Heiline´s Danciera and Carina Cassøe Krüth captures the CDIO5 Grand Prix Special - private photo
Starting the day with team competition Grand Prix Special part
Among the final five starters were the two Danish combinations Cathrine Dufour with 11 year old Bohemian by Bordeaux / Samarant and Carina Cassøe Krüth with 10 year old Heiline´s Danciera by Fürsteball / De Niro.
The expectations were high and with leader position in the team competition it was the ideal final preparation towards Olympic selection for the Danish team.
Cathrine and Bohemian entered the arena, and when they passed the short side away from the entrance Bohemian just refused to continue. He was clearly very tense and Cathrine tried in every possible way to convince him to follow her, but without luck. Judge at C rang the bell and they were eliminated. What a gasp for Cathrine and her team, as in less than 2 minutes the entire picture went from crystal clear to “what’s happening?”. It was like someone pulled the plug out of the tub.
Next to go was Danciera and Carina
“Danse” and Carina just did their thing with top qualities, super overview, beautiful frame, steady contact, power and suppleness. They just convinced the entire dressage world with today’s victory that they are definitely on their way to Tokyo. 77,872%
Heiline´s Danciera / Carina Cassøe Krüth - Bit open halt, small unbalanced at diagonal but expressive, nice balance crossing uphill half pass left, nice into passage, good extension, super back into passage, regular with good quality, super half pass right supple nice bending, sharp into passage, super passage, power balanced extensions, super passage, nice into walk, 77% trend, super extended walk, super collected walk, nice 1st piaffe, good transitions, nice 2nd tiny trend forward piaffe, super smooth transitions, super into canter, well balanced half passes, nice 2 times, nice 1 times, power extended canter nice transition before change, super control 1st pirouette, super 1 times, bit big 2nd pirouette, nice into trot, power balanced long side, super super final centerline, tiny lost of impuls a few meter before halt. OUTSTANDING!!!
As a Dane you were now again with your hands over the head 🙌🙋♀️
Bufranco and Charlotte Heering - photo credit: Gomes Media
Grand Prix freestyle nightmare when music stops
Only Danish combination for today’s CDIO Grand Prix freestyle was Charlotte Heering with 15 year old Bufranco by Negro / Zevenster. As they have started their test and done the first 5-6 exercises the music stops. After some confusion Charlotte contines towards judge at C, German Katrina Wüst, and into the arena a guy look like a technician also appeared. After some minutes where Charlotte is walking Bufranco in the arena she get the sign to go outside the arena to restart her test.
What a challenge and really cool managed from Heering even though she naturally lost the concentration, and as Charlotte subsequently describe the situation “I kind of lost the flow”.
But when the music starts Charlotte just starts her test again and perform at strong test scoring 76,110% less than 1,5% from the 2nd place today.
What’s next for the Danish team trainer?
From being quite comfortable after the Grand Prix starting to dream very big for the Olympics with such strong combinations, till this afternoon where the picture not turned upside down, but became a pure roller coaster.
What’s next is only in the hands of Denmarks national team coach Nathalie zu Sayn-Wittgenstein and her chef d´equipe Anne-Mette Binder.