Sönke Rothenberger and Cosmo - Hagen 2017. Photo credit: Koen Gomes
Grand Prix Special in Hagen
Yesterday was with a lot of power for Cosmo, and also bit too much excitement being back in the arena. Today the agenda was clearly changed from the the beginning - much more conservative but still a lot of quality.
Cosmo GER - super halt, super diagonal, nice half pass, small lack of impuls 1st transition to passage, nice passage/extended trot, small tension into 2nd half pass, good walk, good 1st piaffe, 2nd slightly forward, lovely rhythm, nice transition to canter direct from passage, nice zigzag, superb series, top class line with pirouettes and 1 times, super final.
Later this year for WEG this pair will for sure be a real serious contender for the absolute top of the podium.
Watch the 82,225% winner test below.
2nd - Emilio GER - small turn for entering the centerline, super halt, power diagonal, smooth half pass, sharp passage at C, smooth in and out of extended trot, half pass right slightly better, bit tense walk, easy piaffe and transitions, super transition to canter, small lack of balance end of half pass, good series, good control for pirouettes, error serie, super final.
3rd - Zaire GER - expressive start, nice half pass, good transition to passage, bit running extensions, ditto 2nd half pass, very regular and expressive passage, active piaffe with super angle, bit tense 1 times, good control pirouettes, error 1 times, super nice and active final.
4th - Dante Weltino OLD SWE - small stumble out of halt, power diagonal, nice half pass, smooth passage/extended trot, slight quicker with right hind for passage, good walk, nice piaffes, 2nd transition out best, nice zigzag, easy supple series from hind, WAUW pirouettes, super long side extended trot, lack final meters.
5th - Well Done de la Roche SWE - tense halt, bit hurried diagonal, lovely half pass, small canter for extended trot, super passage, easy light half pass, bit tense walk, super piaffe and transitions, fire 🔥 on the ground for 2nd piaffe, nice zigzag, nice series, super nice centerline with supple pirouettes, late transition to trot, hot but top controlled and quality final.
Danish combinations
Anna Zibrandtsen and Arlando were showing a sharp test today, but unfortunately only judge at B, Mr. Plewa saw the test at 73,617%. Final scoring 71,851%.
8th - Arlando DEN - good halt, small lack of flow extended trot, nice flow half pass, lovely passage/extended trot with sharp transitions, super nice balance/flow, bit short extended walk, good collected walk, bit unbalanced into piaffe, 2nd piaffe superb including transitions, small unbalance hind after transition to canter, nice half passes, nice 2 times, super 1 times, tiny high quality pirouettes, nice 1 times, super final with very nice halt.
9th - Selten HW DEN - good halt forward, good power balance diagonal, super flow carriage half pass left, good passage with nice extended trot, ditto 2nd half pass right, super extended walk, lack bit energy for piaffe, becomes bit high in the neck loosing bit balance 2nd piaffe, nice zigzag canter, super 2 times, a single change for 1 times with parallel hind, very centered pirouettes need to be a bit quicker, tension hind 1 times at centerline, best piaffe at final.
11th - Blue Hors Zepter DEN - good start, good crossing half pass, could be a bit sharper at the letters for passage, passage could show more clear suspension at begin, becomes better, 2nd half pass ditto, good walk, super nice piaffe tours lovely sit and nice transitions, good zigzag, small error begin 2 times, good 1 times, good extended canter, lost canter bit for 1st pirouette, 2nd better, good final, super halt.
See the entire results here.