Diamantenglanz by Diamond First / Bon Coeur (2020)
Diamantenglanz (2019) by Diamond First / Bon Coeur was the absolute highlight of the stallion presentation which took place the 25th of March at Landgestüt Nordrhein Westfalen. Pearl black lovely supple mover in all three gaits with lots of shoulder freedom - the absolute best walk of the presentation. On and off his still seems for a few moments not to be 100% balanced as he is such an impressive mover. As the speaker told Diamantenglanz has covered around 100 mares last year i Westfalen, so it will be very interesting to follow his foals this season. From the first few seen online they definitely look very promissing.
The stallion Red Viper (2019) by Blue Hors Romanov / Sir Sinclair is an impressive well balanced liver chestnut boy with his 176 cm. Really well moving uphill and with 3 really good paces.
Vivino son Van Vermeer with St. Mouritz damsire is a beautiful black long legged young boy (2020). Super well balanced in trot with nice freedom, good canter and still missing bit more clear forward search for the walk.
Exceptional by Escamilo / Vitalis (2020) with a nice supple body with nice angle from behind, good balance and uphill for the trot, the canter still need more balance like also the walk missing more forward search.
The entire “Breeder Sunday” is available at Clipmyhorse.