Super sharp and motivated combination Dorothee Schneider and Sammy Davis Jr for today´s World Cup Grand Prix in Salzburg. This year Dorothee seems to bring her success from last year with Showtime where she won both the Grand Prix and the freestyle. She looks like a very strong card for tomorrows victory again.
Today Jessica von Bredow-Werndl and Unee BB were doing a solid test, but seen from the sideline Unee was a bit in the stallion mode today, where Jessica really had to ask for every single exercise.
Placed 4th today was Fabienne Lütkemeier with her next top horse Fabregaz. It is clear that Fabregaz still lacking some more experience, but at the same time Fabienne is a master in showing the highlights with lovely qualities.
Blue Hors Zack and Daniel Bachmann Andersen during Danish Championship 2017 - photo H2R.
The Danes
Placed at the "podium" was Danish Daniel Bachmann Andersen with the 13 year old KWPN stallion Blue Hors Zack. This combination has really step into the international scene lately, as they have gained both experience and as wll Zack is getting stronger and more confident doing the piaffe and passage tours. Just one single issue during the 15 one times today.
Agnete Kirk Thinggaard and her long time partner finishes as no 5 today. Showing a very nice test with good expression and power, but unfortunately error for both the two times and the one times kept them away from a higher placement today.
H2R comments about top 5 from today´s class:
Sammy Davis jr GER - nice halt bit tense out, nice extended trot at diagonal, active supple half passes, good halt for rein back, bit tense rein back, active expressive 1st piaffe/passage with nice smooth transitions, bit tense extended walk, good collected walk, nice transition to passage, super nice 2nd piaffe/passage, good transition to canter, nice 2 times, tense bit unbalanced small error zig-zag, good 1 times, 1st pirouette bit hind aides bit spin, 2nd pirouette becomes bit too big, very nice active final centerline.
Unee BB GER - good halt, good extended trot, lack bit more carriage for half passes, good halt rein back, not direct at the letter for passage, good piaffe lack bit more natural go, nice passage, good active walk tour, lack bit flow for transition to passage, good 2nd piaffe, passage lack bit more clear suspension over the back, bit tension hind for 2 times, could show more collection back from extended canter, bit unbalanced zig-zag, good 1 times, bit 1st pirouette, 2nd becomes bit spin, bit unsteady final piaffe, nice passage.
Blue Hors Zack DEN - good halt and forward, expressive extended trot, good balance activity for half passes, not square halt for rein back, good rein back, need to be bit more sharp into 1st passage, bit early 1st piaffe with good activity and nice transition to passage, good walk, transition to passage lack clear flow, good 2nd piaffe stays nicely on the spot could show bit more activity, super 2 times covering lots of ground, good extended trot, bit unbalanced zig-zag, some tensions for 1 times, good quality of pirouettes but lack bit more control becomes bit hurried, good passage, final pi becomes bit forward.
Fabregaz GER - good start, nice half passes, slight forward trend for piaffe, good passage, extended walk could be with more freedom over the back, 2nd piaffe also forward lack bit more energy, super nice 2 times using the entire diagonal, good extended canter, nice zig-zag, good 1 times, active pirouette, 2nd becomes bit big, nice transitions final piaffe/passage.
Jojo AZ DEN - nice halt, good extended trot, good half pass, lack bit balance to left, good halt with rein back, good 1st piaffe / passage, lack bit energy in mid of piaffe, good transitions, nice walk tour with good relaxation in extended walk, good transition to passage, good 2nd piaffe/passage nice on the spot, good transition to canter, error 2 times, good zig-zag, error 1 times hind, good control for pirouettes bit big, very nice power for final centerline with super expressive passage, active piaffe, open halt