TSF Dalera BB and Jessica von Bredow-Werndl - photo credit: Lily Forado
No fully polished tests for today’s CDI4 Grand Prix in Munich
Great to have top combination Showtime and Schneider back and they were shining with some minor issues today. It is a pleasure to watch the light and steady contact, like also Dalera and Jessica where Werth and Quantas is more like grinding edges during their test.
TSF Dalera BB - Unbalanced halt, power diagonal, good half passes could show bit more power, good halt with rein back, good diagonal, super into passage, dancing piaffe, smooth out, relaxed super extended walk, bit unbalanced collected walk, super direct into passage, easy beautiful 2nd piaffe, easy transitions, good into canter, tense end of 2 times but well managed, good extended canter, super zigzag, good 1 times, tense taking the reins a bit 1st pirouette, good 2nd pirouette, good into trot, power diagonal, dancing final centerline of the ground, super halt.
Showtime FRH -Super halt, WOW balanced extended trot, nice balance half passes, superb halt with rein back, super diagonal, smooth into passage, lack bit energy piaffe nice sit, super transitions, super extended walk, nice collected walk, super into passage, bouncy passage, nice piaffe lack bit energy out of piaffe, super into canter, good 2 times, good extended canter, error change, super zigzag, error mid 1 times, super sit balance 1st pirouette, same 2nd, smooth into trot, power diagonal, THIS IS PASSAGE, super piaffe, power transitions, SUPER halt. Comeback - not showed since Europeans 2019!
DSP Quantas - Bit tense halt, nice diagonal could be a bit more uphill, lovely crossing tiny unbalance right, super left, bit tense halt with rein back, good diagonal, good passage, active piaffe at the spot, short unbalanced extended walk (still 6,3), bit tense collected walk, small tensions 2nd piaffe, super passage, bit tense into canter, good 2 times, nice extended canter, not much bend for zigzag, error 1 times, good quality 1st pirouette, tense change at X, super 2nd pirouette, good into trot, smooth diagonal, super final bit tense in the contact, super halt.
Danish Daniel Bachmann Andersen and Carso´ni were placed 8th today and got their final Olympic qualifier. Still some minor issues during their test and they still need some time to get more experience in the arena together.
Carso´ni - Good halt, good diagonal, good half pass right, left bit against the hand, good halt bit tense rein back, good diagonal, nice into passage, nice active at the spot piaffe, good transitions, good walk tour, nice into good passage, good 2nd piaffe some adjustments in the hand, bit tense into canter, unbalanced out of corner before 2 times, ok 2 times, good extended canter, unbalanced zigzag some tensions in the contact, good 1 times, need bit more forward search for 1st pirouette, 2nd better, ok diagonal, bit unbalanced final piaffe, nice halt.
Placed combinations: