God sport og god stemning i søndagens klasser til landsstævnet i Esbjerg

Podiet i Inter II klassen: Vinder Anna Toosbuy Rasch med Danciero, nr. 2 Laura Rohmann med Sugar Ray, nr. 3 Anne-Mette Strandby Hansen med Delizia og nr. 4 Laura Rasmussen med Sventeen JR. Foto: H2R

Stor tilslutning til årets første landsstævne

Traditionen tro lagde Esbjerg ud med årets første landsstævne, og igen i år var der stor tilslutning fra de danske ekvipager på alle niveauer. Derudover var en hel svensk delegation anført af Gunnalunda til start med flere heste i både Intermediare II og Grand Prix klasserne, hvor der kun var rosende ord fra Patricia Florin til stævnearrangørerne for gode forhold for hestene inklusiv gode konkurrencebaner.

Lille tur succes

Skovdals Dexter og Susanne Barnow sluttede stævnet af med endnu en pointmæssigt opadgående kurve og efter dagens konkurrence, kan man jo kun spå om, hvor det ville ende hvis stævnet først sluttede i ugen her.

Lyngbjergs St Paris og Victoria Vallentin steg ind på den nationale lille-turs scenen med et brag af en debut i fredagens Prix St. Georg (godt nok ikke helt reflekteret i pointene iflg. H2R).

Set fra “sidelinien” fredag red Susanne en fornuftig og velovervejet tur, hvor det lignede at hun både ville forsøge at give Dexter en god tur og samtidig føle ham lidt på tænderne, da han ved andre stævner tydeligt har gjort opmærksom på, hvis han ikke har følt sig helt tryg på banen. Allerede lørdag var det tydeligt at Susanne kunne lukke mere op, og set ud fra pointtavlen med en super skarp top tur søndag og med enigt dommerpanel med 75,175% i Intermediare I klassen.

“Runner up” over dagene var de skarpe super hopper Atterupgaards Delorean med Selina Vittinghus og Finest Alegra med Frederikke Gram Jacobsen. Begge hopper præsenteret i super flot form, balance og kontakt.

Søndagens Inter II

Inter II klassen søndag var med både rutinerede seniorer og U25 ryttere, hvor Anna Toosbuy Rasch og hendes UVM vinder Danciero har fået taget hul på det sværeste niveau med rigtig gode takter. Basis ridningen er plads og Danciero har allerede bevist han har tre gangarter, og ligner også at de næste “to gangarter” piaffe og passage er rigtig godt på vej.

Ny ekvipage på det her niveau er Stutteri EVO´s nye første rytter Anne-Mette Strandby Hansen med den ultra smarte og velgående 12-årige hoppe Delizia e. Fürstenball/De Noir. Det er tydeligt at der er meget mere “i kassen”, men Anne-Mette får vist en rigtig fin debut tur, hvor tingene flyder godt, også selvom der indløber lidt spændinger i serierne, så er alle ingredienserne der til fremtiden. Udover Delizia som Anne-Mette har dannet par med de seneste 1,5 år, så satte hun fornylig foden i bøjlen hos Stutteri EVO og havde medbragt den 8-årige hoppe Myou de Jeu e. Revolution/Florencio, som gik to rigtig gode ture. Den første dag som 1. uplaceret i Prix St. Georg og søndagen som nr. 2 efter den unge fremstormende ekvipage Sparaday og Anna Raben.

Et kig på U25 med Sugar Ray og Laura Rohmann som bedst placeret som nr. 3, og hvor Laura Rasmussen og Seventeen bliver placeret som nr. 4. Her var ny ekvipage Sophia Obel med den nu 21-årige Delatio, som lignede en aldrende herre som nød rampelyset, og hvor Sophia høster endnu mere erfaring på det niveau, idet hun jo allerede har redet en del Grand Prix klasser på hoppen Foldagers Chablis med god succes. Karoline Rohmann ser også ud til at være klar med den næste hest godt på vej mod Grand Prix med den 9-årige hoppe Nice Melody e. Sezuan/Schwadroneur.

Søndagens Grand Prix Special

Anna Toosbuy Rasch har med Everian L e. Everdale/Hochadel en hest som kan og vil være med på legen hele vejen, og ligner ikke en der går død for hverken motivation eller gas under vejs. Rigtig mange gode ting under vejs, og stadig også nogle grønne momenter, men ligner et par som vi også kunne have forhåbninger om at se international i løbet af 2025.

