Bohemian and Cathrine Dufour - photo credit: H2R
Another strong performance from Dufour and her just 8 year old Bohemian
Strong performance but at the same time without any pressure, that really make sense when talking about a just 8 year old horse doing Grand Prix.
When you watch a horse like Bohemian at the highest level you don’t get the feeling that it is to early, as he is doing the entire test without any tensions, and the most demanding exercises as piaffe, passage, transitions and pirouettes with top qualities just makes him unbelievably talented.
For today’s Grand Prix Special the extended trot tour could be with a bit more push/power from behind, lovely supple well balanced half passes, superb transitions to passage, and passage with nice regular steps and good elevation, easy in and out of nice active piaffe except today’s first piaffe where Bohemian is going to the toilet exactly when making the transition from collected walk to piaffe, but Cathrine manage to show the piaffe a bit later and of course with some tensions. A very expensive “visit at the toilet” as the scores dropped at least 2%. Strong canter tour with nice series, the first pirouette with the last canter step where the balance is slightly lost, but recovers for the second pirouette with top quality. Super final and lovely final 100% steady halt. Great score and great test 73,915% and still with huge potential.