Charlotte Dujardin and MSJ Freestyle - photo credit: Petra Kerschbaum /
Grand Prix Special
Pure good classic riding - steady contact, good balance, nice frame and suppleness, and not least very fine aides
Gio/ Charlotte Dujardin - super halt, power diagonal, WOW half pass left, super into passage, not a single step without fully balance, super half pass right, power in and out of top passage, good extended walk not the biggest over track, bit early start piaffe, bit tense, tiny tensions 2nd piaffe good transitions, bit big into canter, good half passes, nice 2 times full diagonal, good 1 times, power diagonal, good control pirouettes and good 1 times, power long side, super final centerline, super halt. 81,426%
Sintano Van Hof Olympia / Gareth Hughes - tense halt, super supple trot tour, lots of power, nice balance and off the ground regular passage, good walk, active piaffe tours, error free canter tour with highlights for the pirouettes. 75,298%
Dono DiMaggio / Emile Faurie - good halt, expressive diagonal, supple half pass left, super into passage, power extended trot super transition back, supple half pass uphill right, lovely passage, power extended trot, relaxed extended walk, super angle piaffe bit forward, 2nd better and smooth transitions, good into canter, good canter half passes, good 2 times full diagonal, nice 1 times, good extended canter, pirouette lack bit control, good 1 times, better 2nd pirouette, super long side, smooth final centerline. 75,192%
En Vogue/Carl Hester - super halt, lost balance canter diagonal, smooth half pass left, good into passage, very expressive passage, supple balanced half pass right, super side picture for passage, extended walk lack more over the back, bit early start piaffe, turns spooky 2nd piaffe, good into canter, good half passes bit small change, good 2 times, good 1 times, good extended canter, super sit for pirouettes bit big, nice 1 times, good into trot, power long side, super piaffe small tensions out, good halt. 73,596%
Grand Prix Freestyle
Dujardin and MSJ Freestyle without real competition for today Grand Prix freestyle. Winner with 11% says it all.
Charlotte Dujardin / MSJ Freestyle - super strong performance, unfortunately a small canter for the first extended trot at the diagonal, but from there a smooth power test, very nice choreography showing piaffe fan, half passes in passage and double pirouettes, 1 & 2 times on slight curved track, joker line with one times at the centerline. From H2R point of view the music could be a bit more personal and powerful. 88,345%
Charlotte and Carl with same issues yesterday and today
Yesterday both MSJ Freestyle and En Vogue became spooky and was spinning at the 2nd piaffe tour in the Grand Prix, and today both lost the balance and jumped into canter for the first extension, En Vogue in Grand Prix Special and MSJ Freestyle in the Grand Prix freestyle - very weird coincidences.