Vamos Amigos & Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour - photo: (from the World Cup finals 2022)
Danish Cathrine makes history taking the individual victory in CDIO5 Grand Prix Aachen today
What a day, 35 combinations and at the end of the day with the Danish national anthem, and ones again Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour showed why she is Denmarks Queen of dressage.
Today was actually just the 4th international Grand Prix for Vamos Amigos, as he recently has been doing the Short Grand Prix test for the World Cup series, but today he just entered the very special +80% Grand Prix league with Cathrine.
“It was just the most incredible feeling. Absolutely outstanding - he is definitely a super star. I´m mega proud ❤️ Nathalie, Kyra and I are just something very special together”
Vamos Amigos / Cathrine Dufour - Straight into superb halt, direct into trot, power expression for diagonal, crossing uphill well balanced half passes, top halt with rein back, power diagonal super back into top passage, wow transitions, WOW zack zack zack piaffe steps, relaxed superb extended walk, good collected walk, direct to passage at M, clear passage, WOW easy light effortless piaffe and transitions, transition to canter super, good 2 times, good extended canter not last risk, good change, active zigzag, good 1 times bit tense bodywise, tiny super pirouette, ditto 2nd, bit in the hand for transition to trot, power diagonal, WOW final centerline, superb halt.
The audience also LOVES Cathrine and Vamos!!!
First hand comments from trainer Nathalie zu Sayn-Wittgenstein: “I´m super super happy and very proud - Cathrine really deserves it.”
Cathrine at the subsequent press conference today
Both young men placed at the podium were very humble and happy about their performances today
Placed as no 2 Germany´s Frederic Wandres with Duke of Britain
Duke of Britain / Frederic Wandres - Super halt, good diagonal, lacking bit more carriage and suppleness for half passes, good halt with rein back, good diagonal, could be sharper back into passage, lacking bit more activity for piaffe tiny forward trend, good transitions, nice relaxed quality walk tour, good into passage, better 2nd piaffe, nice transitions, passage could be more quick of the ground, good into canter, mid of 2 times bit small hind, good extended canter, nice change, ok zigzag lack more power, ok 1 times look bit slow, big pirouettes lack some energy, nice into trot, nice diagonal, good final centerline. 77,217%
Placed as no 3 Finland´s Henri Ruoste with Kontestro DB
Kontestro DB / Henri Ruoste - Good halt, power balanced diagonal, lots of crossing but lacking balance, better left, super halt good rein back, power diagonal, direct into passage, super piaffe, good transitions, lack bit more suppleness for extended walk good relaxation though, tense end of collected walk, small tension hind for piaffe, good passage, good transitions, good into canter, good 2 times, conservative extended canter, good change, good zigzag, nice 1 times, super control pirouettes, 2nd top! good into trot, power diagonal, top final centerline. 76,783%
Runner up today was Lottie Fry with the lovely power boy Everdale. Today scoring 76,500%
Everdale / Charlotte Fry - Good halt, expressive diagonal well balanced, crossing uphill balanced both half passes, superb halt with rein back, expressive power for diagonal, nice into passage of the ground, active piaffe off the ground, super transitions, good relaxation for extended walk, good collected walk, nice to passage M, clear active passage, nice rhythm for piaffe, good flow transitions, good into canter, super big 2 times, power extended canter lovely back and change, best zigzag of the day!!, super 1 times full diagonal, bit 1st pirouette, missing bit canter 2nd pirouette, nice into trot, supple diagonal with huge expression, very good final centerline.
10th, 11th and 12th position 🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰
No need to make the big analyses as the three other Danish team members unfortunately did not quite live up to the expectations.
Heiline´s Danciera with a lot of quality but at the same time she looked a bit tired, while Marshall-Bell looked fresh and for some moment a bit over motivated, and Atterupgaards Orthilia showed an effortless quality test with just the break into canter for the final diagonal, but seems that the somewhat open mouth was clearly taken into consideration by today´s judging panel.
10th place 74,500% - Heiline´s Danciera / Carina Cassøe Krüth - Straight into nice halt, power diagonal expressive, lovely side picture, nice crossing right, lacking bit balance left, bit open hind halt good rein back, power diagonal, super into passage, super passage, bit unbalanced hind for active piaffe tiny trend forward, nice transitions, superb extended walk, super collected walk, nice into passage, super passage, much forward piaffe lacking more balance, missing more flow for transitions, good into canter, missing start of 2 times does not take the aides, good extended canter, good zigzag, super 1 times, good quality for both pirouettes bit big, nice into trot, power expressive diagonal, super straight passage, tiny travelling forward piaffe, super passage and halt.
11th place 73,696% - Marshall-Bell / Daniel Bachmann - Bit tense halt, well balanced diagonal, nice side picture, good balance uphill half passes, tiny resistance left, tense halt with rein back, super diagonal with power, sharp into passage, active piaffe at the spot, super transitions, good relaxation over the back for extension, good collected walk, nice into passage, active regular passage, super 2nd piaffe at the SPOT, nice transitions, good into canter, bit tense start of 2 times but well managed, power extended canter, super change, bit unbalanced zigzag, full diagonal 1 times, bit big 1st pirouette, good 2nd pirouette, nice into trot, power diagonal, super centerline, super halt.
12th place 73,348% - Atterupgaards Orthilia / Nanna Merrald Rasmussen - Good halt, good diagonal lovely uphill balanced, nice side picture, good crossing but lacking bit more bend for right, left better flow, superb halt with rein back, power diagonal lovely, super back into passage, super passage, super piaffe, clean transitions, good extended walk, super collected walk, super into passage, super closed passage, WOW piaffe and transitions, super into canter, super 2 times uphill, power extended canter, super change, nice zigzag, super 1 times, super 1st pirouette, 2nd becomes bit hind aides, canter for diagonal, super final centerline.
The Danish team takes the lead after today´s Grand Prix in front of Germany and The Netherlands.
Here you find the entire results.