Anna Kasprzak and Rock Star at Danish Championships 2017 - photo: H2R
Today´s Intermediaire II with Danish top debut placements
International debut victory for Anna Kasprzak with Rock Star, placed no 3 another international debut combination Betina Jæger with Skovlunds Garmin G, and placed 4th yet another international debut for Carina Cassøe Krüth with May-Day Graftebjerg, and final placement went to another debut combination Michael Søgaard with Gallardo V.
Danish Daniel Bachmann Andersen and his just 8 yr old international debut horse Blue Hors Zepter, show some great moments, but still with some "baby" errors.
H2R comments about each ride
Pronto SWE - good start bit big eyes for this big arena, passage lack more clear flow some tense steps hind, nice 1st piaffe, good sit, 2nd piaffe lack bit more energy, last part of passage gets better. Bit short extended walk, tense collected walk, canter pirouette lack more centering, good half passes, 2nd pirouette with better control, error for start of two times, error hind at last part of one times, bit unbalanced extended trot, lack last power/push for final passage. 66,658%
May-Day Graftebjerg DEN - good halt, nice diagonal, good swing zig-zag half passes, good passage could show more push from hind, good transitions into active piaffe steps, bit short extended walk, very well managed 1st canter pirouette with good quality, superb preparation for 2nd and super quality pirouette. Good 2 times, 1 times ok but swinging, good final passage, not square halt. 68,784%
Gallardo V DEN - not square halt, bit running diagonal, half passes lack bit more bend, bit late transition to passage, good transition in and out piaffe, piaffe could show bit more energy, good walk tour, good half passes, bit big pirouette, good series, bit unbalanced extended trot, bit unbalanced hind for final centerline passage. 68,421%
Blue Hors Zepter DEN - good halt, good medium trot, nice zig-zag trot, good passage, tense piaffe jumps but manage some steps, 2nd piaffe bit cautious lack energy at beginning but manage to get the final steps with good rhythm, lack clear more transitions, good walk tour, nice pirouette bit tense out, huge sit for 2nd pirouette, lost balance out, good 2 times, nice 1 times with good expression, nice final passage and good final halt. 68,184%
Scaramouche GER - good halt, nice balanced diagonal, trot half passes lack bit more go and flow, passage need bit more push but regular, good sit piaffe, 2nd piaffe with bit too much sit, superb extended walk trough the body with nice over track, big bit unbalanced 1st pirouette, 2nd pirouette better, good series, final passage lack bit more uphill frame. 70,632%
Vestergaardens Tarsan DEN - Good halt, diagonal need bit more power, good flow trot half passes, late transition to passage, easy in and out from regular piaffe, extended walk lack more relaxation over the back and out trough the shoulders, lost of energy for 1st pirouette, tilting head canter half pass to right, bit spin 2nd pirouette, ok series lack more expression, stocked for transition to trot at C, extended trot lack more power from behind, good final passage, backwards final halt. 67,275%
Zantos NED - good halt, bit running diagonal, half passes lack more carriage and flow, passage lack more clear forward search very much work from the rider for piaffe and transitions, bit short walk, very much work from rider for the entire canter tour, hind aides for the pirouettes, series lack more quality, running unbalanced extended trot. 64,842%
Charmeur SWE - good halt, expressive diagonal, good flow half passes, good expression for passage, active much forward piaffes good transitions, good walk tour, lost balance for 1st canter pirouette, 2nd pirouette bit unbalanced, nice expression for 2 times, error at the end of 1 times, good extended trot, bit high tempo for final passage, halt not steady. 68,079%
Rock Star DEN - good halt, good diagonal, bit cautious half passes, good passage, lost passage before 1st piaffe with huge sit, 2nd piaffe with good transitions, huge relaxed extended walk with big over track, good collected walk, good 1st pirouette, huge sit and well managed out, 2nd pirouette becomes slightly hind riders aides, parallel hind 1st change for 1 times, stops for transition to trot at C, good final passage, open halt. 71,816%
Amberson SWE - unsteady halt open mouth, lack carriage and suppleness for trot zig-zag, lack clear passage, some resistance for piaffe lack of energy, good extended walk, hind aides for 1st canter pirouette, 2nd better, ok series but lack more suppleness and groundcover, lack bit energy for final centerline. 62,753%
Skovlunds Garmin G DEN - bit open halt, nice expressive diagonal, good trot half passes, lack bit clear transition into passage, bit limited piaffe steps and lack more clear transition out, good walk, good 1st pirouette, early change after medium canter, good series, power extended trot, nice flow final passage, good halt. 69,579%
See the results here.