With a starter field of 40 combinations today´s top 3 were pure Danish.
Helgstrand showed his two 8 year old horses in order to obtain their final qualification for World Championships in Herning, likewise Daniel Bachmann Andersen and 10 year old Zippo M.I. also went for their final qualification for Herning.
Daniel is of course already qualified with Marshall-Ball and will be his first choice for the Championships.
Lots of qualities for all 3 Danish combinations
For the two young ones you can of course still see that they are lacking some more strength for the demanding Grand Prix. For Wendy the passage becomes somewhat swinging, while the piaffe still need a bit more clear coordination of the beat front and hind, and her one time changes missing bit bigger jump and through from behind. For both the pirouettes and the piaffe tours Jovian drops his neck and becomes clearly behind the vertical. The picture of two super talented very young Grand Prix horses.
10 year old Zippo M.I. look bodywise just more ready for the task, and you get the feeling that Daniel is able to adjust and ask for more during their performance.
Both judge at C - Ulrike Nivelle GER and judge at M - Dr. Jean-Michel Roudier FRA saw Daniel as today´s winner.
H2R running comments during the tests:
Jovian / Andreas Helgstrand - Good halt, tense hind out into trot, power balanced diagonal, good swing and balance for half passes, good halt with rein back, power diagonal, good into passage, big passage going into small active piaffe, dropping bit hind vertical for piaffe, good transitions, good walk tour, tiny tension into passage, becomes high hind for piaffe and hind vertical, good activity, good into canter, good 2 times, power extended canter, good change, tense bit unbalanced zigzag, ok 1 times swinging, huge sit for pirouette need to be more up and open in front, power diagonal, good passage, good activity piaffe but hind vertical, good transitions.
Queenparks Wendy / Andreas Helgstrand - Open halt hind, power diagonal, good crossing half passes, good halt tense rein back, power diagonal, could be a be sharper into passage, good passage, nice piaffe with good transitions, super extended walk with good relaxation, good collected walk, nice into passage, few piaffe steps forward trending, good flow, good into canter, good 2 times, power risk extended canter, small flying change, good zigzag, small hind 1 times, big 1st pirouette, 2nd need more clear sit, good into trot, good diagonal, good final centerline, bit swing front legs for passage, open halt.
Zippo M.I. / Daniel Bachmann Andersen - Good halt, well balanced diagonal with good power, nice side picture, supple half passes uphill with good crossing, good halt bit tense rein back, nice diagonal, supple into passage, good piaffe could be a bit quicker of the ground, smooth transitions, good relaxation for extended walk, good collected walk nice active, good into passage, nice balance for 2nd piaffe, good transitions, bit tense into canter, good 2 times over full diagonal, power extended canter, super change, super zigzag, good 1 times, very nice sit and balance for 1st pirouette, 2nd bit bigger, good into trot, nice diagonal, good passage, easy into piaffe, good piaffe at the spot and good transition out.
Top 3
Here you find the entire results and detailed scoring.