KWPN Stallion Show with live commentary in English, German and Danish

Getting ready for KWPN Stallion Show

When the KWPN stallion show comes up Friday 4th and Saturday 5th February with licensing of the dressage stallions it will be possible to follow via live stream at Clipmyhorse or with live commentary in English, German and Danish.

For the KWPN stallion licensing the dam line plays a very important role as the grading and sport is of highest priority when selecting the best stallions for the future breeding.

If your not familiar with the KWPN mare approval system you can with advantage get more informations at the KWPN website.

What is Ster, Keur, PROK, EPTM, IBOP, Elite, Sport, Preferent, Prestatie?

Have you heard all the different predicates for mares but not really knows what it takes to have a ex Preferent mare.

You can find all informations about the predicates for KWPN mares here.

IBOP for Dressage Horses
Dressage horses participating in the IBOP are required to perform an individual dressage test, followed by an under-saddle performance in a group of two to four combinations. In the group test, horses must demonstrate their basic gaits and several tempo changes, upon request of the jury. Four-year-old horses are also required to show a leg-yield, and horses five years old and up must perform a shoulder-in.

The predicate system of the KWPN is unique in the world: there is no studbook that distinguishes between the qualities of her mares in this way. Each predicate has a different meaning and has different requirements to actually get the predicate. This gives a lot of information to breeders and owners.

Source KWPN