Portrait of a breeding legend - Quaterback


893 offsprings registered with a total of 31 competed at Grand Prix level

Most famous offsprings are Quater Back Junior with Luxembourg rider Nicolas Wagner, DSP Quantaz with Isabell Werth and Pathetic with Dorothee Schneider.

Registrated Danish Warmblood Grand Prix offsprings by Quaterback:


  • Tørveslettens Quattro bred by Stutteri Tørvesletten - rider Anna Blomgren Rogers (SWE)

  • Quater Figlio bred by Helle and Michael Bjerre Drost - rider Mona Mangseth (NOR)


  • Gørklintgårds Quantico bred by Stutteri Gørklintgård - rider Nanna Merrald (DEN)

  • Gørklintgårds Quater Boy bred by Stutteri Gørklintgård - rider Nanna Merrald (DEN)

To watch the breeding portrait (20 minutes) click at the photo here below.
