Glock´s Dream Boy N.O.P. and Hans Peter Minderhoud - photo credit: Lily Forado.
18 combinations were ready for the last leg of FEI World Cup before the new year
It is always nice to follow the young Grand Prix horses developing over time, and for the just 10 year old Glock´s Dream Boy with Hans Peter Minderhoud it´s been a great journey.
They started their first international Grand Prix back in April, and became a part of the Dutch team for WEG in Tryon. Less than 2 weeks ago they won the pilot short Grand Prix during the World Cup in London, and today the showed even greater form winning the Grand Prix with impressive 75,870% - stronger and more confident over all picture, and the qualities of the piaffe/passage tours with activity, expression and smooth transitions just shows something extra - also for the future.
Top 3 H2R comments during the test:
Glock´s Dream Boy NED - good halt and forward, active diagonal with good expression, nice swing and balance for half passes, good halt with rein back, very nice 1st passage/piaffe/passage tour with nice energy, lack bit more stretching for the extended walk, good transition to passage, super nice 2nd piaffe with nice transitions, nice 2 times, good extension, good zig-zag, good 1 times, nice canter and balance for both pirouette, tiny hind aides into 2nd pirouette, super nice final.
Damsey FRH GER - lack bit more flow for half passes, some tensions hind for the first passage tour, good walk tour, lack clear forward in passage becomes a bit stocked with small steps, 2 times could show bit more forward flow, good 1 times, nice canter for both pirouettes, 2nd tiny overturned, some tensions hind for passage at centerline, small steps forward final piaffe with nice angle.
Dante Weltino OLD SWE - good halt, power extension, nice swing carriage for half passes, good halt bit tense rein back, power extension, nice passage, good piaffe lack bit more clear flow out, bit tense extended walk, tense transition to passage, same 2nd piaffe, nice 2 times, nice extended canter, nice zig-zag, nice 1 times, jumping a bit sidewards for 1st pirouette, 2nd pirouette with nice sit and balance, nice passage and into piaffe, but to many small trot steps out before catching the passage rhythm.
Move the time line forward to 2:30:30 to watch the winning test.