Nalegro presented by Van Olst Horses was placed 2nd for the stallion performance test
Final stallion performance test day
Originally 14 stallions were listed for the performance test but only 9 stallions finished the testing, and one stallion (Network by Just Wimphof-Negro) did not show at the final day due to fever, but still approved as the judges of course had seen the stallion during the entire testing period.
Out of the 9 new approved stallions one of the stallions were particularly interestering Nalegro the Valegro nephew by Painted Black out of a full sister of Valegro. The total score for Nalegro was 85 points - walk 8,5 - trot 8,5 - canter 9 - suppleness 8 - self carriage and balance 8 - ride ability and attitude 8,5 - potential as dressage horse 8,5. Some of the comments from Bert Rutten about Nalegro: “A strong stallion, strongly build, lots of eager to work with a lot of go and with very strong hind legs.”
From H2R point of view walk, canter and potential as dressage were more like a clear 9,5 for Nalegro. The walk is big, well balanced, supple and with huge over track. The canter is super balanced, lots of jump of the ground with push from behind and not least the overall power makes the perfect picture as a potential future dressage horse.
Winner with 87,5 points Nashville Star by Desperados / Westpoint. A modern well moving stallion with a superb walk.
Danish stud Blue Hors & Van Uytert stallion Nordic Blue Hors by Totilas / Jazz finished the testing with a total score of 82 points.
Here you find the entire scoring from the performance test.