Anne Sofie Aaen er virkelig garant for den fine ridning, og selvom Fürsten-Flame ikke brillierer i hverken piaffe eller passage, så er det ordentlig ridning præcis med det tryk som bevarer balance, udtryk, form og kontakt hele vejen. Galopturen i både Grand Prix klassen og Specialen med klart højdepunkt for serier og pirouetter.

Rikke Dupont og Grand Galiano kommer fint rundt i begge klasser, momentvis kommer Grand Galiano lidt bag lod i traven, flotte øgninger, super lige serier, piaffe bliver mere og mere stabilt og aktivt på stedet, selvom tyngdepunktet stadig godt kunne være lidt mere på bagbenene, hvilket også gør sig gældende i pirouetterne.

Rune Willum og Dalaya er ikke nye på Grand Prix niveauet, men ser lige nu ud til at være på vej i en lidt ny retning. Rune har søgt hjælp og vejledning hos sin tidligere elev Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour, som efterhånden har fået en stor værktøjskasse i forhold til “de varme damer”, som Rune udtrykker det. Og det ser ud til at give bonus, måske ikke umiddelbart her og nu på pointtavlen, men “overblikket” og afspændtheden på banen er tydelig forbedret.

Nadja Aaboe Sloth og den 10-årige Holsteins Marikka er kommet godt fra start i GP, og bestemt endnu en spændende hest til de store baner for Nadja. Lige nu har Nadja nemlig fået mulighed for at kombinere det civile erhverv som fængselsbjent med ridekarrieren, idet hun har fået bevilget nedsat tid, samtidig med team Danmark støtte for at fremme sportskarrieren.

Fang lidt indtryk fra søndagen her ⬇️ (alle klasser findes på arkivet på Clipmyhorse).

Unstoppable Fry (GBR) and Glamourdale reign supreme in Amsterdam (NED)

An exceptional field gathered for the eighth FEI Dressage World Cup™ qualifier in Amsterdam, where the audience offered their first standing ovation even before the first break. Reigning World Champions Charlotte Fry and Glamourdale claimed victory with an impressive 89.840%, but the competition was fierce.

This marked Fry’s second consecutive win in Amsterdam, following last year’s triumph with Glamourdale’s stablemate, Everdale. It was also her second victory in a row with Glamourdale, who had already secured the FEI Dressage World Cup™ qualifier in London (GBR) last December.

Her compatriot Becky Moody came close with her homebred Jagerbomb (owned by the athlete and Jo Cooper), earning 86.500% to finish second. Meanwhile, Isabell Werth (GER) climbed a spot from the Grand Prix to claim third (85.265%) with DSP Quantaz (owned by Madeleine Winter-Schulze and Victoria Max-Theurer), pushing Nanna Skodborg Merrald (DEN) into fourth place (83.070 %).

With her second victory this season, Fry has moved up to 12th in the overall FEI Dressage World Cup™ standings, though she remains undecided about pursuing the final. “We’re taking it step by step. Our main focus this year is the European Championships, and we’re building toward that,” she said.

A strong field of competitors

Even before the break, the audience was on their feet, cheering for the first combinations. With no fewer than nine duos scoring above 80%, the competition in Amsterdam offered plenty to enjoy. Patrik Kittel (SWE) set the tone, earning the first standing ovation with Forever Young HRH (owned by the athlete and Gestüt Peterhof). Dancing to Stevie Wonder’s Isn’t She Lovely, the mare scored 82.560%, securing sixth place and the Harmony & Fairness Award audience prize.

“When the crowd gives you a standing ovation and your horse performs so well, you feel like a little kid — even after all these years in the sport,” laughed the Swedish athlete.

Host nation the Netherlands also sent a strong contingent to their capital. Two of their combinations scored over 80%. Hans Peter Minderhoud and Glock’s Taminiau (owned by Glock Hpc Nl) delivered a freestyle featuring lovely contact and a strong piaffe-passage tour, earning 81.885% for seventh place. World No. 4 Dinja van Liere and the bold chestnut gelding Hartsuijker (owned by Jan Pieter Dalsem) scored 82.645%, finishing fifth. A small mistake in the one-tempis and some tension in the contact kept the pair out of the top three.

