1. årgang efter Everdale med tydeligt aftryk på materialeprøven i Holland
KWPN har netop afsluttet deres 50-dages test af unghingstene, og her var en af to absolut tophingste Inclusive e. Everdale / Uptown som scorede 86 point.
Uddrag fra KWPN nyhed: The stallion had the requisite fans in the well-occupied stands in Ermelo. “Inclusive has three very good basic gaits, is very trainable and stands out with his good body position and balance. A very complete dressage horse, for which we’re very pleased that the registered parties remained confident and offered him again through this test,” said Rutten.
Inclusive by Everdale / Uptown
Også hingsten Inverness e. Everdale / Johnson er nykåret, med bl.a. 9 for galop. I beskrivelsen hedder det bl.a. at galoppen er kraftfuld med super rytme og bæring. Inverness går i en god form, med god balance og god smidighed. En hingst med godt potentiale og som giver sin rytter en god fornemmelse.
Inverness by Everdale / Johnson
Masser af ridning på dagsprogrammet
Anne van Olst står for træningen af hestene og undervisning af staldens ryttere. Desværre har Anne været midlertidig sat ud af spillet selv, da en af hestene "tabte" hende for ca. 3 uger siden, og det betyder at hun har været nødt til at melde fra med 3 heste til det kommende internationale stævne i Roosendaal. Istedet for at sidde på hestene, har Anne været særdeles flittig fra sidelinien.
Lige nu er staldrytter britiske Charlotte Fry både aktiv til hingste konkurrencerne, internatioalt på Young Rider niveau for England, samt på nationalt niveau med bl.a. Lord Leatherdale. For Charlotte er det lige nu planen, at hun skal samle endnu mere erfaring på Young Rider niveauet, og forhåbentlig også succes i fremtiden sammen med Anne´s super hest Taikoen på Young Rider niveau.
Intermediaire II debut sejr
For ca. 2,5 år siden var Anna Blomgren Rogers til undervisning for første gang hos Anne van Olst med DV sølvmedaljehoppen Tørveslettens Quattro e. Quaterback / Carano, (født 2008) avlet og ejet af Stutteri Tørvesletten.
Ekvipagen har regelmæssigt været i Den Hout hos Van Olst Horses for at få Anne van Olst skarpe øjne, erfarne kommentarer og anvisningermed på vejen. Det gjorde at parret i weekenden debuterede nationalt i Intermediaire II i Holland, hvor de opnåede 70,72% og vandt klassen. Set fra H2R en meget skarp bedømmelse som let kunne have været 74-75% - bedøm selv på videoen herunder.
Iøvrigt skal man som Grand Prix rytter blot have redet Inter II til 60% for at være startberettiget i Grand Prix i Holland.
Anne van Olst beskriver udviklingen og potentialet for ekvipagen som helt ekstraordinært.
Siden 1. oktober har Anna Blomgren Rogers og Will Rogers flyttet deres aktiviteter til Van Olst Horses, som jo betyder at der har åbnet sig nye muligheder for begge parter - senest bl.a. hvor Anna var til start med hingsten Glamourdale til de hollandske hingste konkurrencer i Ermelo.
First crop from Everdale with clear stamp at the stallion performance test in the Netherlands
KWPN have just completed their 50-days performance test of the young stallions selected in spring, and here one of the two absolute top stallions Inclusive by Everdale / Uptown scored 86 points.
Part the KWPN news: The stallion had the requisite fans in the well-occupied stands in Ermelo. “Inclusive has three very good basic gaits, is very trainable and stands out with his good body position and balance. A very complete dressage horse, for which we’re very pleased that the registered parties remained confident and offered him again through this test,” said Rutten.
Also the stallion Inverness by Everdale / Johnson has passed the performance test, including 9 for canter. The description says that canter is powerful with super rhythm and impulsion. Inverness going in a natural form, with good balance and suppleness. A stallion with good potential and which gives his rider a good feeling.
Lots of riding on the daily program
Anne van Olst is responsible for the training of the horses, and teaching the stable riders at Van Olst Horses. Unfortunately, Anne has been temporarily sidelined even when one of the horses "lost" her about 3 weeks ago. Therefore she will not go with 3 horses for the upcoming international event at Roosendaal. Instead of riding the last two weeks, Anne has been active from the sideline.
Right now stable rider British Charlotte Fry is both active at stallion competitions, international at Young Rider level for Britain, and also at Dutch national level. For Charlotte the plan is to gain even more experience, and hopefully future successes for Britain, with Anne's super horse Taikoen at Young Rider level.
Intermediaire II debut victory
Approximately 2.5 years ago, Anna Blomgren Rogers came to Anne van Olst to have lessons with Danish Warmblood silver medal mare Tørveslettens Quattro by Quaterback / Carano (born 2008), bred and owned by Stud Tørvesletten.
The combination has regularly been in the Hout at Van Olst Horses for Anne van Olst sharp eyes, experienced comments and advices. This weekend Anna and Quattro made their debut national at Intermediaire II in Holland, where they achieved 70.72% and won the class. Seen from H2R point of view a 74-75% - judge for yourself below.
As a Grand Prix rider you just have to show your new horse at Inter II level at 60%, to be qualified for competing at Grand Prix in Holland.
Anne van Olst describes the development and the potential for the combination as extraordinary.
Since 1 October, Anna Blomgren Rogers and Will Rogers moved their activities to Van Olst Horses in Den Hout, which of course gives new opportunities for both parties - including lately where Anna was at start successfully with Glamourdale at the Dutch stallion competitions in Ermelo.