Atterupgaards Cassidy and Cathrine Dufour
Sharp Cassidy and Dufour even with a few minor issues today. The overall picture was sharp, with power, and even more espression for passage and piaffe. For the piaffe itself it looked with more sit and more lift in the forehand.
Nanna Merrald with Sådan Que showed also a very strong test. Easy effortless all the way, just the swinging one times makes the picture a bit unclear.
Helene Melsen show her stallion Aston Martin more motivated as we’ve seen him lately. Less switching tail and not crop high for the series.
Betina Jæger with a “new” Grand Prix partner Heartbreaker. A lot to like, with very good basic qualities and of course some minor communication issues.
Trine Mittag Jensen with Gammelenggårds Easy showed her best performance ever. Much better overall picture with the not high hindlegs all the time, good sit in the piaffe tours. Looks like less is more for her.
Signe Kirk Kristiansen and Her Highness O gives a nice and effortless impression. Not over ridden, but for the piaffe tours it just look like that Her Highness needed a bit more help from the rider today.
H2R comments during the test:
Atterupgaards Cassidy DEN - super halt, super balance for extension, super side picture, nice half passes, nice halt with rein back, super transition to passage, power passage, nice sit for active piaffe small canter steps out of piaffe, superb walk tour, superb 2nd piaffe, nice transition to canter, super 2 times, super extended canter, super zigzag, huge 1 times (with an error?!), WAUW 1st pirouette, super 2nd pirouette huge sit and control, nice diagonal, nice final tiny tension for final piaffe.
Sådan Que DEN - nice halt, good balance for extension, smooth half passes nice supple in the body, good halt with rein back, good extension nice transition to passage, nice regular passage, good transition in and out from a nice piaffe with good sit and balance, good walk tour, good transition to passage, smooth 2nd piaffe super rhythm, good 2 times bit swing, more like medium canter at diagonal, nice zigzag, swinging 1 times, good balanced pirouettes with nice sit, good transition to trot, nice diagonal, super nice final centerline.
Aston Martin DEN - good halt, nice diagonal, nice side picture short side, good balance for half passes, best carriage for right, good halt with rein back, nice diagonal, good transition to passage, good transitions, piaffe lack bit more energy, good passage, nice extended walk, good collected walk, good into passage, becomes a bit hind the aides for 2nd piaffe, good 2 times, good extension nice collection and change, good zigzag, nice 1 times, lost control a bit out 1st pirouette, 2nd well managed, lack more flow for transition to trot, good diagonal, good centerline.
Heartbreaker DEN - good halt, nice extension, nice crossing uphill half passes, super halt bit dragging rein back, expressive diagonal, nice into passage, good passage, lack bit more flow into piaffe, good piaffe, good walk tour, nice into passage, good 2nd piaffe bit forward and lack bit more smooth into passage again, good transition to canter, error 2 times, good extension bit tense change, nice control zigzag, good 1 times, lost balance 1st pirouette, lack bit more clear canter into 2nd pirouette, good diagonal, good final centerline.
Gammelenggaards Easy DEN - steady halt, good half passes bit unbalanced, good halt with rein back, bit running diagonal, nice passage, good piaffe, much better hind without coming to high, good walk tour, nice transition to passage, good 2nd piaffe with nice sit, small error 2 times, bit running extended canter, bit unbalanced zigzag, good 1 times, 1st pirouette becomes bit volte like, 2nd better, good diagonal, lack bit more energy for final piaffe.
Her Highness O DEN - good trot tour, but lacking bit more balance for half passes, good piaffe and passage tours could show more energy and forward search, error canter transition, good 2 times, good zigzag, error 1 times, nice 1 pirouette, 2nd becomes a bit big, good transition to trot, good diagonal, good centerline.