“I enjoyed every minute. Hartsuijker is a true pocket rocket. I love him to pieces”


Dinja Van Liere

 Making their FEI Dressage World Cup™ debut, Ingrid Klimke (GER) and the imposing Vayron NRW (owned by Rudolf Spiekermann) also scored over 80%, finishing ninth with 80.580%. During a hiccup in the extended trot and an error in the one-tempis, the crowd showed their sympathy with a collective sigh of disappointment. Maria von Essen (SWE) and piaffe talent Invoice (owned by Alexanders Hovslageri & Häst Ab) scored just a fraction more with 80.660%.

Nanna Merrald and Blue Hors Don Olymbrio (owned by Blue Hors Aps) dropped a place in the Freestyle compared to the Grand Prix. Last year’s FEI Dressage World Cup™ runner-up in Riyadh (KSA) delivered a faultless freestyle but scored 83.070%, narrowly missing the podium in Amsterdam.

Showman Jagerbomb

Becky Moody and her home-bred Jagerbomb were second in both the Grand Prix and the freestyle. Their Beatles-themed freestyle got the crowd and judges smiling and swaying to the music. Moody made her incredibly complex routine look effortless, with Jagerbomb maintaining beautifully soft in the contact.

The cheerful athlete is confident about the future: “He’s only 11, there is so much more to come! Today, Bomb and I were completely in sync. The crowd was behind us all the way, and Jagerbomb was thinking, Clap harder, guys! He’s such a showman.”

Werth secures third place

In Amsterdam, Isabell Werth’s winning streak this season came to an end. Riding DSP Quantaz, she finished third but was pleased nonetheless.

“In this electric atmosphere, Quantaz stayed very calm. Yesterday, many riders had some mistakes, but today’s freestyle was top-level sport, so I knew I had to stay focused. Apart from a slightly spooky moment at the end, I was very happy,” Werth said.

She remains at the top of the standings with 75 points. With Quantaz, she plans to aim for the Final in Basel (SUI) from 2 to 6 April 2025.

Fry and Glamourdale wow the crowd

There was one combination in Amsterdam that left no doubt about their supremacy: Charlotte Fry and Glamourdale (owned by the athlete and Van Olst Horses). Gasps of admiration echoed through the crowd during their Freestyle. Fry left nothing to chance, and with just shy of 90%, the victory was hers.

Breathtakingly black, expressive, uphill, and with a good mind, Glamourdale has it all. His 89.840% under Fry secured the win.

“Glamourdale was amazing today. We’ve been working hard at home on some exercises, and that paid off today. I’m thrilled the scores reflect that. He was already incredible, but he keeps getting better. Glammie thrives in arenas like this,”


Charlotte Fry

The next FEI Dressage World Cup™ qualifier takes place in Neumünster (GER) on 15-16 February, so don’t miss a hoofbeat…


Glamourdale and Lottie were on fire for today´s World Cup Grand Prix victory in Amsterdam

Glamourdale & Lottie Fry - photo credit: Timo Martis

With a field of 18 combinations and with some real strong contenders it was an exciting competition even before it started today.

The unpredictable

As the draw had placed Danish combination Blue Hors Don Olymbrio with Nanna Merrald into the first group of starters and as start no 3 it looked a bit difficult to be able to make any significant imprint for today´s class.

But Danish Nanna and now 17 yr old Don O delivered a strong performance without any technical issues and where the canter tour was their highlight today. Super timing and not least a great management makes it possible to continue at this top level.

Unbalanced entering halt, well balanced trot tour, good halt with rein back, bit tense piaffe tours lack bit more clear forward search, good walk tour, strong canter tour with good series and nice balanced pirouettes, super final halt. Score 74,370%.

So ending into both judging break at the top of the scoreboard and actually finishing right behind the two British riders Lottie Fry and Becky Moody was not predictable for today´s World Cup Grand Prix for Danish Nanna Merrald and Blue Hors Don Olymbrio.

