Today’s winner Frederic Wanders with Duke of Britain with 73.848%
Best ever test from Diederik van Silfhout with Expression N.O.P. today (video of test below)
The improvement of the general activity from the hindlegs was just so obvious since last time we saw them at the three earlier competitions this year.
All the way with the ears pricked and looking ambitious and powerful - just a lovely test to follow without any weak points, and 100% hat off for the improvement and strength in quite a short time, and the way Diederik is able to improve the quality and activity in the final piaffe just makes this combination together with the super balance all the way today’s clear winner combination by H2R.
H2R comments during the tests: (there are more tests with comment at H2R Facebook page.
1) Duke of Britain GER - good halt, nice diagonal, good half passes, nice halt with rein back, nice diagonal, good flow for 1st passage/piaffe/passage tour, super relaxation for extended walk with good over track, good collected walk, nice 2nd piaffe with good transitions, nice 2 times with good expression, good zig-zag, error final of 1 times, good pirouettes 2nd becomes big, late transition to trot, good diagonal, passage lack bit activity, lack more flow into piaffe, good piaffe, nice halt.
2) Well Done de la Roche SWE - good halt, bit hectic diagonal lack more let go, nice half passes with good crossing nice uphill frame, good halt bit tense rein back, bit tense extended trot, super into passage, good transitions, bit few piaffe steps, bit on the toes for the extended walk tour, good collected walk, few piaffe steps but with nice quality, good transitions, nice 2 times bit early finish, good extended canter, well balanced zig-zag, nice 1 times, good control for pirouettes, bit hectic diagonal, super nice passage, but unfortunately few piaffe steps today.
3) Expression N.O.P. NED - open halt, super power for diagonal, nice balance and crossing for half passes, bit tense rein back, power diagonal, nice transition to passage, super nice side picture for piaffe easy transition out, lot of EXPRESSION, good walk tour, super nice 2nd passage/piaffe/passage, nice 2 times, nice zig-zag, nice 1 times, nice active pirouettes, 2nd bit big, good transition at M, super power diagonal, very nice final and manage to put in more activity hind for the piaffe, nice halt. BEST ever test from H2R point of view - very nice with the grey tailcoat.
See the results with detailed marking for the entire class here.
Enjoy the winner from H2R point of view today:
Danish Anders Dahl and his Olympic partner Selten HW was the only Danish combination, unfortunately Selten did not show much cooperation for today’s piaffe tours.
Selten HW DEN - Good halt, nice power for diagonal, good balance for half passes nice swing, good halt with rein back, good transition to passage, lack bit more clear activity for 1st piaffe and travelling forward, good extended walk, some tensions final of collected walk, lack activity and some resistance for 2nd piaffe, nice 2 times, good extended canter, nice zig-zag, good 1 times, very centred need more activity in the canter for the pirouettes, good diagonal, nice passage, bit tense final piaffe, bit open halt.