Daniel Bachmann Andersen with Blue Hors Don Olymbrio - photo credit: H2R
Even with errors for the two times Weihegold OLD and Isabell Werth are just collecting so many 8,0, 8,5 and 9,0 marks and then also with room for weaker extensions and half passes, and then today again with more times 10 for the final. At the same time the sharpness is for a split second lost towards the final halt, as if Weihe said “can I stop now?”, but at same time Isabell just ask Weihe to keep on to finish the job - It´s all about the timing.
For both Schneider and Langehanenberg it was not their best performances, both with minor errors.
Dream Boy and Minderhoud showing an overall sharp test with a few minor things. Halt with rein back with 6 steps backwards, small tension at the end of the extended walk when Minderhoud is picking up the reins Dream Boy is ready, and with an error at the end of the one times. Very nice final and the stallion showing so much elasticity all the way. From kiss and cry Gal is showing Minderhoud to smile - this was a really nice test.
Delaunay OLD with Kittel has really settled at the top level delivering +75% and today without exception.
Best test ever from now 17 year old Vancouver K and Judy Reynolds, in terms of the piaffe tours, as they are often from H2R point of view shown as 100% controlled tension, today with very nice qualities.
Blue Hors Don Olymbrio with Daniel Bachmann Andersen showed a strong test, unfortunately something dangerous showed up in the corner at K, but Daniel managed very well except from at few spooky moments which of course was reflected at the scoreboard. “Expect for the “interesting” part, I’m very happy about his development,” says Daniel.
H2R comments during the test: Blue Don Olymbrio DEN - good halt, super extension, nice flow go for half passes good crossing, bit open halt super nice rein back, nice transitions, lack bit energy for piaffe but keeps the rhythm nicely, good passage, good walk tour, 2nd piaffe 15 steps and out bit tension from Don O but stays, nice transition to canter, big big eyes for the corner, nice big 2 times, lost canter after extended canter in the dangerous corner but did change, bit unbalanced zig-zag, Daniel attacks the 1 times successful (towards the dangerous corner), good pirouettes, good extended trot towards K, super smooth final centerline.
Winning test from Werth and Weihegold OLD:
The entire class:
See the results here.