Photo credit: (FEI/Jon Stroud)
Selvom det var marginalerne der var på Danmarks side i dag, så er en sejr stadig en sejr.
Anders Dahl leverede en god tur sammen med Wie Atlantico og parret bliver også placeret som nr. 2 efter Carl Hester med vallakken Wannadoo. Sune Hansen har lidt afstemningsproblemer under vejs i dag og Charmeur virker lidt træt.
I dagens anledning var Ulrik Mølgaard udnævnt til chef d´equipe for det danske team.
Wannadoo er ikke så storrammet en hest. Han går turen i god balance, selvom man godt kan se at han endnu er lidt grøn i piaffe / passage turene. Men han er hele tiden med på "spøgen", og med Carl Hester i sadlen laver han den ene øvelse efter den anden uden spændinger eller modstand.
Uddrag fra FEI pressemeddelelse
Anders Dahl was the only member of today’s Danish team who was also on the 2014 winning side, and once again his contribution was critical. “Last year was the first time we had a team in the Nations Cup here at Hickstead and we won - it’s great to win it two years running!” said the 39-year-old who is married to British Dressage rider Fiona Bigwood and lives just a short distance from the Hickstead showgrounds.
“I thought from the start we had a chance, we had good horses and riders and Sidsel (Johansen) went really well all week, winning the Special and third in the Grand Prix. I was also super-happy with Atlantico who was second in the Grand Prix behind Carl, and again today in the Freestyle. This is one of the biggest achievements of his career but we’ve enjoyed a great year in 2015 - he was great in Doha where we finished third behind Patrik Kittel and Carl”, he pointed out.
Talking about the concept of Nations Cup Dressage he continued, “competing as part of a team is special because it brings people a lot closer together and presents another dimension to the sport. When I was in the arena today I knew if I did well and could come as close as possible to first place that our team was in with a big chance. When you’re actually riding it’s just you and your horse, but before you go in you know what needs to be done and this weekend we had all the pressure because there were only three of us on the team again - and we did it!”, he said.