.

Og hvad er så pointen med skrivet her?

Pointen er at Zhivago står forbilledligt flot i kontakten hele vejen med naturlig lukket skummende mund, hvor Kristian kan regulere ind og ud, uden det går ud over fremadsøgningen, samtidig med at ekvipagen er velforberedte, uagtet der indløber nogle “baby” uoverensstemmelser under vejs. Det giver et særdeles godt billede med perspektiv for fremtiden. (Turen kan findes i sin helhed på Clipmyhorse arkivet).

Her findes link til resultatet af klassen.

H2R findes nu også som PODCAST på Spotify

Christian Springborg tilbage i stalden og gør klar til næste forbesigtigelse - privat foto

Christian Springborg har hjemvendt fra succesfuld OLD forbesigtigelse, hvor han fremstillede 7 hingste og 4 er nu udtaget til kåringen.

Snakken går også på hvornår skal avleren/ejeren kigge på sin unghingst i forhold til evt. fremstilling som hingst.

De fleste har jo set momenter af det som de tror kan blive spændende allerede som føl. Det er faktisk den her tid på året, inden de unge hingste går ind i deres 2. år at man skal stille skarpt. Få lavet lidt video for at se om de nu stadig ser spændende ud, tjek benstilling og har de to testikler.

Næste step er røntgen status, hvis den unge hingst har en røntgenstatus, som allerede nu ikke gør den til et muligt hingste emne, så er beslutningen om hvorvidt den stadig skal være hingst, eller gå en fremtid i møde som vallak i stedet for naturligvis meget nemmere.

  • Video nu

  • På den anden side af nytår - nye røntgenbilleder

  • Klar til en græsningssæson på et par måneder

  • Tages ind i træning 3 mdr. før forbesigtigelse

Det og meget mere kommer Christian omkring i vores lille telefonsnak.

SICAB has started today

Facts and figurEs

  • More than 1000 horses from 350 different studs

  • 320 stands with studs, equipement ect.

  • More than 320.000 visitors

  • More than 50 competitions

World best Spanish Pura Raza Español horses meets at SiCAB every year to crown the BEST.

Today with preliminary rounds for young horses.

The entire event is possible to follow LIVE at Clipmyhorse. Here you find the LINK for start & results.

From the 19th to the 24th of November, the FIBES Convention Center & Fair Grounds in Sevilla will host SICAB 2024, the Purebred Spanish Horse Trade Fair, home of the World PRE Championship. This year is the 34th edition of the world´s greatest equestrian event dedicated in full to Purebred Spanish Horses. SICAB is much more than a competition; it offers a complete range of equestrian-related entertainment, including a daily Show, training sessions, and social events, among other activities, in addition to a large commercial area.

Werth and Wendy stand out in Stuttgart (GER)

Germany's legendary Isabell Werth added another prestigious victory to her record in Stuttgart, taking home top honours on Wendy de Fontaine. Scoring an impressive 86,745%, Werth claimed the third leg of the FEI Dressage World Cup™ Western European League 2024/25, finishing over 6% ahead of her closest competitor. Just two weeks earlier, Werth triumphed in Lyon with her other mount, DSP Quantaz.

Werth remained well ahead of the competition in Stuttgart. Wendy danced through the arena and excelled in the piaffe. The judges unanimously saw her as the winner.
Belgium’s Larissa Pauluis made an indelible mark as the final rider of the evening, securing second place with Flambeau (owned by Caroline and Emmanuel Lepage and Jean and Marie C. Pauluis). With 80.395%, she was the only other combination to surpass the 80% mark alongside Werth.

Werth’s compatriot Bianca Nowag-Aulenbrock also made history, securing her first FEI Dressage World Cup™ podium finish in a Western European League qualifier, riding the mare Florine OLD (owned by Elisabeth von Wulffen). The pair’s score of 79,225% earned them third place, which was also enough to secure the lead in the FEI Dressage World Cup™ Western European League standings after her earlier triumph in Mariakalnok, Hungary.

