Record-breaking DWB Elite Foal Auction

Saturday night at Vilhelmsborg, Aarhus in Denmark, bidders in the arena as well as online bidders were attracted by the high quality of the foal collection. 43 dressage and jumping foals were sold for an average price of 18,674 EUR which is the current record at Danish Warmblood’s foal auctions.

Alex Buchardt is the breeder of the auction highlight Slangerupgaards Josefine which was purchased by Helgstrand Dressage represented by Thomas Sigtenbjerggaard. Photo:

Alex Buchardt is the breeder of the auction highlight Slangerupgaards Josefine which was purchased by Helgstrand Dressage represented by Thomas Sigtenbjerggaard. Photo:

Head of the DWB auction committee Ulrik Kristensen is thrilled with the outcome of the Elite Foal Auction: – Danish sport horses have achieved great popularity abroad which is the reason for the massive international attention the auction foals have received. We have had online bidders from many countries, and 21% of the sold foals were purchased by internet buyers. We experienced a great flow between the arena and the internet, and the concept of hybrid auctions is an indisputable success.

The Blue Hors Zack daughter, Zallopia out of Blue Hors Don Schufro's dam line, was sold to the owner of the Olympic DWB mare Heiline's Danciera. Photo:

The Blue Hors Zack daughter, Zallopia out of Blue Hors Don Schufro's dam line, was sold to the owner of the Olympic DWB mare Heiline's Danciera. Photo:

The three most sought-after auction foals were dressage fillies. Helgstrand Dressage placed the finale bid of 72,000 EUR on Slangerups Josefine by Jovian/Scolari whose dam is also the dam of the licensed stallion Flottenheimer.

The filly Fallopia by Blue Hors Zack/Bretton Woods carries Olympic bloodlines not only through her sire but also through her dam line which she shares with Don Schufro. This filly, bred by Blue Hors, was purchases for 64,000 EUR by the owners of the mare Heiline’s Danciera who placed 7th in the Olympic Freestyle.

Midnights Florentina by Knock-Out/Fürstenball is a filly that exudes Grand Prix quality, and she received many bids from abroad and was eventually purchases for a knock-down price of 47,000 EUR going to an internet bidder.

Dressage foals by Blue Hors Monte Carlo TC, Secret, Vitalis and Jameson all sold for over 30,000 EUR to buyers in Denmark as well as abroad.

View the entire collection knock down prices.
