17 ettere giver ikke ekstra / 17 one time tempies is not marked with extra points

Dagens felt bestod af blot 7 ekvipager i CDI4 Grand Prix i München

Anabel Balkenhol og den blot 9-årige Trakehnerhingst Heuberger TSF e. Imperio / Michelangelo vinder dagens CDI4 Grand Prix i München med 71,020%.

En solid tur selvom der naturligvis stadig mangler både styrke og sikkerhed i piaffe / passage turene med blot 9 år, men med en særdeles skarp galoptur, med gode serier - omend 17 ettere desværre ikke honoreres ekstra. Veltimet piorouetter og god balance i zig-zag.

Today's field consisted of just seven riders in CDI4 Grand Prix in Munich

Anabel Balkenhol and the just 9-year-old Trakehner stallion Heuberger TSF by Imperio / Michelangelo won today´s CDI4 Grand Prix in Munich with 71.020%.

A solid test without any technical issues, though of course it still lack both strength and safety in the piaffe / passage tours with just 9 years, but with a particularly sharp canter tour, with good series - although 17 one time tempies are not rewarded on the scoreboard. Well timed piorouettes and good balance in the zig-zag.

See the entire result here 
