Part of OLD Press release
Top price by Marc Cain / San Amour I
Oldenburgs conquer the world
The 17th Elite Foal Auction at the Oldenburg Horse Center Vechta achieved a phenomenal result. The prize highlight was Marco Polo by Marc Cain - San Amour I - Depardieu. This colt, bred by Ulrike Finck-Deichner from Hessian, was knocked down for 110,000 Euro to a renowned dressage stable in Germany. The colt comes from the well-known Egale dam line.
Inspirado by Asgard’s Ibiza - Fürstenball - San Amour I, bred by Marcel de Wilde from Belgium, was sold for 68,000 Euro to a famous stud. Dam Finest Dream also started her career in Vechta.
Zara by Zackerey - Bretton Woods - Donnerhall, bred by the Blue Hors Aps stud from Denmark, changed hands for 59,000 Euro to a well-respected dressage stable. Zara comes from the famous Finnländerin dam line. Grand dam Fabina, Champion mare of the Oldenburg Elite Mare Show in Rastede 2003, is the sister of Olympic Champion Don Schufro.