Blue Hors Zack and Daniel Bachmann Andersen - photo credit: Koen Gomes
Zanardi/Hans Peter Minderhoud NED: Tense halt, expressive diagonal, nice frame, good flow half pass right, bit open halt and small tension rein back, nice timing for 1st passage/piaffe/passage, nice angle with good transitions, good walk tour, nice 2nd pi/pa tour, bit tense transition to canter, nice 2 times, good extended canter, good zig-zag, bit tense 1st change at 1 times, bit crop high, good quality both pirouettes, smooth centerline. Positive easy test, all the way with ears pricked.
Delatio/Emile Faurie GBR-small balance issue end extended trot, becomes a bit passage like a short side, lack more carriage half pass right, left better balanced, lack bit more clear balance for passage, piaffe could be a bit more on hindlegs, good walk tour, bit early transition to canter, super nice 2 times, early change after extended canter, good zig-zag, nice active 1 times, super quality for both pirouettes, very powerful passage lack bit more activity going into piaffe. Well managed test.
Glock´s Zonik N.O.P./Edward Gal NED- superb halt and forward, lovely power expression extended trot, nice flow and balance for half passes, good halt but bit stocked for rein back, super extended trot, good passage/piaffe, passage lack bit more suspension/strength, superb extended walk over the back huge over track, good collected walk, good 2nd passage, piaffe could be a bit more active but at the spot, bit tense transition to canter, error 2 times, zig-zag lack more balance, good 1 times, small unbalance end of 1st pirouette, better 2nd pirouette, super extended trot, good final piaffe, lack more clear forward search for final passage.
Apache/Emmelie Scholtens NED-small walk forward from entering halt, nice diagonal, good balance for half passes, nice halt with rein back, good passage, lack bit energy for piaffe, good transitions, good walk tour, lack bit clear beat/energy 2nd piaffe, good series, nice zig-zag, bit swing 1 times, good pirouettes, good passage but final piaffe lack more clear flow and energy.
Sai Baba Plus/Boaventura Freire POR-bit open mouth for entering halt, good diagonal, good flow half passes could be more uphill, tense rein back, extended trot need more uphill frame, passage becomes a bit on the forehand, good 1st piaffe, walk could show a bit more over the back, need more sharp at M for passage, bit tense transition to canter, small tensions for 2 times, clear zig-zag but lack more expression and go, nice 1 times, bit stocked 1st pirouette, lack more clear balance 2nd pirouette, lack clear balance diagonal, some tension for the final. Overall picture lack more expression and uphill trend.
After 1st break:
Dzeko/Katarzyna Milczarek POL-good halt and forward, lovely power extended trot very expressive, half pass lack bit more bend to right, better to left, good halt with rein back, good extended trot towards V, passage lack bit more clear suspension, the piaffe becomes a bit open frontlegs pointing a bit forward, lack bit clear rhythm but well managed, good walk, transition to canter not showed before end of long side, two times lack more expression, zig-zag lack more balance, small error tension hind begin one times, pirouette lack more sit and lost energy for 2nd pirouette, some tensions for final piaffe.
Quartz of Jazz/Marie Emilie Bretenoux FRA-good halt and forward direct to trot, nice diagonal, active half passes lack bit more clear balance, good halt bit tense rein back, good active passage, bit forward piaffe, bit tense extended walk need more ground cover and over the back, 2nd piaffe better with nice transitions, ok 2 times lack bit more jump and quality off the ground, good extended canter, ok zig-zag, clear one time lack more expression, slight mid turn 1st pirouette, 2nd pirouette lack bit more clear canter rhythm, good final passage, final piaffe lack bit clear balance.
Four Seasons/Diederik van Silfhout NED-good halt, well balanced diagonal nice expression, good half passes, nice halt bit tense rein back, light easy extension towards V, passage lack bit more power, piaffe becomes bit cautious, transition to walk more like transition to halt, tension extended walk, ditto 2nd passage/piaffe/passage, error two times, good 1 times, nice well balanced pirouettes with nice control, good passage, forward piaffe, sneaking a bit into final halt.