The strong Brits

As 3rd last to go was Glamourdale and Lottie. The big arenas like Amsterdam just suits them perfectly. Concentration pure from both rider and horse when entering. The way Lottie is able to ask from first step with full response is just impressive. The power and balance from Glamourdale combined with the timing from Lottie makes the perfect picture, still with little things to improve. The outline and steady contact is really spot on. Today a single piaffe step for the 2nd piaffe tour with backwards trend which Lottie immediately catch and ask Glamourdale to move forward, for the one times with two times parallel hind at the end and tiny tensions for the begin of passage at the final centerline. 79.500% (BP made at Europeans in Riesenbeck 09/23 with 81,258%).

Jagerbomb and Becky Moody produce their Personal Best score today with an errorfree and high quality performance where the overall picture is harmony. Jagerbomb is not spectacular but super correct with the best contact and the harmony between hand and seat from Becky gives an easy and effortless way of producing the Grand Prix test. 77,087%.

Here you find the detailed scores.

DSP stallion licensing starts today with 49 young stallions selected

Today starts 2025 DSP stallion licensing with an interesting collection of stallions.

Absolute top candidates from the video presenation are 58 Floricello / Stedinger and 61 For Romance / Floricello.

Live stream will be available from Thursday morning with presentation on hard surface.

H2R favourites for licensing/auction:

50 Donier / Don Olymbrio

51 Donkey Boy / San Amour

55 Ellis / Diamond Hit

58 Floricello / Stedinger

61 For Romance / Floricello - NOT FOR SALE

64 Fürst Zonik / Borsalino

Link for the full collection.

Successful Inter II debut for 10 yr old Kjento with Lottie Fry

Kjento & Lottie winner of Word Championships 7 yr old - photo credit: Timo Martis

Next GP stallion in the making from Van Olst Horses

Yesterday 10 yr old Kjento by Negro / Jazz with Lottie Fry in the saddle made their Inter II debut with a winning score of 69,78%.

The talented stallion already proved himself as a youngster at World Championships young horses winning gold both as 6 yr old and 7 yr old, successful at small tour level winning last year Prix St. Georg in Aachen with 75,294%.

Clip from yesterday´s winner performance at national event in Deurne, Holland ⬇️

66.500 euro top price Secret/Swarovski mare at Westfalen Winter Auction (riding horses)

Part of Press Release

A total of 26 dressage-orientated auction candidates were on offer. From recently started young horses to highly placed competition horses, everyone could find a suitable partner here. The 19 dressage horses sold for an average of 26.197 euros. The most popular offer of the day was the Secret/Swarowski daughter Unforgettable Feeling (breeder and exhibitor: Gerhard Beeken, Bösel). The strong-moving black mare can already boast numerous placings in dressage tests up to medium level. She will remain in Germany for further training at the top price of 66,500 Euros. Head number 4 Roberta Hill also cracked the 60,000 euro mark. Breeder and exhibitor Frederik Vekens had paired his home-bred stallion Robert Downey junior to the Inter I successful performance mare Dana by Dancing Dynamite. Roberta Hill's granddam is none other than the Rubinstein daughter Romanze, who is the dam of Olympic silver medallist Damon Hill NRW. The talented mare moved to good hands in Switzerland for the hammer price of 62,000 euros. The lot of dressage horses was completed by two broodmares in foal to Fürst Samarant and Qaside. Both found new owners at this auction.

A total of eleven unridden youngsters were included in this Westphalian auction lot. Among the youngsters with an emphasis on dressage, a son of Lord Europe/Hofrat with the head number 32 advanced to the top price. The beautiful black stallion (breeder: Gestüt Schultenhof, Norden-Norddeich; exhibitor: Sportpferde Beckmann GmbH & Co, Wettringen), who comes from the dam line of the top-priced foals at the 2022 and 2023 Westphalian OnLive Foal Auctions, was worth 29,000 euros to his new owners from Germany in the end.

Dressage prices:

Internationality Pays Off

Two premium stallions sold for €300,000 each: The Reserve Champion of the Verband der Züchter des OldenburgerPferdes (OL), by Kingston JZ out of Revanche by Don Olymbrio L - Don Schufro, bred by Blue Hors Aps Dressage, Denmark, exhibited by IB Berger and Beckmann, Sulzbach-Rosenberg, was sold for €300,000 to long-time client Kamil Iwicki from Poland. The stallion will now stand at the Pape Stallion Station. His granddam, Rebelle by Don Schufro, was the 2007 Oldenburg champion mare and achieved international success under Danish rider Maria Anita Andersen. The dam line also produced the Grand Prix winner Denoix PCH by Destano/Katharina Hemmer and the renowned sire Pik Bube.

