IDOC International Dressage Officials Club GA 2020
Refresher seminar, dressage judges, FEI
For the second year in a row, IDOC held its General Assembly in Frankfurt together with a dressage judges refresher seminar. More than 80 participants from more than 25 countries were present. The General Assembly took place at Gestut Schafhof in Kronberg close to Frankfurt hosted by the Family Linsenhoff/Rath. The visit to Gestüt Schafhof included a visit to the stables and possibility to see the famous horse Totilas and ask about the history of these amazing stables and horses. The first part of the meeting included a presentation of the Blackhorse E-scribe system and some of the many possibilities and advantages it offers. Daniel Göhlen, the founder of the system, gave a throughout explanation about the system. The eDressage system is currently running on iPads and looks like scoresheets (meaning no more paper), judges sign each scoresheet and riders and judges receives a copy digitally after the competition. Only one assistant to the judge is needed (no more runners or score checkers). The results are immediate and no more corrections. The scoresheets are easy to overlook and all marks ans remarks come on one sheet. For the judges it offers many opportunities in education including Cource directors, upcoming judges and JSP (JAG). Shadow judging can be done in an much easier way and Cource Directors and JSP understand more mark differences according to given remarks. It can also be a help for announcers/speakers because they can explain incidents and results. It also offers a personal dashboard. In the end the sport with benefit and the sport will be more transparent and accountable. Security is high with less possibilities for manipulation and mistakes. Overall it doesn’t change the sport but improves its presentation.
The second part before the GA meeting was a presentation held by Frank Spadinger (Director of Education, FEI) about the new Complementary Evaluation System, CES. Mr Spadinger explaned the background and aim for the system. The practical approach including all the small practical details was explained to all the officials. The different groups of officials have different access to the system and exams. Many questions and doubts from the members was answered. It was a great opportunity to “talk to the FEI”. It was reassuring to hear that the FEI still supports the existing education system with refresher, exams and in-person meetings.
Ann Kathin Linsenhoff and chairman of IDOC Hans Christian Matthiesen
The actual General Assembly, besides the mandatory points on the agenda, included a financial report (done by Luc Verbocht) and Board members regional reports also a “What to do” session about Rules presented by Elisabeth Williams (board member and FEI Steward Education General). In the evening the Linsenhoff/Rath family hosted a grand dinner at the Schafhof, where Liselott Marie Linsenhoff (daughter of Ann Kathrin Linsenhoff) gave an inspirational speech to the members about the importance of these gatherings of officials, and great oppurtunies to network and learn from each other.
Friday morning, all Saturday and Sunday morning the Frankfurter Festhalle was the center for the FEI/IDOC Judges refresher seminar hosted by IDOC. Course Directors was Katrina Wüst and Hans Chrsitian Matthiesen (both 5* and members of the FEI Education Group). The morning sessions was commenting af the competition classes (GP, GPS, GPF CDI5, Nürberger Burg Pokal and Luisdor Preis Finals). All participants had headsets and the Cource Directors with help from other 5* judges gave comments and explained judging/marks and remarks. It was interesting to see the high quality of horses and the variety and number of competitors. The theory session was Saturday afternoon. The new Code of Points systems was explained by Hans Christian Matthiesen, including the background and definition of Focus points, Firewalls and Deductions for all movements on small tour level. Everything was explained from video examples, going from low marks (0-1) to the highest marks (9-10). Important and very interesting discussions with high participation from the seminar attendants. The last part of the Theory session included an overview introduction to the Children level (CDI Ch) by Katrina Wüst with explanation of the new judging system and a clear and logical definition of the “quality” part including the seat, effectiveness of the aids, position all supported by very educational video examples.
It is the vision of IDOC to continue this format with the annual meeting and include refresher seminars for judges and stewards. The seminars should always be of highest quality and interest for all members. The opportunities in Frankfurt and the amazing support of the Linsenhoff/Rath family made the long journey and valuable time right up to Christmas all worth it.
Photo credit: Terri Miller-Steiner