Fabregaz/Fabienne Lütkemeier GER-good start, good diagonal, lack bit balance/carriage in half passes, good halt bit tense rein back, good passage with nice expression, much forward piaffe, bit short tense extended walk, lack energy forward search to keep the piaffe rhythm, good two times, nice extended canter, lack bit suppleness for zig-zag, good 1 times, good preparation for pirouettes, 2nd very well balanced all the way, keeps the rhythm well for final piaffe slight forward, good passage.
Zippo/Patrick van der Meer NED-nice halt forward, half passes lack bit more carriage and bend, good halt bit cautious rein back, ok passage but bit hard into piaffe, lack bit flow and activity, supple extended walk, bit big collected walk, better 2nd piaffe but small tensions, error final change for two times, active zig-zag but lack more suppleness, good one times, bit hurried 1st pirouette, much better control 2nd pirouette, loosing bit passage at centerline before piaffe, good piaffe, nice final piaffe.
Rubins Nite/Hayley Watson-Greves GBR-good start, power diagonal, light contact, good half passes, active passage, small tensions for piaffe, nice transitions, could show more overtrack suppleness for extended walk, good collected walk, 2nd piaffe lack bit more forward search, error for 2 times, bit unbalanced zig-zag, nice 1 times, nice control 1st pirouette, lack bit balance for 2nd pirouette, nice expression extended trot at diagonal, nice regular passage, final piaffe small backwards trend.
After 2nd break:
Blue Hors Zack/Daniel Bachmann Andersen DEN-good halt direct to trot, smooth diagonal, nice frame, supple half passes with nice swing, good halt with rein back, good passage bit stocked unbalanced for 1st piaffe, good walk, direct into passage, bit tensions for passage, bit too much sit for 2nd piaffe, big two times, nice extended canter, good zig-zag, error 1 times, bit unbalanced 1st pirouette, 2nd better control, bit tense final passage, good piaffe
Weihegold OLD/Isabell Werth GER-bit open halt, bit cautious diagonal, easy half passes, good halt with rein back, cautious extended trot, superb passage, small trend backward piaffe but easy smooth including transitions, bit tense collected walk, sharp transition to passage, easy super 2nd passage/piaffe/passage tour, good transitions, good 2 times with very clear aides from Werth, nice extended canter, zig-zag well balanced lack bit suppleness, error more times in the one times, super control for both pirouettes, wauw final centerline.
Unee BB/Jessica von Bredow-Werdl GER-good start, easy half passes lack bit more carriage, good halt with rein back, good 1st piaffe / passage tour, good walk, lack more power and go for 2nd passage/piaffe/passage tour, nice 2 times, error extended canter, good 1 times, nice pirouettes, nice final centerline.
Cennin/Madeleine Witte-Vrees NED-very hard contact, expressive diagonal, half pass lack more carriage and swing, lack more energy from hind for both passage and piaffe, extended walk super supple, 2nd piaffe bit better but still lacking more power and energy, error end of 2 times swinging, ubalanced end of zig-zag, error end of 1 times, lack bit balance/carriage for both pirouettes, struggling a bit with lack of natural power today.
Deja/Patrik Kittel SWE-nice halt and forward, expressive diagonal, well balanced half passes nice crossing, good halt bit tense rein back, could be sharper into 1st passage, piaffe on the spot lack bit more forward search, tense out of piaffe, good walk tour, stays in the piaffe lack the transition direct to passage, good 2 times, super extended canter, bit unbalanced zig-zag, small error mid 1 times, nice control for both pirouettes, good transition at M, lack bit more clear rhythm for the final piaffe.
Damsey FRH/Helen Langehanenberg GER-power diagonal superb expression, lack bit more carriage for half passage, loosing balance slight half pass left, bit tense rein back, power extended trot, super transition to passage at V, good passage, regular bit forward 1st piaffe, superb extended walk, nice collected walk, some tensions hind for passage, good piaffe, transition to canter lack bit flow, nice 2 times, nice zig-zag, nice 1 times, wauw 1st pirouette, and 2nd as nice as the first, power diagonal, small lost of implus into final piaffe. Nice final passage.