DSP Quantaz (2010) by Quaterback / Hohenstein, owner Victoria Max-Theurer
Werth won with Don Johnson today, and came also 2nd with a new international young horse
Today’s CDI4 Grand Prix at Mannheim started at 8:00 with first combination Isabell Werth with DSP Quantaz, a brand new combination for the international scene. Back at the beginning of the year they made their national Grand Prix debut at Ankum with 74%. DSP Quantaz is owned by Victoria Max-Theurer who is now trained by Werth. (VIDEO below)
Very exciting new international partnership
DSP Quantaz / Werth GER - good halt, nice diagonal with good balance and expression, well balanced half passes, nice halt with good rein back, nice diagonal with good transition to passage, smooth transitions and very nice easy piaffe off the ground in a nice bouncy rhythm, extended walk lack bit more let go over the back, bit tense collected walk, nice transition to passage, easy 2nd piaffe with super timing into and smooth out, good transition to canter, big 2 times bit tense, good extended canter, good zigzag, bit tense 1 times but good quality and clear pat on the neck from Werth, good canter for both pirouettes, could be a bit more centered, small issues end of extended trot, superb final - 9 YEAR OLD super horse.
May-Day Graftebjerg and Carina Cassøe Krüth
Danish Carina Cassøe Krüth and Danish Warmblood mare May-Day Graftebjerg with their best ever test (from H2R point of view), with just a small issues going into the 2nd piaffe. They are ready for tomorrow´s Grand Prix Special.
🇩🇰 May-Day Graftebjerg - super halt, super expressive extended trot with lovely balance, active half passes with nice bend, lack bit more clear halt for halt rein back, super extended trot, good transition to passage, bit tense hind, super easy piaffe with nice sit and good transitions, good walk tour, good transition to passage, small stop into 2nd piaffe but finds the rhythm and show good piaffe, tense hind for passage, nice 2 times, good extended canter, good zigzag small final change, good 1 times bit tension, nice balance and control 1st pirouette, ditto 2nd, good transition to trot, nice diagonal, nice final centerline.
See the full results here. (more comments during the tests at H2R Facebook)