Cathrine Dufour - photo credit: H2R
Today´s victory for Danish Cathrine Dufour with her 8 year old Bohemian at their international Grand Prix Special debut at Aalborg Dressage Event was not a single point to much.
From yesterday´s Grand Prix which she also won, the feeling for some moments were a bit
“This is hard stuff, I do what I can, but the exercises are coming so quick after eachother”
Yesterday with some minor issues. Today showing 120% confidence and power, transformed exercise by exercise to expression and accuracy step by step. It was just a pleasure to follow, eventhough you sat a bit on the edge of the chair while watching.
Bohemian DEN - super halt, nice flow half pass left, lovely expressive passage, sharp at letters, extended walk bit tense, super collected walk, easy active regular piaffe, good transition to canter, nice balance for zigzag canter, super series just 11 at centerline (last 2 not from rider), super pirouettes. Strong final centerline. Leaving the arena without any sign of tensions - IMPRESSIVE 🌟🇩🇰
Hopefully video of the test will be available later - it is something very special to watch.
2nd today was British Emma Hindle with Romy del Sol. Again today she manage to do an error free test where Romy keeps the focus. Lot´s of power and lovely qualities still shown with some tensions.
3rd was Danish Lone Bang Larsen with Bakkely´s Onandt. Super smooth and supple trot tour, very nice relaxation for the walk tour with good quality, the piaffe tours are a bit forward. In the canter tour some errors creeping in today - looks like a bit of tensions.
Other Danish combinations
Just outside the placements Danish Helene Melsen and Aston Martin are showing a powerful and expressive trot tour, good walk and unfortunately with a couple of minor errors for the canter tour today. But nice to see the extra power and risk Helene is showing today.
Laura Mølvig and her big boy Atterupgaards Wolfgang showed at strong trot tour, but unfortunately they were loosing some valuable points for their canter tour today. The judges were a bit too far from eachother with 63% and 71% for lowest and highest.
Carina Cassøe Krüth and May-Day Graftebjerg are lacking a bit more "teamwork" today, as May-Day for more moments seems to be kind of unfocused, and of course this is expensive.
See the entire results here.