From first step to final halt
It was pure power pleasure to follow Heiline´s Danciera and Carina Carina Cassøe today live from Gothenburg. Both determined, focused and motivated when entering the centerline. It not all about accuracy, but when everything comes together the accuracy becomes the ising on the cake. Today Carina and Danse showed a very strong high quality test, nice regularity for the piaffe tours which sometimes were shown a bit unbalanced, and it looks as if the exact right tempo for the piaffe makes the balance and great side picture.
Today´s judge at M Swedish Magnus Ringmark rewarded Danse and Carina with a clear 10 for the short extended trot at the diagonal before transition to passage at V. A look bit more into the details the extended walk was only rewarded with 8.5 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 8.5 🤔.
Accuracy pure for the two halts we were able to watch at live stream became the overall picture of the performance today from Danse and Carina, and it definitely looked like a 80% test like Magnus Ringmark saw them. Final score 78,217%.
It´s all about enjoying the moment - Carina today during the national anthem - photo @Clipmyhorse
Quote from Carina earlier this week at H2R:
Enjoy every moment
“There´s always a lot of talking about when you have a top horse, you have to be careful about not bringing the horse for to many shows, but my philosophy is that it is definitely not at the events you risk your horse, it´s in your daily work, and we must remember to enjoy our top horses, because you never know when the journey ends. I really enjoy every moment and can´t wait to enter the centerline again this weekend with Danse,” says Carina.
19 year old Blue Hors Zack and Nanna again with top placement
Nanna and Zack were shining again today, at the beginning of the passage tours Zack looked a bit stallion like as he was not fully in front of Nanna´s aides, but as the they progress their test Zack clearly let Nanna guide him even though he is the Professor. Judge at H German Peter Holler was unfortunately the only one from the judging team with a well deserved 9 for last pirouette right. Final score 76,674%.
Quantaz and Werth
Placed as no 3 with 75,913%. For all the halts Quantaz were showing a bit of tensions, the extended walk tour was very weak (short and not correct clear beat) but still scoring 6.5 - 6.5 - 6.5 - 6.5 - 7 . Today with error for the one times.
Here below you can watch the entire Grand Prix test.