German Dominance 

Stuttgart's electrifying atmosphere tested the athletes to their limits, with several combinations struggling to remain error-free in the intense indoor environment. Ultimately, German athletes dominated the leaderboard, with five of the top six spots claimed by home competitors, showcasing the country’s impressive depth in Dressage.
Ingrid Klimke, one of Germany’s top Dressage stars, set the early benchmark for the evening’s competition. Riding the elegant mare First Class (owned by Gut Hülsen GmbH & Co.KG), Klimke earned a respectable 76.790%. Her mark would stand until Carina Scholz (GER), aboard the 17-year-old Tarantino (owned by Sportpferde Scholz), surpassed it with a solid 77.230%. Remarkably, Tarantino has a pedigree full of jumping-sires, but excelled in Stuttgart with effortless collected movements like piaffe and passage.

The next German athlete to challenge the leaderboard was Raphael Netz, who had competed in last year’s FEI Dressage World Cup™ final. Riding the talented Great Escape Camelot (owned by Sonja Kristiana Krall and Theres Boss), Netz earned a remarkable 78.015% for a brilliant freestyle performance that showcased his impressive half-pass work. Despite being only 25 years old, Netz’s maturity and skill were evident as he claimed fourth place.
Ultimately, the top three remained unchanged from the previous day’s Grand Prix, with Werth, Pauluis, and Nowag-Aulenbrock occupying the top spots.

Wendy ‘on fire’

For Isabell Werth, Stuttgart marked yet another unforgettable evening in her career. Last year, she claimed victory with Emilio, but this time, it was the turn of Wendy de Fontaine, the mare with whom Werth won Olympic team gold and individual silver at the Paris Olympic Games. Their flawless performance in the freestyle left no doubt that Werth and Wendy are one of the most exciting partnerships in Dressage today.
“I was thrilled with Wendy’s performance. In the Grand Prix, she was very focused, especially considering it was her first competition after Paris and the subsequent break. But today in the freestyle, with this incredible atmosphere, I could already feel in the warm-up that she was ‘on fire’,” Werth shared. “Despite her excitement, I really enjoyed the ride.

"She is such an exceptional horse, and I’m incredibly proud of her"


Isabell Werth


Although Stuttgart wasn’t initially on Wendy’s schedule, Werth explained the last-minute change. “After the Olympics, she did some light work and spent two months relaxing in the paddock and fields. As I began training her for the Top 10 in Stockholm, she seemed almost bored at home and overly eager, so I last minute decided to bring her here. And I don’t regret it. We’ll take things step by step this season.”

The 80% Barrier 

Second-place finisher Larissa Pauluis was determined to break the 80% barrier—and she did it in style. With a score of 80,395%, she set a new personal best with Flambeau, becoming only the second Belgian combination ever to surpass the 80% barrier.

“I rode for my life! This score was something I really wanted, and I’m so proud of Flambeau for making it happen,” said Pauluis, whose Olympic partner Flambeau has taken her to both the Tokyo and Paris Olympics. She also hopes to compete in Los Angeles in 2028. “He can stay with me forever. He still improves a lot, so I definitely want to go for LA!”

While Werth and Pauluis were the only two to break the 80% barrier in Stuttgart, Bianca Nowag-Aulenbrock and Florine OLD were not far behind with 79.225%. The chestnut mare remains a true crowd favourite, with her striking front and happy attitude throughout the freestyle. Nowag-Aulenbrock praised her mare: “I am incredibly grateful to ride her. She does everything for me, and I’m so proud of her.”
The next qualifier for the FEI Dressage World Cup™ Western European League will be in Madrid (ESP) in two weeks' time, so don’t miss a hoofbeat…


