Tophøjs Diadora by Hesselhøj Donkey Boy / Blue Hors Don Romantic and Eric Guardia Martinez
With this years COVID-19 challenges the Danish selection commission has made an extra observation event arranged during Blue Hors Summer Festival especially for the combinations going to Falsterbo Horse Show.
From watching the performances at Blue Hors and lately at Falsterbo Horse Show together with today’s selection event H2R will dare to appoint our favorites for WCYH in Verden representing Denmark.
The selectors will tomorrow announce 4 combinations + 2 reserve for 5 year old, 6 year old and 7 year old horses.
5 year old (H2R choice)
Hesselhøj Down Town by Hesselhøj Donkey Boy / Blue Hors Zack, bred by Stutteri Hesselhøj - rider Jeanna Högberg
Superb presentations both yesterday (seperat video below) and today. They definitely look like a possible medalist.
Tophøjs Diadora by Hesselhøj Donkey Boy / Blue Hors Don Romantic, bred by Anette Nilausen and Niels Jørgen Johansen - rider Eric Guardia Martinez
Impressive mare with super presentation, lovely supple quality gaits, becomes a bit tense for today’s counter canter. Look like a clear combination for the finals.
Polka Fascination M by Fürstenball / Sandro Hit bred by Sanne Matthiesen - rider Dennis Kjær
Well balanced in all 3 gaits with very nice expression.
Castro Sem by Cantolar / Louvre S, bred by Esben Pedersen - rider Jan Møller Christensen
Showed a super performance the first day at Falsterbo Horse Show in a supple relaxed frame. Highlights for the canter and trot tour and a clear regular walk.
Reserve combinations:
Emma Ahlberg with Ambjergs Delgadino and Jan Møller Christensen with Hesselhøj Dream
6 year old (H2R choice)
Sweetnes by Blue Hors St. Schufro / Tailormade Lancelot, bred by Lisbeth B. Andersen - rider Silje Bakken
Super well balanced expressive presentation at Blue Hors with lots of highlights. Look like a clear combination for the finals.
Nobelle by Negro / Blue Hors Future Cup bred by H.R.H. Princess Benedikte - rider Mette Sejbjerg
Well balanced and correct presentation with 3 clear gaits and good qualities for the flying changes.
Logo´s Gaya by Grand Galaxy Win / Blue Hors Don Romantic, bred by Jette Friis - rider Emma Ahlberg
Both at Blue Hors and again at Falsterbo Horse Show with nice performances and without any technical issues.
Kamar´s Espress Noir Hit by Escolar / De Noir bred by Stald Kamar v/Morten Kappel - also the rider.
Well moving in all 3 gait with expression and suppleness, today with some tensions for the flying changes.
Reserve combinations:
Maria Anita Andersen with Atterupgaards Spiderman and Karoline Rohmann with Nice Melody
7 year old (H2R choice)
Queenparks Wendy by Sezuan / Blue Hors Soprano bred by Kurt Gosmer - rider Andreas Helgstrand
Expressive well moving with power, 3 super gaits only thing today a bit hectic trot extensions. Look like a combination for the medals.
Elverhøjs Raccolto by Sezuan / Sandro Hit bred by Berith Nielsen - rider Marianne Helgstrand
Super supple natural forward going, lovely balance and rhythm all the way for trot and canter, super trot extensions, best flying changes of the day, the walk is clear but could show a bit more through the body. Look like a combination for the finals.
Dortheasmindes Rocky by Blue Hors Rockefeller / Sam-Sam bred by Vera and Bent Holm - rider Jacob Nørby Sørensen
Well balanced in all 3 gaits with good expression, no technical issues, good overall qualities.
Atterupgaards Cooper by Charmeur / Gribaldi bred by Stutteri Atterupgaard - rider Sara Hyrm
Presented at Blue Hors with a very nice test without any technical issues, expressive and well moving in all 3 gaits.
Reserve combinations:
UNO Sunshine Reggae with Anne-Marie Hosbond and Elliott Julianelyst with Tania Joensen.