Danish Cathrine Dufour and Atterupgaards Cassidy on their way to CDI4 Grand Prix victory in Hagen today with 75,960%.
Photo credit: www.koengomes.nl
Timingen i top
Fra første til sidste trin var timingen i top fra 25-årige Cathrine Dufour og hendes 14-årige dansepartner Atterupgaards Cassidy.
Når man bagefter skal forsøge at "analysere" lidt på turen, er det ikke engang nok med ekstra stærke briller, for det er ganske enkelt kun meget små detaljer som egentlig kan blive lidt flottere.
Overblik, power, præcision, kvalitet, skarphed og top timing er bare nogle af de tillægsord som "den røde racer" og Dufour medbringer på banen.
I dagens tur var det alene en lille misforståelse i overgangen fra den samlede skridt op i passage som gav en lille ubalance.
Dommer ved C Elisabeth Koffmann så kun ekvipagen som nr. 7! mens kollegaerne ved dommerbordene havde ekvipagen som hhv. 2-1-1-1.
Top timing
From the first to the last step, the timing was outstanding for the 25-year-old Danish Cathrine Dufour and her 14-year-old dancing partner Atterupgaard's Cassidy.
When trying to "analyze" a little bit on the test, it's not even enough with extra strong glasses, because it was simply just very tiny details that really could be just a bit nicer.
Overview, power, precision, quality, sharpness and top timing are just some of the adjectives for "the chestnut racer" and Dufour when watching them at today´s Grand Prix.
Today it was only a slight misunderstanding in the transition at M from the collected walk into passage which gave a slight imbalance.
Judge at C Elisabeth Koffmann only saw Dufour and Cassidy as No. 7!, while her colleagues at the judging tables respectively had the pair placed as 2-1-1-1.
Cathrine Dufour and Atterupgaards Cassidy
Photo credit: www.koengomes.nl