Deep Impact and Severo Jurado Lopez at Equitour 2017 - photo credit: H2R
Rocking arena in Hagen today
For sure somebody would say "rocking" when looking at the price giving, as this was in very special "Jordan Camel Style" (video below).
Strong and very close top of today´s Grand Prix Freestyle, with a top motivated and well performed test from Desperados (Despi), where canter pirouettes and extended canter stands out with something extra. All the way a usual beautiful frame.
Deep Impact (Deep) and Severo Jurado Lopez showed a strong and very well balanced test, and for this years edition of the freestyle Deep Impact was very relaxed and focused, maybe not 100% relaxed, but for sure Severo was happy that the walk tour was in walk and not trot as last year.
Kittel is the master of freestyle, eventhough Delaunay (Dude) showed a bit of tension from the beginning, KIttel managed to provide confidence for Dude, and being able to show their highlights through piaffe/passage tours and series.
Danish Daniel Bachmann Andersen showed the young stallion Blue Hors Don Olymbrio. Today with some minor issues and small miscommunications, and from the side line it looked a bit like lack of power and fuel for today´s freestyle, but very well managed and placed as no 8.
See the entire results here.