Blue Hors Zack & Nanna Merrald - photo credit: Lily Forado
Amsterdam World Cup leg with another strong field
Hermés and Dinja van Liere did their stuff without any technical issues, with strong piaffe/passage tours scoring 3 x 10 from Dutch judge at E Mariette Sanders-van Gansewinkel for the first piaffe with transitions and final transitions at the centerline.
Isabell Werth is chasing her SIXTH victory in a row in Amsterdam, this time with her 17-year old Emilio showing a strong performance where she exercise by exercise just proves her excellent skills and experience all the way.
Ingrid Klimke gets all the possible credit for her ability to bring Franziskus on her side, and he is still at 15 years improving the piaffe tours. Often we´ve seen their performances with very high degree of compromise riding, but today with good flow and nicely in front of the aides all the way.
WOW from Danish Nanna again
It´s kind of pulling up another rabbit of the hat when Nanna enters the international scene. With the now 19 year old top fit and motivated KWPN stallion Blue Hors Zack, last time he was shown was at the World Championships on home soil in Herning last year in August. Only one small issue by the two times where it looked as if Zack became a bit over excited and made a few one times. Rest of the test was of very high standard and finishing as no 4 with 76,196%.
Kirsten Brouwer and Foundation with top performance
Placed 5th was Kirsten Brouwer with Foundation. Back in May 2022 they made their international debut and were showing at their first World Cup in Mechelen before New Year. Today they were ready again with a super powerful positive test with lots of qualities and super improvement of the piaffe tours, active at the spot with super nice sit and balance. Super nice series and good pirouettes. Foundation does not show any weak gaits. They well deserved improved their former best performance with 2% scoring 75,087% today. Watch out for this combination!
Zippo M.I and Daniel Bachmann Andersen placed as no
Very nice development and Daniel is able to ask and get full response from Zippo during their performance. No technical issues and well performed test in good balance all the way. The only thing is that Zippo still becomes somewhat short in the neck for more moments. Daniel was of course also very happy about his test today and is happy about Zippo´s development, and there is still many places where they can gain more experience and with possibilities to score even higher. They finish as no 7 with 74,609%.
Again Queenparks Wendy was eliminated again
After the two times judge at C rang the bell and stopped Helgstrand, unfortunately the foam was clearly pink. Helgstrand can again this time like last time in Stockholm with Queenparks Wendy return without being able to show a full test.
Here you find the entire results.