Another premium stallion, by Secret out of Bellissima by Benaggio - De Niro, bred by Caterina Schulz-Beelitz, Behrensdorf, exhibited by Hans Henning Grönwoldt, Schleswig, also sold for €300,000. From the same dam line come the famous dressage horses Rubinstein I, Bordeaux, and Olympic champions Rembrandt and Ahlerich. This Secret offspring will now reside at Lövsta Stuteri in Sweden.

The Ic premium stallion, by Total Diamond PS out of Valencia S by Vitalis – Rosario, bred and exhibited by ZG Antonia Lüder-Senf and Julian Senf, Hildesheim, was purchased for €160,000 by Gut Schönweide in Grebin. His sire, Total Diamond PS, was the Ib Main Premium winner in 2022. This mare family has produced numerous Grand Prix horses.

Another Total Diamond PS son, out of Dakati by De Niro - Sevillano xx, bred by Gerd Pigge, Lastrup, exhibited by Ifversen and Schwierking, Barver, sold for €120,000 and will move to Italy. His dam line includes Grand Prix horses such as Foundation by Fidertanz/Matthias Alexander Rath, Glock’s Flavio by Fidertanz/Ruben Mengual Reig (ESP), Crystal Friendship by Fidertanz/Anabel Balkenhol, and Apache OLD by Alabaster/Isabell Werth.

A licensed stallion by Be Sure out of MSJ Secretly by Secret -Totilas, bred and exhibited by Mount St John Equestrian LLP Emma Blundell, UK, sold for €100,000. His granddam, Top Secret, competed successfully at Grand Prix under Amy Jean Woodhead, GBR. He will now shine at VDL Stud in the Netherlands.

A licensed son of Majestic Taonga out of Fancy Nova XT by Franklin - Davignon II, bred by Dr. Stefan Tietje, Alfhausen,exhibited by XT-Pferde GmbH, Alfhausen, sold for €92,000 to the Celle and Neustadt (Dosse) state studs. The dam lineincludes Grand Prix horses Levados by Levantos I/Wolfgang Schierloh and Don Cartier by Don Schufro/Rachael Hicks, USA.

Celle State Stud also acquired a premium stallion by FynchHatton out of Ekita by Charmeur - Voice, bred by A.G. and J.W.M. vd Kraats, Netherlands, exhibited by Quality Stables Bv, Netherlands, for €90,000. This dam line includes the Grand Prix horses Victor by Gribaldi/Michael Barisone, USA,and Elegance by Negro/Beatrice Ferrer-Salat, ESP.

The most expensive unlicensed stallion, by Vitalis out of Ivolia PB by Everdale – Jazz, bred by R.J.A. van de Crommenacker & G.M.H.J. van der Wijst, Netherlands, exhibited by Julie Good and Steve Wolgemuth, USA, sold for €61,000 to repeat clients from Sweden.

A highlight was the fact that several renowned Olympic stables secured high-quality dressage prospects at the Oldenburg Stallion Days in Vechta.

Complete Auction Results:

Stallions of Verband der Züchter des Oldenburger Pferdes (OL): https://oldenburger-pferde.com/upload/News/Auktion/Preisliste_Korung_OL_2025.pdf

Photo: The reserve champion and price top by Kingston JZ - Don Olymbrio L - Don Schufro. (Beelitz)

OLD Reserve Champion sold at Blue Hors youngster auction in February 2024 and today top price at OLD stallion auction

300.000 euro top price for the black boys which stood out from day 1

Both the Secret / Benaggio and the Blue Hors Kingston/Blue Hors Don Olymbrio were sold for 300.000 at the auction. Both awarded as premium stallions, the Secret with 1D and the Blue Hors Kingston as Reserve Champion.

The story about the son of Blue Hors Kingston / Blue Hors Don Olymbrio / Blue Hors Don Schufro

Blue Hors Kingston / Blue Hors Don Olymbrio - photo: Blue Hors, February 2024.

This stallion is bred by Blue Hors and was offered for sale through the “sale out” of the youngsters from Blue Hors stud back in February 2024. Here IB Berger discovered the young stallion and purchased him for 28.000 euro. Today 1 year later sold for 300.000 euro to a Polish buyer at OLD stallion auction.

