German Young Horses appointed for final selection 17 August

5 year old

46 starters were reduced to a total of 16 five year old horses which were appointed for the final selection, which takes place 17 August.

At H2R top list are:

  • Chere Celine - light footed active well balanced with good natural power

  • Feine Bella - supple and well balanced

  • Fille d´or - active of the ground with good balance and power

  • In My Mind - supple natural mover in all three gaits

  • Iron - active uphill, good balance, nice contact showing good abilities

  • Va´pensiero - supple through the body, super balance, uphill, expressive (BEST OF THE DAY)

6 year old

A couple of surprisingly decision were made by the 6 year old today. No doubt Damaschino is a very nice horse, but the fact was that the flying changes were far from well settled for the 6 year old level, and at the same time is Vaderland with Dinja van Liere is clearly missing at the list, as they showed a very well balanced and impressive test, but from judges point of view not good enough to get an extra chance at the final selection. As Dr. Plewa stated they want to see more clear connection between front and hind like they want to a longer frame for the extensions.

27 combinations were at start and a total of 16 combinations are ready for the final selection.

The stallion Va Bene was also among the selected horses, but could show more closed frame in general and for most of the test the contact and mouth was not 100% steady.

For H2R top list:

Global Player - every talented young horse should be educated by Eva Möller.

7 year old

21 combinations were at start and 9 were selected for the final selection.

H2R top list:

Among the 7 year old Escamillo is again ready for the WCYH together with Manuel Dominguez - totally effortless and smooth test today.

Djembe de Hus - supple easy and effortless performance shown by Marcus Hermes.

Zac Efron MT OLD - lot of potential with super qualities under Danish Daniel Bachmann Andersen.

Scarlett O´Hara - nice powerful well balanced mover with good expression.
