Ny EU hingstestation i Danmark / New EU stallion station in Denmark

Travle Herning dage er veloverstået

De to 5-årige sports- og avlshingste Hesselhøj Donkey Boy og Romeo som begge er kåret i DV og HANN og ejet af Kristin Andresen, har Sophie og Jan Christensen på Noagård det sportlige ansvar for, mens avlsdelen med tapning af hingstene har været varetaget af Katrinelund på Mors.

"Udfordringen" omkring at have hingstene både i sporten og avlen, med optimale forhold for både hest og rytter er nu løst, idet Sophie og Jan har bygget nye EU faciliteter. Og som Sophie fortæller, så var parret nu klar til at prøve kræfter med den del også.

"Størstedelen af byggeriet/ombygningen har vi selv stået for. En afdeling til hingstene der fungerer som en karantæne stald med alt der hører til det. Egen fold, egen mødding, eget sadelrum, laboratorie, rengøringsrum, tapperum mm. Dyrlæge Linus Camitz hjælper med tapning og forsendelse. Katrinelund står for al kundekontakt." 

Lige nu er præmiehingsten Orion e. Blue Hors Olymbrio / Landtinus, avlet af Lisbeth B. Andersen og ejet af Nanna Merrald til 10-dages test. Hingsten var også klargjort til kåringen af Sophie og Jan Christensen. 

Busy Herning days successfully completed

The two 5-year-old sport and breeding stallions Hesselhøj Donkey Boy and Romeo both licensed for Danish Warmblood and HANN and owned by Kristin Andresen, are stabled at Sophie and Jan Christensen at Noagård, as they are responsible for the education and sports career, while for the breeding part with collection of semen Katrinelund, Mors in Jutland has been responsible.

"The challenges" about having stallions for both sport and breeding, with optimum conditions for both horse and rider are now solved, as Sophie and Jan have built new EU facilities. And as Sophie says, they were now also ready to try out this new challenge.

"The majority of the new construction / reconstruction we have done by ourselves. A seperat department for the stallions which also is a quarantine barn with everything that belongs to it. Own paddock, own manure, own tack room, laboratory, cleaning rooms ect. Veterinarian Linus Camitz helps about collecting the semen and shipping. Katrinelund is still responsible for all customer contact."

Right now is the newly named premium stallion Orion by Blue Hors Olymbrio / Landtinus, bred by Lisbeth B. Andersen and owned by Nanna Merrald at Danish Warmblood 10-days test. The stallion was also prepared for the licensing by Sophie and Jan Christensen.