Isabell Werth and Weihegold OLD - photo credit: / Petra Kerschbaum
No rusty moments in today’s World Cup Grand Prix from Salzburg
Today’s starter field were all showing motivated, fresh and well prepared horses.
Weihegold / Isabell Werth - Not really steady halt, medium trot at diagonal, good flow half passes, good halt with rein back, limited diagonal, super into passage, fire on the ground passage, super into piaffe, active with smooth transitions, good extended walk, good collected walk, good into passage, need bit more sit for piaffe, good transition to canter, nice 2 times, good extended canter, good zigzag, nice 1 times, super sit and control for pirouettes tiny with top class, good into trot, conservative diagonal, super power final centerline, open halt.
“Light rising trot extension”
+80% again for Werth and Weihegold, but this time with kind of new Grand Prix exercise. “Light rising trot extension”, as seen from the first diagonal with 6-7 times light rising trot from Werth, like the diagonal after rein back with 10 light rising trot steps. From the detailed score board non of the judges seems to consider any deduction for this “exercise”.
Dalera BB / Jessica von Bredow-Werndl - Good halt, expressive balanced diagonal, nice crossing uphill half passes, super halt with rein back, power diagonal, smooth into active from hind passage, lovely picture in piaffe easy in and out, relaxed forward flow extended walk tour, good collected walk, nice into passage, super piaffe tiny unbalance out, nice transition to canter, good 2 times, power extended canter and with change at diagonal, bit unbalanced zigzag, trot into diagonal for 1 times, tense 1 times, well balanced pirouettes, good into trot, power diagonal with expression, small tension hind piaffe, super passage and transitions, good halt.
Delaunay / Patrik Kittel - Bit open halt, good diagonal, lack bit carriage for half pass right, better left, bit early halt for rein back, good diagonal, nice into passage, active piaffe, good passage, bit short extended walk active, good collected walk, nice into passage, good piaffe, nice out into passage, good transition to canter, nice 2 times lack bit uphill final half, nice extended, good zigzag, nice 1 times need bit more uphill, nice control and quality for both pirouettes, good into trot, good diagonal, active final centerline, super halt.
Chasing important World Cup point
For every combination this year is a pure run for enough points to qualify for the finals, and as the current schedule tells there will only be one more qualifier before the planned finals in Gothenburg in April.
One of the combinations aiming for the final is Danish Carina Cassøe Krüth with her 10 year old Fürstenball daughter Heiline´s Danciera, and at the same time collecting valuable international experience as they are one of the Danish long list combinations for the Olympics in Tokyo.
“Danciera was very impressed by the arena today, and it obviously gave us some challenges as she was not fully focused on me all the way. Missing the clear transition for our first passage, 2 x error for our 2 times and a small error by the zigzag. Actually the final piaffe tour today was our best where she really gave a great feeling. We just have to step up for tomorrow´s freestyle hopefully with full focus on each other. I really look forward performing our freestyle,” tells Carina after today’s World Cup Grand Prix.
🇩🇰Heiline´s Danciera / Carina Cassøe Krüth - Good halt, direct into trot, power expressive diagonal, super side picture, supple half passes uphill, bit open halt bit unbalanced rein back, super diagonal, lost transition to passage, nice passage, bit forward piaffe active nice out into passage again, super extended walk with relaxation, active collected walk, nice into passage, good 2nd piaffe bit forward, nice transitions, nice into canter, error 2 times x 2 with extra 1 times, good extended canter, small tension hind zigzag, nice 1 times, lovely sit with quality canter for both pirouettes, nice into trot, power balanced diagonal, power supple final centerline, nice halt. Placed 7 with 72,804%
Here you find the entire results from the Grand Prix.