Blue Hors Zepter and Daniel Bachmann Andersen - photo credit: Thomas Bisgaard
Top top level for today’s CDI3 Grand Prix Special at Blue Hors in Denmark
A true pleasure to follow the Danish top riders today, showing so much potential for the future with top horses.
And today’s top horse is a horse with all 3 basic gaits, expression, power and suppleness, all put together for the demanding top sport. It was certainly not just top 3 showing top qualities.
H2R comments during the tests today:
Blue Hors Zepter DEN - super halt, good diagonal, well balanced uphill half pass left, good transition passage, good passage/extension, superb half pass right swinging uphill power, passage becomes sharper, good walk tour, small misunderstanding into 1st piaffe but well managed, nice 2 piaffe with good transitions, super canter half passes, super 2 times, small error hind parallel for 1 times, super sit and balance for both pirouettes, nice final small lack of forward search for final meters.
Blue Hors Zatchmo DEN - lack bit more steady halt, good diagonal, good half pass right, nice transition passage, need bit more let go for extension, good half pass left, good walk tour, bit cautious 1st piaffe, good passage, better 2nd piaffe, good transition to canter, error change between half passes, good series, super straight one times, super quality 1st pirouette, 2nd short neck into but nice balanced, good transition to trot, super nice final.
Heiline’s Danciera DEN - bit unbalanced halt hind, expressive diagonal, active supple half pass right, smooth in and out passage with lovely suspension, supple half pass left, trend 79,5%after trot! nice relaxed walk tour, good into 1st piaffe bit unbalanced steps, better balance for 2nd piaffe smooth transitions, good into canter, good half passes, super series, good extension, good pirouettes with nice timing, nice 1 times, easy transition to trot, super nice final bit forward final piaffe.