Winner of 7 year old qualifier Fürsten-Look and Isabel Freese - photo credit: Lily Forado
The best young horses are for sure in Ermelo
From today's 7 year old qualifier it became a tribute to Fürstenball himself as a top producer of both winner and 2nd placed.
Both horses very well educated happy athletes, with both mindset and abilities for the job, and this definitely also includes today's no 3 Glamourdale with Van Olst Horses rider Charlotte Fry in the saddle.
Which one from today's top 3 will be the new World Champion is all about the current shape when entering the arena Sunday morning.
4th was Adelinde Cornelissen with the very obedient Governor str. and 5th was again a Van Olst Horses rider Franka Loos with Equilence´s Giovanni.
Heiline´s Danciera and Carina Cassøe Krüth - photo credit: Lily Forado
The small margin for today's victory went to Fürsten-Look and Freese, as from H2R point of view the most polished test was from Danciera and Cassøe Krüth.
H2R comments during the tests:
Fürsten-Look: Smooth supple trot tour, lovely half passes, bit big collected walk, big supple extended walk, small tension hind for 2nd half pass, nice sit/balance for 1st pirouette, error 2nd change for 4 times, lovely smooth frontlegs for pirouettes, just gives a great picture. Lovely test.
Heiline´s Danciera: Super halt, lovely swing and balance for the trot tour, supple, very nice relaxation for the walk, nice carriage for half passes, very nice control/balance for pirouette, nice half pass straight change at centerline, good serie, lovely sit/carriage for 2nd pirouette, superb test!
Other Danish combinations must go via the small final
Jacob Nørby Sørensen with Ellegaardens San Droner showed a technical clear test with smaller issues for the straightness of the changes.
Carina Cassøe Krüth was also at start with Red Diamant, and in general the judgement seemed a bit harsh, but the main point might have been the lack of clear contact collecting from the medium canter where Red Diamant becomes somewhat over the bit for a few step.
Michael Søgaard with Jukebox showed a technical clear test, but lacking bit more expression for the test in general.
Again Simone Pearce was very near going direct to the final, this time with Nexolia Feodoro, and they look like serious contenders for one of tomorrow's 3 spots for the final.
Both Flora and Goodman looks like candidates for the finals.
See the entire result here.