Video as foal ⬇️

Top dam line

Back in November 2023 at Blue Hors Broodmare auction, MLJ Horses secured the dam of now new OLD reserve champion and top price stallion by Blue Hors Kingston/Blue Hors Don Olymbrio/Blue Hors Don Schufro.

The dam Revanche was purchased for 14.500 euro by MLJ Horses, Loa Pedersen and Julie Kruse Hansen (sisters) and Martin Klavsen (boyfriend of Julie and breeding manager at Blue Hors).

Revanche is out of former OLD Champion mare Rebelle (Don Schufro/Regazzoni), showed at international small tour levet with Maria Anita Andersen in the saddle.

Revanche is now expecting a foal by Va Bene, due to end of April.

Day 1 at OLD stallion licensing (summary from H2R Facebook posts)

Two stallions with absolute TOP scores from H2R today.

For the presentation at the triangle the Kingston/Don Olymbrio son showed himself in a very convincing style, where the Secret/Benaggio son as also was on H2R top list from the video presentation showed himself as a bit shy for the triangle presentation.

Both black boys were in a league of their own for the lunging part.

Tomorrow Friday at 3pm with free running, walk ring and announcement of licensing results.

For more comments check out the posts here below ⬇️⬇️

Rising Star - 10 yr old mare Shiva NRW by Sir Heinrich / Fürst Grandios with Nadine Plaster

It it not the first time this combination caught H2R attention, as they already showed something special from the preliminary round for DERBY STARS VON MORGEN and at Louisdor Preis final.

First of all it is a super cool horse. The environment in the quite small arena is pretty tense as the audience are really close to the arena, and at the same time with lot of noice through out their performance.

Easy, effortless, super nice contact and frame and still with some green moments. A pleasure to watch.

Comments after the performance by Christoph Hess:

“Ladies and gentlemen have you also been riding the test like I did? The first word as I wrote was WONDERFUL, and until the end I had the word wonderful in my head. And have you seen the final line, those stupid one times, it was not as if it should happen, so nice into, the horse was straight, in front of you, uphill, everything in top and now she will do 15 one times, but then two times error, but better for one exercise than errors for two exercises.

Isn´t a super horse, isn´t it a super combination. Like she goes in walk now, how she does the piaffe, a dream, how is does the passage, a dream, like the transition in and out of passage, a dream. How she is able to make the transition from piaffe, passage to total relaxation to the walk, a dream horse. If I have to point out kind of weakness was the first pirouette, 2nd you´ve executed super, a little bit bigger.

You must not forget the mare is just 10 years old or will be 10 this year. She has made her qualifier and a few weeks ago in Frankfurt where they were placed 3rd in Louisdor Preis final, now here today. In Oldenburg they have won the half final, a top sympathetic horse, but the rider is likewise sympathetic. A really nice and harmonious combination. How is the feeling the saddle? Shiva is always nice, she always wants to please me.”

Oldenburg Stallion Days: schedule & livestream

Photo: Oldenburg main premium winner 2024 Escanto PS OLD by Escamillo with owner Paul Schockemöhle and his rider Brandi Roenick. (OLD Art)


The highlight of the year is just around the corner: The Oldenburg Stallion Days from January 16 to 18 await outstanding dressage and show jumping stallions. Only the best stallions will be admitted to the Oldenburg licensing. If you do not have the opportunity to come to Vechta in person, you can follow the Oldenburg Stallion Days live on the Internet on the Oldenburg homepage or at Clipmyhorse.tv.


The Stallion Days will be broadcast live from Thursday morning both on the homepage of the Oldenburg website and at www.clipmyhorse.tv. You will also have the opportunity to view archive recordings of already completed stallion sections during the event. Use the following link to access the archive: https://www.clipmyhorse.tv/de_DE/events/15275

On Thursday, January 16th, the presentation of the show jumping stallions on the triangle will open the Oldenburg Stallion Days at 9.00 a.m. At 11.00 a.m. the jumping stallions will present themselves at their 1st free jumping. From 2.00 p.m. the presentation of the dressage stallions on the trianglewill take place, followed by the lunging at 4.30 p.m. 

