Nanna Skodborg Merrald - photo credit: H2R
Five starts five victories
Le Mans was again this year a huge success for Danish Nanna Merrald and her team.
Five starts and five victories for Danish Olympic rider Nanna Skodborg Merrald this weekend at Le Mans. Nanna was as always supported by her long time trainer Michael Søgaard and of course also with groom Ellen Glinvad Nielsen by her side. Sunday with two impressive victories where Nanna first with her small tour horse Blue Hors Znickers took the victory in CDI2 Intermediaire I freestyle with 78,365%. (video of the full test below) and later Nanna repeated her strength also winning her Grand Prix Special debut together with Blue Hors Zatchmo with 75,391% (with judge at B with the more correct level at 77%). They showed an effortless easy going test with super nice transitions in and out of passage, nice piaffe tours with good flow for transition, super strong canter tour with good straight series and super balanced pirouettes.
Nanna is now able to make her own “team” with currently 4 international top Grand Prix horses, Zack, Orthilia, Olymbrio and now Zatchmo.
Next weekend Nanna will bring Blue Hors Zack for the World Cup in Neumünster.