Denoix and Katharina Hemmer took today´s CDI4 Grand Prix in Stuttgart

Denoix was on fire in the big Stuttgart arena today

Steady halt, good power diagonal, uphill balanced half passes with go and flow, short halt tense rein back, power diagonal, nice back to passage at V, super passage, easy of the ground piaffe, super nice transitions, super passage, bit on the toes for extended walk tour, tense collected walk on the toes, ready for passage at M, super passage, small stop into piaffe, good piaffe, good out, nice passage, good into canter, small tension going to toilet begin of 2 times rest very nice, good extended canter, change a bit at long side, super zigzag, super 1 times at the LINE, bit volte like 1st pirouette, better but lack bit control end, good into trot, good diagonal, super passage, super into piaffe, super timing out, power passage, bit open tense halt. She just takes the time for Denoix to "enjoy" the atmosphere. 73,478%

They have definitely improved their partnership but the big atmosphere is still somewhat scary from Denoix point of view, which also clearly was reflected by the lap of honour where he literally took off, but Katharina luckily got him back under control.

Fairly new international partnership between D´avie and Isabell Werth with their 2nd international start together in Stuttgart, as they showed first time together back in September in Hagen.

D´avie looks very obedient all the way, and Werth manage to keep him sharp and fairly balanced hind all the way.

Bit looking at halt, well balanced expressive diagonal, good flow uphill half passes, open halt good rein back, good diagonal, good back to passage, easy in and out of nice active piaffe, good passage, good extended walk, bit unbalanced collected walk, nice into passage, good passage, good piaffe, good transitions, good passage, bit tense hind into canter, good 2 times small tension end, good exended canter bit short change, bit unbalanced zigzag, tiny crop high end of 1 times, becomes bit parallel hind 1st pirouette, 2nd better balanced, bit stocked into trot, good diagonal, nice passage, super in and out, nice piaffe, nice passage, nice halt. 72,304%

One to keep an eye on

Russian bred 9 yr old mare Santa Maria with Swiss rider Delia Eggenberger caught H2R attention. Super lightfooted and expressive. They made their international debut earlier this year in Achleiten and today was their 4th international Grand Prix together and first time indoor. Top trend for piaffe and passage, lovely trot tour, extended walk good, but collected walk was really tense today. Let´s see what the future brings for this pair. They ended up with 68,304% (ranked 5th).

Here you find the entire results.

Wendy & Werth in clear winner position for today´s World Cup Grand Prix in Stuttgart

Wendy de Fontaine & Isabell Werth - photo: screenshot/Clipmyhorse

Wendy & Werth back on track after the Olympics with a clear win today in Stuttgart

Overall today´s World Cup Grand Prix was with well prepared combinations, and the clear ising on the cake was 10 yr old Danish Warmblood mare Wendy de Fontaine by Sezuan with Isabell Werth in the saddle.

Today Werth and Wendy entered the World Cup season with a clear 79,216% victory in the Grand Prix. Overall super obedient and top motivated, and even with some minor tensions Werth manage pretty much to keep the cruice control mode on and transforme her experience into confidence for Wendy. A look down the scoresheets judge at C, Danish H.C. Matthiesen looked as he correctly took the small tensions into consideration and still ended up with a super score of 76,7%.

To watch the winner performance move the time line at the Youtube video from the entire class to 2.28.00.

The nice riding with good qualities also made today´s podium

Placed 2nd Flambeau and Paulissa Pauluis. Supple overall performance with nice go and flow. Today some tensions / swing creeping into the 1 times. Placed 3rd Florine OLD and Bianca Nowag-Aulenbrock with a performance without any technical issues, lovely frame and contact all the way.

Rigth outside the podium Raphael Netz with Great Escape Camelot. Super easy and effortless picture - ganz feines Reiten.

Here you find the entire results.

⬇️⬇️⬇️Here you can watch the entire World Cup Grand Prix class.

Summaries and presentations of FEI General Assembly Sessions now available online

Sessions on Equine Welfare Strategy Action Plan, Horse Digital Passport, Athletes Services and Registration Fee, and Rules and Regulations took place on 12 November in the framework of the FEI General Assembly 2024 held in Abu Dhabi (UAE).

