Nanna and Farrell wins again in Hagen - today Intermediaire I with 74,824%

Blue Hors Farrell and Nanna Merrald winner of Intermediaire I - photo credit: EQWO / Petra Kerschbaum

Blue Hors Farrell and Nanna Merrald winner of Intermediaire I - photo credit: EQWO / Petra Kerschbaum

More focus in the arena today from Blue Hors Farrell together with Danish Nanna Merrald where they took their 2nd well deserved victory in small tour in Hagen.

Good halt, well balanced diagonal, nice shoulder in, super volte, supple half pass, bit open halt with tiny tense rein back, good half pass, volte with nice swing, good shoulder in, top expressive diagonal, super into walk, good collected walk, need bit more let go for extended walk tiny on the toes, good transition to canter, nice balanced half passes, super nice extended canter, nice forward 3 times, tiny 1st pirouette good quality canter, bit bigger 2nd pirouette, nice 2 times, bit stocked into trot at C, super extension at diagona, super halt.

Together with Atterupgaards Orthilia Nanna secured her final qualification for the Olympics. Unfortunately they finished as no 16 today, just outside the 15 for tomorrows Grand Prix Special.