On Friday, January 17th, the stallions will show themselves in their disciplines. The free jumping of the show jumping stallions begins at 8.30 a.m. The dressage stallions will fascinate from 3.00 p.m. Afterwards there will be a party with DJ in the tent.

Saturday, January 18th, is packed full of highlights. First of all, at 9.30 a.m., there will be an exciting award ceremony with the selection of the champion stallions. Afterwards, the best four-year-old stallions, who have already presented their first crop of foals in a post-breeding inspection, will compete for the title of main premium winner. The Oldenburg Stallion Market will start at 1 p.m. with an exciting auction in which the licensed and unlicensed stallions will be auctioned off. In addition to bidding on site, you can also bid by telephone or online via the HORSE24 platform. If you do not yet have a valid HORSE24 account, please register in advance. Technical support for questions about online bidding is available on +49(0)172-7267334 or by e-mail to support@horse24.com.

The crowning finale of the exciting Oldenburg Stallion Days is the fantastic Stallion Gala on Saturday at 6.00 p.m. Stallion legends and promising newcomers will present themselves to give breeders a first insight into the stallion selection for the coming breeding season.

Here you can find H2R favourites and collection - https://www.horse2rider.com/seneste/latest/2024/12/27/old-stallion-collection-for-licensing-and-auction

Oldenburg Stallion Days: schedule & livestream

Photo: Oldenburg main premium winner 2024 Escanto PS OLD by Escamillo with owner Paul Schockemöhle and his rider Brandi Roenick. (OLD Art)


The highlight of the year is just around the corner: The Oldenburg Stallion Days from January 16 to 18 await outstanding dressage and show jumping stallions. Only the best stallions will be admitted to the Oldenburg licensing. If you do not have the opportunity to come to Vechta in person, you can follow the Oldenburg Stallion Days live on the Internet on the Oldenburg homepage or at Clipmyhorse.tv.


The Stallion Days will be broadcast live from Thursday morning both on the homepage of the Oldenburg website and at www.clipmyhorse.tv. You will also have the opportunity to view archive recordings of already completed stallion sections during the event. Use the following link to access the archive: https://www.clipmyhorse.tv/de_DE/events/15275

On Thursday, January 16th, the presentation of the show jumping stallions on the triangle will open the Oldenburg Stallion Days at 9.00 a.m. At 11.00 a.m. the jumping stallions will present themselves at their 1st free jumping. From 2.00 p.m. the presentation of the dressage stallions on the trianglewill take place, followed by the lunging at 4.30 p.m. 

On Friday, January 17th, the stallions will show themselves in their disciplines. The free jumping of the show jumping stallions begins at 8.30 a.m. The dressage stallions will fascinate from 3.00 p.m. Afterwards there will be a party with DJ in the tent.

Saturday, January 18th, is packed full of highlights. First of all, at 9.30 a.m., there will be an exciting award ceremony with the selection of the champion stallions. Afterwards, the best four-year-old stallions, who have already presented their first crop of foals in a post-breeding inspection, will compete for the title of main premium winner. The Oldenburg Stallion Market will start at 1 p.m. with an exciting auction in which the licensed and unlicensed stallions will be auctioned off. In addition to bidding on site, you can also bid by telephone or online via the HORSE24 platform. If you do not yet have a valid HORSE24 account, please register in advance. Technical support for questions about online bidding is available on +49(0)172-7267334 or by e-mail to support@horse24.com.

The crowning finale of the exciting Oldenburg Stallion Days is the fantastic Stallion Gala on Saturday at 6.00 p.m. Stallion legends and promising newcomers will present themselves to give breeders a first insight into the stallion selection for the coming breeding season.

Here you can find H2R and collection - https://www.horse2rider.com/seneste/latest/2024/12/27/old-stallion-collection-for-licensing-and-auction

Danish Warmblood stallion Sarai L now also approved for Dutch NRPS

Sarai L finished NRPS performance test as no 3 with a total score of 84,67.

Sarai L is an attractive, striking large-framed stallion who does his work with great dedication. The stallion has a beautiful and appealing leg technique and shows that he has a lot of ability to change tempo and candence. The walk is clear, four-beat, sufficient of space but could be a bit more suppleness with more over track. The trot has a very beautiful movement technique with a strong use of the hind leg and shows that he can easy switch in tempo and candence. What stands out in Sarai L is absolutely his big outstanding canter in which he has a very powerful uphill jump with a lot of space and a very good self-carriage.