A summary of each session along with the relevant presentations are available on this page.

Session 1 Equine Welfare Strategy Action Plan was broadcast live and can be viewed in replay mode on the dedicated online hub.

Please note that further to discussions during Session 3: Athletes Services and Registration Fee, the following supporting documents for the FEI General Assembly 2024 were updated:

Budget 2025 (updated 12 November 2024)

Approval of Financial Charges for the year 2025 (updated 12 November 2024)

Coverage will continue on 13 November with the FEI General Assembly, which will be broadcast live starting at 09:00 GST (local time in Abu Dhabi). The agenda and meeting documents are publicly available on the hub as well (Meeting Documents section).

Summary of decisions taken by FEI Board at in-person meeting in Abu Dhabi (UAE)

The second in-person FEI Board meeting of the year took place today, 10 November 2024, in Abu Dhabi (UAE), prior to the FEI General Assembly.  

A summary of the main decisions taken by the Board is available on this page.

A press releases on the Longines League of Nations™ calendar for the 2025 season was sent out earlier in the day and has been published on the FEI website here.

Coverage will continue with a report of the sessions taking place on 12 November. The Session on the FEI Equine Welfare Strategy Action Plan starting at 09:00 GST (local time in Abu Dhabi) will be broadcast liveon the dedicated online hub here (Watch Live section).

On 13 November, the proceedings of the FEI General Assembly will also be broadcast live. The agenda and meeting documents are publicly available on the hub as well (Meeting Documents section).

Stallions for short performance test ( 3 yr old) and sport test (4 yr old & 5 yr old) at Münster-Handorf 9 & 10 November

Verbier by Von und Zu / Dancier (Dressurpferde Leistungszentrum Lodbergen) OLD champion 2024


  • Short Performance test 3 year old - Saturday, 09/11/2024 11:00

  • Sport test 4 yr old 1 part - Saturday, 09/11/2024 14:30

  • Sport test 5 yr old - Saturday, 09/11/2024 17:00


  • Test rider 3 yr old - Sunday, 10/11/2024 08:00

  • Test rider sport test 4 yr old - Sunday, 10/11/2024 11:00

  • Test rider sport test 5 yr old - Sunday, 10/11/2024 14:00

3 year old stallions

4 year old stallions

5 year old stallions

PODCAST - Michael Søgaard tager os med på turen fra det hele startede frem til nu

Berider Michael Søgaard med hoppen Søbakkehus Duffy - foto: H2R

En snak med Michael Søgaard fra starten på den lokale rideskole, og bytte skolen ud med at være mest på rideskolen. Uddannelsen som berider, hvilke kompetencer den giver udover at lære at ride. Egne heste, løbende indkøb og selektering i egne heste. Om det hele tiden at kunne fylde mere i egen værktøjskasse, som også kan bruges til undervisning af elever og meget mere.

FEI General Assembly 2024 and Session on FEI Equine Welfare Strategy Action Plan to be broadcast live

We would like to remind the equestrian community that the FEI General Assembly 2024 will be broadcast live on 13 November in the dedicated hub here (Watch Live section). The event is scheduled to begin at 09:00 Gulf Standard Time (local time in Abu Dhabi).

The General Assembly agenda and supporting meeting documents are available in the hub as well (Meeting Documents section).

Several meetings will take place in the lead-up to the General Assembly, including an in-person FEI Board meeting on 10 November and Regional Group meetings on 11 November. Four sessions will be organised on 12 November on topics such as the FEI Equine Welfare Strategy Action Plan; horse digital passport; athlete services and registration fee; and FEI Rules revisions. The Session on the FEI Equine Welfare Strategy Action Plan starting on 12 November at 09:00 GST will also be broadcast live.

Persons wishing to watch the General Assembly and the Session online to do not need to register.