Sarai L has developed very well during the test and has shown that he has a lot of ability to both go forward and collect and a very good attitude and willingness to work. The guest rider was also very enthusiastic about the stallion and praised him about his canter, workability and ability to go forward and to collect.

Stable behaviour: Honest, reliable stallion, easy to handle and quiet in the stable.

Sorry when translation is not fully correct, but hope you get the context. (made by H2R)

The performance test was won by Final Dream by Fontaine TN / Johnson / Florencio with a top score of 93 p.

2nd placed with 86p Danny Boy by Dream Boy / Tolando.

CDI3 Grand Prix freestyle debut victory for Dieudonne & Raphael Netz today in Basel

Grand Prix freestyle debut victory for Germany´s Raphael Netz and Dieudonne

From their international debut back in October in Herning they really caught H2R attention.

The power and elegance from 12 yr old gelding Dieudonne by Dante Weltino/Sir Donnerhall I combined with the lightness from Raphael and at the same time a super strong seat, without looking strong is a pleasure to watch. This is of course still a very green combination at international level, but the way Raphael is able to improve and give Dieudonne confidence in the arena definitely brings high hopes for the future.

Today was only their 6th international start together and their first ever Grand Prix freestyle, where they also managed to keep the Queen of dressage Isabell Werth on 2nd position.

Judges at long side at E Maribel Alonso de Quinzanos (MEX) and at B Hans Voser (SUI) clearly on point!

From looking bit insecure before at the end by A, Raphael had full attention from Dieudonne in the test even though some minor tensions were creeping in for the canter tour, it was a very expressive and soft trot tour with super passage tours and good piaffe, good walk tour and well managed canter tour. Lovely soft connection between hand and seat.

Here you can find the detailed scores.

From Foal to Grand Prix

A unique opportunity for breeders, riders and anyone interested in dressage horses

What to look for when selecting foals and young horses with Grand Prix potential? 

This and many other questions will be answered on Thursday, February 6, 2025.  

This unique and stand-alone event will be hosted by the Hanoverian Club of Denmark in cooperation with Randbøl Dressage Academy in their new beautiful (former Blue Hors) facilities.

The legendary Danish dressage and breeding expert Bjarne Nielsen will be our guide through the process of breeding successful foals, from recognizing the potential in young horses, through to turning them into highly trained, winning dressage horses. 

We will look at foals, young horses and horses under rider, excellently presented by Sophia Obel and Dennis Fisker, and commented on by the always engaging and entertaining Bjarne Nielsen, who will share his infinite expert knowledge with us.  

Please come and join us for this marvelous event: An opportunity to see the magic put into practice and to enrich your (breeder's) toolbox.

It is also a rare and unique opportunity to experience the Randbøl Dressage Academy and its vision and mentoring program.

Everyone is welcome to an exceptional and inspiring evening: DKK 200 per person (members of H.V. can register online at DKK 150).

Headset translation will be available if required.

Superb and Werth takes the CDI3 Grand Prix in Basel today

Supeb & Isabell Werth - photo: screenshot/Clipmyhorse

It was comeback for the now 13 yr old mare Superb, as Werth has not shown her since March 2024.

It is a big moving mare, but also look as if she is “struggling” at bit being fully able to carry from behind under the body all the time. Today without any technical issues, as Werth clearly supporting the mare throughout the entire test in order to balance as good as possible. For the canter tour some tensions creeping in, and even when doing the line of one times Werth is a true master to keep it all together. Very nice qualities for the canter pirouettes.

Final days for Dutch NRPS stallion performance test 9 & 10 January (live stream on YouTube)

20 dressage stallions are ready for end of NRPS stallion performance test taking place Thursday and Friday this week, including Danish Warmblood stallion Sarai L by Secret / Belissimo M, bred by Stutteri L, Denmark and owned in partnership with Stal van de Sande.


9 January

  • 08.30-09.15 - presentation on hard surface

  • 14.45 - 17.45 - dressage test

10 January

  • 13.45 - 17-10 - presentation of stallions with awards

You have the possibility to follow the event LIVE at Youtube from the riding arena.

Thursday: nrpsvodag12025
Friday: nrpsvodag22025

Here you find the entire catalog.